User talk:DragonHawk

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Revision as of 04:13, 18 January 2006 by JonTest (talk | contribs) (new user talk page)
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If you like, you can leave me a message here. However, I do not plan on checking this Wiki regularly. If you need to contact me sooner, follow the link from my user page here to my Wikipedia user page, and follow the instructions there.

Please separate threads using section headings. Thanks. If you're using the default MonoBook Skin, you can use the "Plus" tab to the right of the "Edit this page" tab to start a new conversation thread. (Replies and discussion within a thread don't need new headings.)

I plan to delete the text of message threads which are concluded/abandonded/etc. You can use the page history if you want to see them. (I'm not trying to hide anything, I just consider it clutter. I originally planned on using archive pages, like main namespace talk articles. But the system already keeps a history. Keeping another one manually seemed silly.)


The space above this line is for office use only.