Snippets ( Internet )

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Auto-Check For User To Update

Author: Valuater

; Auto-Check For User To Update

Global $Udif, $QT_web = ""

$Uask = MsgBox(68, "Update Notification", " Your last update was more than " & $Udif & " days ago." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Would you like to check for new updates now?")

If $Uask = 6 Then MsgBox(0, "", "Success.  The update was ran.")

Func Set_Updater()
	If Not FileExists(@SystemDir & "\UpDate.dat") Then
		FileWrite(@SystemDir & "\UpDate.dat", @YDAY)
		$Uold = FileReadLine(@SystemDir & "\UpDate.dat", 1)

		If $Uold >=320 Then
			FileDelete(@SystemDir & "\UpDate.dat")

		$Udif = @YDAY - $Uold

		If $Udif >= 45 Then
			$Uask = MsgBox(68, "UpDate Notification", " Your last UpDate was more than " & $Udif & " days ago  " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Would you like to check for new updates now?        " & @CRLF & @CRLF)

			If $Uask = 6 Then
				Run(@ProgramFilesDir & "\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe " & $QT_web)

			FileDelete(@SystemDir & "\UpDate.dat")

			FileWrite(@SystemDir & "\UpDate.dat", @YDAY)

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Author: guinness

; Check IE Version.
ConsoleWrite(_GetIEVersion() & @CRLF)

Func _GetIEVersion()
    Return StringRegExpReplace(RegRead('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\', 'Version'), '^(\d+\.\d+).*', '$1')
EndFunc   ;==>_GetIEVersion

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Author: guinness

Retrieve the current time from Ideal if your Windows clock is out of sync.

; Retrieve the current time from  Ideal if your Windows clock is out of sync.
ConsoleWrite(_GetTimeOnline(0) & @CRLF) ; TimeZone UTC.

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _GetTimeOnline
; Description ...: Retrieve the current date and time from
; Syntax ........: _GetTimeOnline($iTimeZone)
; Parameters ....: $iTimeZone           - An integer value of the timezone .
;				   0 - UTC (Universal Time)
;				   1 - EST (Eastern Time)
;				   2 - CST (Central Time)
;				   3 - MST (Mountain Time)
;				   4 - PST (Pacific Time)
;				   5 - AKST (Alaska Time)
;				   6 - HAST (Hawaii-Aleutian Time)
; Return values .: Success: Returns the current Date and Time in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
;				   Failure: Sets @error to non-zero and returns the same format as a successful return but using the system time.
; Author ........: guinness
; Link ..........: According to, this is for non-commercial use.
; Example .......: Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _GetTimeOnline($iTimeZone)
	Local $aTimeZone[7] = ['utc', 'est', 'cst', 'mst', 'pst', 'akst', 'hast']

	Local $sRead = BinaryToString(InetRead('' & $aTimeZone[$iTimeZone] & '/now?format=\Y/\m/\d%20\H:\M:\S'))

	If @error Then
		Return SetError(1, 0, @YEAR & '/' & @MON & '/' & @MDAY & ' ' & @HOUR & ':' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC)

	Return $sRead
EndFunc   ;==>_GetTimeOnline

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Author: Robjong

MsgBox(4096, "", _HTML_StripTags("This should be # - (#)"))

; Strip HTML tags from HTML syntax. By Robjong.
Func _HTML_StripTags($sHTMLData) ;
    If $sHTMLData = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, $sHTMLData)

    Local $oHTML = ObjCreate("HTMLFILE")

    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, $sHTMLData)


    Return SetError(0, 0, $oHTML.Body.InnerText)
EndFunc   ;==>_HTML_StripTags

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Author: guinness

ConsoleWrite(_InetGetOutOfProcess('', @TempDir & '\Google.tmp') & @CRLF)

; Download a file by spawning a new AutoIt process.
Func _InetGetOutOfProcess($sURL, $sFilePath, $iOptions = 0)
    Return RunWait('"' & @AutoItExe & '" /AutoIt3ExecuteLine ' & '"Exit InetGet(""' & $sURL & '"", ""' & $sFilePath & '"", ' & $iOptions & ', 0)"') > 0
EndFunc   ;==>_InetGetOutOfProcess

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Author: guinness

ConsoleWrite("Internet Is Connected" & " = " & _IsInternetConnected() & @CRLF) ; ( Returns "True" Or "False" )

Func _IsInternetConnected()
    Local $aReturn = DllCall('connect.dll', 'long', 'IsInternetConnected')
    If @error Then
        Return SetError(1, 0, False)
    Return $aReturn[0] = 0
EndFunc   ;==>_IsInternetConnected

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Author: jguinch

Checks to see if a string is a valid IP address.

;Checks to see if a string is a valid IP address.

If _IsIP("") Then Msgbox(0, "", "Valid IP address.")

Func _IsIP($ip)
    Return StringRegExp ($ip, "^(?:(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d{2}|[1-9]?\d)\.){3}(?1)$")

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Author: MrCreatoR

#include <Array.au3>

Local Const $sString = @IPAddress2 & ":8080" ;8080 is port value (for example)

Local Const $GetValidIp = _IsValidIP($sString, ":")


Local $IPsArray = _StringToIPArray(' 567567567 text some more text ' & @IPAddress1 & ',' & @IPAddress2)


Func _IsValidIP($sString, Const $sDelim = "")
    If Not StringInStr($sString, ".") Then Return 0

    If $sDelim <> "" Then $sString = StringLeft($sString, StringInStr($sString, $sDelim) - 1)

    If StringLen($sString) > 15 Then Return 0

    Local $Dot_Split = StringSplit($sString, ".")

    Local $iUbound = UBound($Dot_Split) - 1

    If $iUbound <> 4 Then Return 0

    For $i = 1 To $iUbound
        If $Dot_Split[$i] = "" Then Return 0
        If StringRegExp($Dot_Split[$i], '[^0-9]') Or Number($Dot_Split[$i]) > 255 Then Return 0

    If $sDelim <> "" Then Return $sString
    Return 1

Func _StringToIPArray($sString)
    Local $avArray = StringRegExp($sString, '([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)', 3)
    Local $avRetArr[1], $iUbound

    For $i = 0 To UBound($avArray)-1
        If _IsValidIP($avArray[$i]) Then
            $iUbound = UBound($avRetArr)
            ReDim $avRetArr[$iUbound+1]
            $avRetArr[$iUbound] = $avArray[$i]

    If $iUbound = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)

    $avRetArr[0] = $iUbound
    Return $avRetArr

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Author: spudw2k

Local $aSubnetMaskIP1[] = [255,255,255,0]
ConsoleWrite("Is SubnetMask Valid: " & _IsValidSubnetMask($aSubnetMaskIP1) & @CRLF)

Local $aSubnetMaskIP2[] = [255,248,0,0]
ConsoleWrite("Is SubnetMask Valid: " & _IsValidSubnetMask($aSubnetMaskIP2) & @CRLF)

Local $aSubnetMaskIP3[] = [255,255,255,1]
ConsoleWrite("Is SubnetMask Valid: " & _IsValidSubnetMask($aSubnetMaskIP3) & @CRLF)

Func _IsValidSubnetMask($aIP)
	If Not UBound($aIP)=4 Then Return SetError(1,0,False)	;Validate Input (4 element array)

	Local $hIP = "", $sHex = "", $iSubnetDec = 0, $bIsValid = False   ;Define Local Variables
    For $iX = 0 To 3	;Convert Subnetmask into Hex
        $sHex &= Hex($aIP[$iX], 2)

    $hIP &= Dec($sHex, 2)	;Convert SubnetHex into Dec

    For $iX = 0 To 32	;Validate Subnet mask congruity with bit logic
        If (((2 ^ 32) - 1) - ((2 ^ $iX) - 1)) = $hIP Then
            $bIsValid = True

    Return $bIsValid
EndFunc   ;==>_IsValidSubnetMask

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Author: JScript

;Author: JScript - Snippet Version No. = 1.0
;Snippet was Created Using AutoIt Version =, Creation Date = 22/05/12.

ConsoleWrite("Is Valid URL? " & _IsValidURL("") & @CRLF)
ConsoleWrite("Is Valid URL? " & _IsValidURL("") & @CRLF)

Func _IsValidURL($sPath)
    Local Const $sRet = DllCall("Shlwapi.dll", "BOOL", "PathIsURL", "str", $sPath)
    Return $sRet[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_IsValidURL

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Author: big_daddy

Toggle Internet Images On/Off

; Toggle Internet Images On/Off

#include <IE.au3>

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

Global Const $oIE = _IECreate ()

_IENavigate ($oIE, "http:\\")

While WinExists("Internet Explorer")

Func _Toggle_Images($On_Off=0)
    If $On_Off == 0 Then
        RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main", "Display Inline Images", "REG_SZ", "yes")
        RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main", "Display Inline Images", "REG_SZ", "no")
EndFunc ;==>_Toggle_Images()

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Author: guinness

#include <Constants.au3>

ConsoleWrite(_Tracert("") & @CRLF)

Func _Tracert(Const $sURL)
	; -d = Do Not Resolve Host & -h Is The Number Of Hops.
	Local Const $sData = _RunStdOutRead('tracert -d -h 1 ' & $sURL, @SystemDir)

	Local Const $aReturn = StringRegExp($sData, '\[([\d.]{7,15})\]', 3)

	If @error Then
		Return SetError(1, 0, -1)

	Return $aReturn[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_Tracert

Func _RunStdOutRead($sCommand, $sWorkingDirectory = @SystemDir)
	Local Const $iPID = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & $sCommand, $sWorkingDirectory, @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD), $sOutput = ''

	While 1
		$sOutput &= StdoutRead($iPID)

		If @error Then

	Return $sOutput
EndFunc   ;==>_RunStdOutRead

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Author: BrewManNH

#include <Array.au3> ; This is only needed for the _ArrayDisplay function used in the example below, and is not needed for the _ValidIP function

; IPv4 validation script
Global Const $IPAddress = ""

Global Const $Return = _ValidIP($IPAddress)

If $Return < 0 Then
    Switch @error
        Case 1
            MsgBox(64, "", "Error in IP address: " & $IPAddress & @LF & "Error code is: 1 - IP address starts with an invalid number = 0, 127 , 169 or is > 239")
        Case 2
            MsgBox(64, "", "Error in IP address: " & $IPAddress & @LF & "Error code is: 2 - one of the octets of the IP address is out of the range 0-255 or contains invalid characters")
        Case 3
            MsgBox(64, "", "Error in IP address: " & $IPAddress & @LF & "Error code is: 3 - IP Address is not a valid dotted IP address (ex. valid address")
        Case 4
            MsgBox(64, "", "Error in IP address: " & $IPAddress & @LF & "Error code is: 4 - Last octet is either 0 or 255")
    MsgBox(48, "", $IPAddress & " is a valid Class " & $Return[5] & " IP address")

; FUNCTION# ===========================================================================================================
; Name...........: _ValidIP
; Description ...: Verifies whether an IP address is a valid IPv4 address or not
; Syntax.........: _ValidIP($sIP)
; Parameters ....: $sIP - IP address to validate
; Return values .: Success - Array containing split IP Address, IP address in Hex, and the Class of the IP address
;                            array[0] - [3] = the IP address split into octets
;                            array[4]       = IP address in Hex
;                            array[5]       = Class of the IP address [A through D]
;                  Failure - -1, sets @error
;                  |1 - IP address starts with an invalid number = 0, 127 , 169 or is > 239
;                  |2 - one of the octets of the IP address is out of the range 0-255 or contains invalid characters
;                  |3 - IP Address is not a valid dotted IP address (ex. valid address
;                  |4 - Last octet ends in 0 or 255 which are invalid for an IP address
; Author ........: BrewManNH
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: This will accept an IP address that is 4 octets long, and contains only numbers and falls within
;                  valid IP address values. Class A networks can't start with 0 or 127. 169.xx.xx.xx is reserved and is
;                  invalid and any address that starts above 239, ex. 240.xx.xx.xx is reserved. The address range
;                  224-239 1s reserved as well for Multicast groups but can be a valid IP address range if you're using
;                  it as such. Any IP address ending in 0 or 255 is also invalid for an IP
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
; =====================================================================================================================
Func _ValidIP($sIP)
    Local $adIPAddressInfo[6]

    Local $aArray = StringSplit($sIP, ".", 2)

    If Not IsArray($aArray) Or UBound($aArray) <> 4 Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1)

    Local $dString = "0x"

    If $aArray[0] <= 0 Or $aArray[0] > 239 Or $aArray[0] = 127 Or $aArray[0] = 169 Then
        Return SetError(1, 0, -1)

    For $I = 0 To 3
        If $I < 3 Then
            If $aArray[$I] < 0 Or $aArray[$I] > 255 Or Not StringIsDigit($aArray[$I]) Then
                Return SetError(2, 0, -1)
            If Not StringIsDigit($aArray[$I]) Then
                Return SetError(2, 0, -1)

            If $aArray[$I] < 1 Or $aArray[$I] > 254 Then
                Return SetError(4, 0, -1)

        $dString &= StringRight(Hex($aArray[$I]), 2)

        $adIPAddressInfo[$I] = $aArray[$I]

    $adIPAddressInfo[4] = $dString

    Switch $aArray[0]
        Case 1 To 126
            $adIPAddressInfo[5] = "A"
            Return $adIPAddressInfo
        Case 128 To 191
            $adIPAddressInfo[5] = "B"
            Return $adIPAddressInfo
        Case 192 To 223
            $adIPAddressInfo[5] = "C"
            Return $adIPAddressInfo
        Case 224 To 239
            $adIPAddressInfo[5] = "D"
            Return $adIPAddressInfo
EndFunc   ;==>_ValidIP