StructureConstants user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <StructureConstants.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
$tagBITMAPINFO This structure defines the dimensions and color information of a Windows-based device-independent bitmap (DIB)
$tagBITMAPINFOHEADER This structure defines the dimensions information of a Windows-based device-independent bitmap (DIB)
$tagBLENDFUNCTION $tagBLENDFUNCTION structure controls blending by specifying the blending functions for source and destination bitmaps
$tagCOLORSCHEME Contains information for the drawing of buttons in a toolbar or rebar
$tagCOMBOBOXEXITEM Contains information about an item in a ComboBoxEx control
$tagDTPRANGE Specifies a range of date and time, in coordinated universal time (UTC)
$tagEVENTLOGRECORD Contains information about an event record
$tagFILETIME Contains the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_Blur Blur effect parameter structure
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_BrightnessContrast BrightnessContrast effect parameter structure
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_ColorBalance ColorBalance effect parameter structure
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_ColorCurve ColorCurve effect parameter structure
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_ColorLUT ColorLUT effect parameter structure
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_HueSaturationLightness HueSaturationLightnes effect parameter structure
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_Levels Levels effect parameter structure
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_RedEyeCorrection RedEyeCorrection effect parameter structure
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_Sharpen Sharpen effect parameter structure
$tagGDIP_EFFECTPARAMS_Tint Tint effect parameter structure
$tagGDIPCOLORMATRIX The ColorMatrix structure contains a 5×5 matrix of real numbers. Several methods of the ImageAttributes class adjust image colors by using a color matrix
$tagGDIPRECTF $tagGDIPRECTF structure
$tagGETIPAddress Contains information for all 4 fields of the IP Address control
$tagGUID Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID)
$tagHDITEM Contains information about an item in a header control
$tagIMAGEINFO Contains information about an image in an image list
$tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT Contains information about a low-level keyboard input event
$tagLOGFONT Defines the attributes of a font
$tagLVFINDINFO Contains information used when searching for a list-view item
$tagLVHITTESTINFO Contains information about a hit test
$tagLVITEM Specifies or receives the attributes of a list-view item
$tagMARGINS Defines the margins of windows that have visual styles applied
$tagMCHITTESTINFO Carries information specific to hit-testing points for a month calendar control
$tagMCMONTHRANGE Retrieves date information that represents the high and low limits of a month calendar control's display
$tagMCRANGE Contains information for setting the minimum and maximum allowable dates for a month calendar control
$tagMCSELRANGE Specifies a date and time, in coordinated universal time (UTC)
$tagMENUINFO Contains information about a menu
$tagMENUITEMINFO Contains information about a menu item
$tagNMCBEDRAGBEGIN Contains information used with the $CBEN_DRAGBEGIN notification message
$tagNMCBEENDEDIT Contains information about the conclusion of an edit operation within a ComboBoxEx control
$tagNMCOMBOBOXEX Contains information specific to ComboBoxEx items for use with notification messages
$tagNMDATETIMECHANGE Contains information about a change that has taken place in a date and time picker (DTP) control
$tagNMDATETIMEFORMAT Contains information about a portion of the format string that defines a callback field within a date and time picker (DTP) control
$tagNMDATETIMEFORMATQUERY Contains information about the control callback field
$tagNMDATETIMEKEYDOWN Carries information used to describe and handle a $DTN_WMKEYDOWN notification message
$tagNMDATETIMESTRING Contains information specific to an edit operation that has taken place in the control
$tagNMDAYSTATE Carries information required to process the $MCN_GETDAYSTATE notification me
$tagNMHDDISPINFO Contains information used in handling $HDN_GETDISPINFO notification messages
$tagNMHDFILTERBTNCLICK Specifies or receives the attributes of a filter button click
$tagNMHDR Contains information about a notification message
$tagNMHEADER Contains information about control notification messages
$tagNMIPADDRESS Contains information for the $IPN_FIELDCHANGED notification message
$tagNMITEMACTIVATE Sent by a list-view control when the user activates an item
$tagNMLISTVIEW Contains information about a list-view notification message
$tagNMLVCUSTOMDRAW Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW (list view) notification message sent by a list-view control
$tagNMLVDISPINFO Contains information about an $LVN_GETDISPINFO or $LVN_SETDISPINFO notification message
$tagNMLVFINDITEM Contains information the owner needs to find items requested by a virtual list view control
$tagNMLVGETINFOTIP Contains and receives list-view item information needed to display a ToolTip for an item
$tagNMLVKEYDOWN Contains information used in processing the $LVN_KEYDOWN notification message
$tagNMLVSCROLL Provides information about a scrolling operation
$tagNMMOUSE Contains information used with mouse notification messages
$tagNMOBJECTNOTIFY Contains information used with the $TBN_GETOBJECT, $TCN_GETOBJECT, $RBN_GETOBJECT, and $PSN_GETOBJECT notification messages
$tagNMRBAUTOSIZE Contains information used in handling the $RBN_AUTOSIZE notification messages
$tagNMREBAR Contains information used in handling various rebar notification messages
$tagNMREBARAUTOBREAK Contains information used with the $RBN_AUTOBREAK notification
$tagNMREBARCHEVRON Contains information used in handling the RBN_CHEVRONPUSHED notification message
$tagNMREBARCHILDSIZE Contains information used in handling the RBN_CHILDSIZE notification message
$tagNMSELCHANGE Carries information required to process the $MCN_SELCHANGE notification message
$tagNMTBHOTITEM Contains information used with the $TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE notification
$tagNMTCKEYDOWN Contains information used in processing the $LVN_KEYDOWN notification message
$tagNMTOOLBAR Contains information used to process toolbar notification messages
$tagNMTREEVIEW Contains information about a tree-view notification message
$tagNMTVCUSTOMDRAW Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW (tree view) notification message sent by a tree-view control
$tagNMTVDISPINFO Contains and receives display information for a tree-view item
$tagNMTVGETINFOTIP Contains and receives tree-view item information needed to display a ToolTip for an item
$tagNMTVITEMCHANGE Contains information on a treeview item change, sent with $TVN_ITEMCHANGED and $TVN_ITEMCHANGING notifications
$tagNMTVKEYDOWN Contains information about a keyboard event in a tree-view control
$tagOPENFILENAME Contains information information that the GetOpenFileName and GetSaveFileName functions use to initialize an Open or Save As dialog box
$tagOVERLAPPED Contains information used in asynchronous (or overlapped) input and output (I/O)
$tagPOINT Defines the x- and y- coordinates of a point
$tagPROCESS_INFORMATION Contains information about a newly created process and its primary thread
$tagREBARBANDINFO Contains information that defines a band in a rebar control
$tagRECT Defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle
$tagSCROLLBARINFO Contains scroll bar information
$tagSCROLLINFO Contains scroll bar parameters to be set by the $SBM_SETSCROLLINFO message, or retrieved by the $SBM_GETSCROLLINFO message
$tagSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES Contains the security descriptor for an object and specifies whether the handle retrieved by specifying this structure is inheritable
$tagSIZE Stores an ordered pair of integers, typically the width and height of a rectangle
$tagSTARTUPINFO Specifies the window station, desktop, standard handles, and appearance of the main window for a process at creation time
$tagSYSTEMTIME Specifies a date and time, in coordinated universal time (UTC)
$tagTBBUTTON Contains information about a button in a toolbar
$tagTBBUTTONINFO Contains or receives information for a specific button in a toolbar
$tagTEXTMETRIC Contains basic information about a physical font
$tagTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION Specifies information specific to the time zone
$tagTOKEN_PRIVILEGES Contains information about a set of privileges for an access token
$tagTVHITTESTINFO Contains information used to determine the location of a point relative to a tree-view control
$tagTVITEMEX Specifies or receives attributes of a tree-view item
$tagWIN32_FIND_DATA Contains the data found when finding a file
$tagWINDOWPLACEMENT The WINDOWPLACEMENT structure contains information about the placement of a window on the screen
$tagWINDOWPOS The WINDOWPOS structure contains information about the size and position of a window