


05:51 Ticket #3847 (Type casting error in _WinAPI_MultiByteToWideChar) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12588] in version:


17:42 Ticket #3846 (Undefined constants) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12587] in version:


22:01 Ticket #3847 (Type casting error in _WinAPI_MultiByteToWideChar) created by anonymous
This little example throws a fatal error. […] The …


07:28 Ticket #3846 (Undefined constants) created by anonymous
The following constants are used in the documentation …


09:02 Ticket #3839 (User data in control) closed by Jpm
Rejected: As you mention AutoIt use it to its own handling so the sharing is complicated so we will not add them Sorry but thanks for trying to improve AutoIt


11:44 Ticket #3845 (Hotkeys don't work) closed by Jos
No Bug: Please open a topic in the forum to discuss this as this is far from a complete bug-report and would need way more information to understand your issue, which is a lot easier to discuss in the forum. Jos


17:24 Ticket #3845 (Hotkeys don't work) created by anonymous
Hotkeys do not work when SciTE is launched with a non-english keyboard …
16:54 Ticket #3844 (Right bracket does not register as a hotkey) created by gemtoc
HotKeySet("{}}","CaptureKey") ; bug right brace does not register as a …
09:58 Ticket #3837 (StringFormat() number of replacements performed stored in the ...) closed by Jpm


15:08 Ticket #3843 (SciTE tool "Jump to Function Prod" unable to find function definition ...) closed by Jos
Fixed: I have made a change to AutoItGotoDefinition.lua, now available in the Beta directory, which is a little different than your proposal, but should also solve the issue. Thanks for the report. Jos


19:26 Ticket #3843 (SciTE tool "Jump to Function Prod" unable to find function definition ...) created by anonymous
In the case where local files are included with "<>", SciTE tool "Jump …
14:28 Ticket #3841 (COM Error Handling) closed by Jpm
No Bug
14:24 Ticket #3842 (_ArrayToString() documented defaults confusing and arguably wrong) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12582] in version:
11:12 Ticket #3842 (_ArrayToString() documented defaults confusing and arguably wrong) created by SteveJM
Purely in the hope of helping those who come after me: In the …
09:41 Ticket #3841 (COM Error Handling) created by kAnon
Error handler does not work with array elements. […] Console …
07:41 Ticket #3833 (_WinAPI_RegisterRawInputDevices and $iCount parameter) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12581] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.