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Sends a command to a control.


ControlCommand ( "title", "text", controlID, "command" [, "option"] )


title The title/hWnd/class of the window to access.
text The text of the window to access.
controlID The control to interact with. See <a href="../intro/controls.htm">Controls</a>.
command The command to send to the control.
option [optional] Additional parameter required by some commands.


Depends on command as table below shows. In case of an error (such as an invalid command or window/control), @error=1.

Command, Option Return Value
"IsVisible", "" Returns 1 if Control is visible, 0 otherwise
"IsEnabled", "" Returns 1 if Control is enabled, 0 otherwise
"ShowDropDown", "" Displays the ComboBox dropdown
"HideDropDown", "" Hides the ComboBox dropdown
"AddString", 'string' Adds a string to the end in a ListBox or ComboBox
"DelString", occurrence Deletes a string according to occurrence in a ListBox or ComboBox
"FindString", 'string' Returns occurrence ref of the exact string in a ListBox or ComboBox
"SetCurrentSelection", occurrence Sets selection to occurrence ref in a ListBox or ComboBox
"SelectString", 'string' Sets selection according to string in a ListBox or ComboBox
"IsChecked", "" Returns 1 if Button is checked, 0 otherwise
"Check", "" Checks radio or check Button
"UnCheck", "" Unchecks radio or check Button
"GetCurrentLine", "" Returns the line # where the caret is in an Edit
"GetCurrentCol", "" Returns the column # where the caret is in an Edit
"GetCurrentSelection", "" Returns name of the currently selected item in a ListBox or ComboBox
"GetLineCount", "" Returns # of lines in an Edit
"GetLine", line# Returns text at line # passed of an Edit
"GetSelected", "" Returns selected text of an Edit
"EditPaste", 'string' Pastes the 'string' at the Edit's caret position
"CurrentTab", "" Returns the current Tab shown of a SysTabControl32
"TabRight", "" Moves to the next tab to the right of a SysTabControl32
"TabLeft", "" Moves to the next tab to the left of a SysTabControl32
"SendCommandID", Command ID Simulates the WM_COMMAND message. Usually used for ToolbarWindow32 controls - use the ToolBar tab of Au3Info to get the Command ID.


Some controls will resist automation unless they are the active window. Use the <a href="WinActivate.htm">WinActivate()</a> function to force the control's window to the top before using <a href="ControlCommand.htm">ControlCommand()</a> on these controls.

Certain commands that work on normal Combo and ListBoxes do not work on "ComboLBox" controls.




#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>


Func Example()
	; Run Notepad

	; Wait 10 seconds for the Notepad window to appear.
	Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad]", "", 10)

	; Send a command to the edit control of Notepad to find the number of lines. The handle returned by WinWait is used for the "title" parameter of ControlCommand.
	Local $iCount = ControlCommand($hWnd, "", "Edit1", "GetLineCount", "")

	; Display the number of lines.
	MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The number of lines in Notepad are: " & $iCount)

	; Close the Notepad window using the handle returned by WinWait.
EndFunc   ;==>Example