ADO Tools

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Revision as of 07:48, 1 March 2016 by MLipok (talk | contribs) (→‎List all installed OLE DB providers: _ADO_OLEDBProvidersList fixed)
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List all installed OLE DB providers

This tool lists all available providers installed on the computer. You get the registry key, the name of the provider (as to be used in the connection string) plus a description of the provider.

Idea taken from

#include <Constants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>


Func _ADO_OLEDBProvidersList()
	Local $sKey = "HKCR\CLSID"
	Local $iIndexReg = 1, $iIndexResult = 0
	Local $iMax = 100000, $iMin = 1, $iPrevious = $iMin, $iCurrent = $iMax / 2
	Local $aResult[200][3]

	ProgressOn("OLE DB Providers", "Processing the Registry", "", Default, Default, $DLG_MOVEABLE)

	; Count the number of keys
	While 1
		RegEnumKey($sKey, $iCurrent)
		If @error = -1 Then ; Requested subkey (key instance) out of range
			$iMax = $iCurrent
			$iCurrent = Int(($iMin + $iMax) / 2)
			$iPrevious = $iMax
			If $iPrevious <= ($iCurrent + 1) And $iPrevious >= ($iCurrent - 1) Then ExitLoop
			$iMin = $iCurrent
			$iCurrent = Int(($iMin + $iMax) / 2)
			$iPrevious = $iMin

	Local $iPercent = 0
	Local $sKeyValue = ''
	; Process registry
	While 1
		If Mod($iIndexReg, 10) = 0 Then
			$iPercent = Int($iIndexReg * 100 / $iCurrent)
			ProgressSet($iPercent, $iIndexReg & " keys of " & $iCurrent & " processed (" & $iPercent & "%)")
		$sSubKey = RegEnumKey($sKey, $iIndexReg)
		If @error Then ExitLoop

		$sKeyValue = RegRead($sKey & "\" & $sSubKey, "OLEDB_SERVICES")
		If @error = 0 Then
			$aResult[$iIndexResult][0] = $sKey & "\" & $sSubKey
			$aResult[$iIndexResult][1] = RegRead($sKey & "\" & $sSubKey, "")
			$aResult[$iIndexResult][2] = RegRead($sKey & "\" & $sSubKey & "\OLE DB Provider", "")
			$iIndexResult += 1

		$iIndexReg += 1

	ReDim $aResult[$iIndexResult][3]

	_ArrayDisplay($aResult, "OLE DB Providers", "", 0, Default, "Registry key|OLE DB Provider|Description")

EndFunc    ;==>_ADO_OLEDBProvidersList


OLE DB Providers

List all properties of an open ADO connection

This tool lists all properties for an open connection.

#include <Array.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>


Func _Example_ListProperties()
	Local $oADOConnection = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") ; Create a connection object
	If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "Error " & @error & " creating the connection object!")

	; Open the connection
	Local $sADOConnectionString = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=' & @ScriptDir & ';Extended Properties="Text;HDR=NO;FMT=Delimited(,)"'
	If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_ICONERROR, "Error", "Error " & @error & " opening the connection object!")

	Local $aProperties = _ADO_Connection_PropertiesToArray($oADOConnection)

	_ArrayDisplay($aProperties, "ADO connection - List of properties", "", 0, Default, "Name|Type|Value|Attributes")
EndFunc    ;==>_Example_ListProperties

Func _ADO_Connection_PropertiesToArray(ByRef $oConnection)
	; Property Object (ADO)
	Local $oProperties_coll = $oConnection.Properties
	Local $aProperties[$oProperties_coll.count][4]
	Local $iIndex = 0

	For $oProperty_enum In $oProperties_coll
		$aProperties[$iIndex][0] = $oProperty_enum.Name
		$aProperties[$iIndex][1] = $oProperty_enum.Type
		$aProperties[$iIndex][2] = $oProperty_enum.Value
		$aProperties[$iIndex][3] = $oProperty_enum.Attributes
		$iIndex += 1

	$oProperties_coll = Null
	Return $aProperties
EndFunc    ;==>_ADO_Connection_PropertiesToArray


Connection Properties