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Results (1 - 100 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Reporter
#1798 Sound alert Other Rejected 1bzdura@…
#1889 _ArrayDisplay optionaly display columns in hex. Standard UDFs Rejected 436602556274@…
#3688 <snip> AutoItX Rejected <snip>
#2481 FileSelectFolder - Windows 7 and later new window type AutoIt Completed ALIENQuake <alienquake@…>
#2380 Add _IsDir Standard UDFs Completed AZJIO
#2880 Example for _WinAPI_OpenProcess Documentation Fixed AdamUL
#1890 Add _WinAPI_GetParent in _WinAPI_GetAncestor related-section Documentation Completed AdmiralAlkex
#2055 Convert UDF's to struct* type Standard UDFs Fixed AdmiralAlkex
#424 _Dec64() AutoIt Duplicate Albuquerque
#3859 Extend For…Next syntax to force loop variable to be local within the loop only AutoIt Rejected Alecsis1
#3960 Integer division AutoIt Completed Alecsis1
#3611 _GUICtrlListView_SetBkHBITMAP() Standard UDFs Completed Alofa <alofa.script@…>
#3991 _SQLite_ForeignKeys Standard UDFs Completed Andreik
#1429 Change return value of FileGetSize() on failure. AutoIt Rejected Anonymous
#2133 Update the @OSVersion on AutoIt Rejected Anonymous
#175 _ProcessHide AutoIt Rejected Anthrax
#624 FileCopy() - need better error return, and maybe protect existing dest file AutoIt Rejected Arbie
#654 Listview subentry request AutoIt Rejected Armand
#602 AutoitWrapper Methods for Handling 'Run After' Other Rejected Asaman83687
#876 @error passthrough on 'Return' statements AutoIt Rejected Ascendant
#3794 StringRegExp - string passed by value instead by reference? AutoIt Fixed AspirinJunkie
#3999 _WinAPI_OemToChar - improved implementation Standard UDFs Completed AspirinJunkie
#1204 New function - WinWaitLoad AutoIt Rejected Assaf
#3617 Hot Strings AutoIt Rejected Au3Builder
#1228 FTPEx.au3 missing callback parameter for some functions. Standard UDFs Completed Beege
#1380 Inform user of required parameters in _Timer_Settimer() Documentation Fixed Beege
#1499 Performance increase to internal __FTP_ListToArray() Standard UDFs Fixed Beege
#2114 Performance increase to _ArrayDisplay() Standard UDFs Completed Beege
#2120 Improvements to _GuiCtrlListView_DeleteAllItems Standard UDFs Completed Beege
#3739 Scripting.dictionary Keys/Items array support for _ArrayDisplay Standard UDFs Completed Beege
#10 _IsPressed Keys list Documentation Completed Bert
#410 Have installation of Scite editor optional Other Rejected BillY
#1088 GuiCtrlSetOnEvent - Easier Event handling AutoIt Rejected Bitboy
#47 FileInstall() to use the same Flag values as FileCopy AutoIt Rejected Bowmore
#74 expose C (CRT) _finite(double x) function as IsFinite($x) in Autoit AutoIt Rejected Bowmore
#848 Tidy.exe - enhancement to '/rel : Remove empty lines from the source.' parameter Future Release Other Completed Bowmore
#1307 Better and consistent naming of boolean parameters in UDF functions Standard UDFs Rejected Bowmore
#1411 FileReadLine enhancement to enable more efficient reading of very large files. AutoIt Rejected Bowmore
#1442 _FileWriteLog to allow allow file handle or filename as first parameter Standard UDFs Completed Bowmore
#2224 _FileReadToArray() Add optional parameter to disable row count return in element [0] Standard UDFs Completed Bowmore
#2477 FileInstall() to use the same Flag values as FileCopy to create destination directory AutoIt Rejected Bowmore
#2014 Updated Array.au3 UDF to be used with 2D arrays Standard UDFs Rejected BrewManNH
#2173 _StringProper doesn't capitalize correctly Standard UDFs Rejected BrewManNH
#2193 Addition to the String UDF Standard UDFs Completed BrewManNH
#2325 _FilleWriteFromArray doesn't work with Unicode text AutoIt Rejected BrewManNH
#2348 FileConstants.au3 doesn't have a constant for Option 8 for FileOpen Standard UDFs Fixed BrewManNH
#2519 AutoIt3Help.exe opens help file to wrong page Documentation Fixed BrewManNH
#2647 Add line count of FileReadToArray to @extended AutoIt Completed BrewManNH
#2663 StringRegExpReplace backreference not working AutoIt Completed BrewManNH
#2338 Here is a Modification to _ArraySearch UDF Standard UDFs Completed BrunoJ
#1930 _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort doesn't sort ItemParam AutoIt Rejected BugFix
#2275 Add functions on decimals. AutoIt Rejected Caius-Corsades the-patriots@…
#413 GUICtrlHotKeySet -Hot key input box GUI control. AutoIt Duplicate Caplan77
#762 Image Magick AutoIt Rejected Chris86
#546 FileOpen() Shared/exclusive access AutoIt Rejected ChrisL
#208 Expand Adlib functionality AutoIt Rejected CodeMaster Rapture
#3514 Add a treeview UDF calling $TVGN_LASTVISIBLE Standard UDFs Completed Crazy
#2267 Eval Flag (new Feature Request) AutoIt Rejected DXRW4E
#2593 Static & Global Au3Check Rejected DXRW4E
#2604 Array access on expression & first element AutoIt Rejected DXRW4E
#1741 Rounding: optionally add trailing zeros AutoIt Rejected Dana
#1585 Keys AutoIt Rejected Deathboy
#461 StringReplace to include right-to-left functionality AutoIt Completed Decker87
#1765 Add ability to allow to embed AutoIt interpreter into C++ code AutoItX Rejected DmitryKa
#1271 History added to Func notes directly AutoIt Rejected Dolemite50
#1713 Ctrl-Paste method for Send/ControlSend AutoIt Rejected Drapdv
#565 Calculate Membership in group or ranges AutoIt Rejected Dschingis
#661 Disable "Beep" using MsgBox AutoIt Rejected ED14
#803 ProcessGetStats documentation Improvement Documentation Rejected Emiel Wieldraaijer
#869 @OSLang will not detect MUI enviroments Future Release AutoIt Completed Emiel Wieldraaijer
#1270 GUISetIcon (@ScriptName) sets the 48x48 icon to the GUI AutoIt Completed Emiel Wieldraaijer <emielwieldraaijer@…>
#1683 Displaying thumbnails of files in a GUI AutoIt Rejected Eric
#1846 change _GdiPlus_GraphicsDraw/Fill* functions to corresponding floating point version Standard UDFs Rejected Eukalyptus
#2860 Convert UDF's ptr to struct* type Standard UDFs Completed Eukalyptus
#202 Would like to be able to Branch on condition AutoIt Rejected Everseeker
#598 database access (Microsoft) AutoIt Rejected Evilshell (evilshell@…
#2321 FileDelete() does NOT delete ADS files AutoIt Rejected Exit
#1900 Improvements for StringRegExpGUI Other Rejected FichteFoll <fichtefoll2@…>
#225 Varible++ AutoIt Rejected Firestorm
#1969 User files for SciTE abbreviation SciTE4AutoIt Rejected Forumer100
#111 Extension to StringinStr to allow search from position as well as from occurrence (100% backwards compatible ) AutoIt Rejected Fox2
#1610 FileSetTime error on "linux" NAS AutoIt Duplicate FranckGrieder
#1611 FileSetTime error on "linux" NAS AutoIt No Bug FranckGrieder
#2302 @ScriptLineNumber in compiled scripts Aut2Exe Rejected Fulgor
#2511 New Macro @SourceName AutoIt Rejected Fulgor
#307 Add a link to Trac Future Release Other Completed GEOSoft
#425 Change to the registy by the installer Other Rejected GEOSoft
#442 Proposed changes to _StringAddThousandsSep() Standard UDFs Completed GEOSoft
#1627 compiling x64 Aut2Exe Rejected GEOSoft
#1914 Error Codes for File operations AutoIt Rejected GEOSoft
#23 Acces to DataGridView for .net 2.0 AutoIt Rejected Gandi
#467 Pass data to a function defined in GUISetOnEvent AutoIt Duplicate HeidiR
#468 Milliseconds Macro AutoIt Completed HeidiR
#490 Ability to have GUICtrlCreate... accept hide, show, enable and disable state options AutoIt Rejected HeidiR
#28 ControlGetPixel AutoIt Duplicate Hiyoal
#684 ShellExecute() should return ProcessId instead of 1 if all is OK. AutoIt Rejected Hubertus
#713 FileInstall() to accept macros and environment variables. AutoIt Rejected Hubertus
#718 Call() function claims "function doas not exist" if function was called with wrong number of arguments AutoIt Rejected Hubertus
#1039 DocStrings? AutoIt Rejected HydroXidE
#1379 compiling... AutoIt Rejected IchBistTod
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.