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Results (401 - 500 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Reporter
#2409 WinSetTrans - AZJIO - PROPOSAL Documentation Rejected mlipok
#2400 #pragma - inputboxres - description Documentation Completed mlipok
#2392 Dim / Global / Local / Const - Remarks - PROPOSAL Documentation Rejected mlipok
#2397 For...To...Step...Next - Remarks - PROPOSAL Documentation Completed mlipok
#2394 Macro Reference - AutoIt Related - Description - PROPOSAL Documentation Completed mlipok
#2398 _FileWriteLog - Parameters Description - Proposal Documentation Completed mlipok
#2402 _FileReadToArray - Parameters description - PROPOSAL Documentation Completed mlipok
#2401 StringSplit - Parameters Description - PROPOSAL Documentation Completed mlipok
#2391 Select...Case...EndSelect - Remarks - PROPOSAL Documentation Rejected anonymous
#2389 VarGetType - Remarks - Proposal Documentation Completed mlipok
#2358 FileInstall: accept "" as "source" to include the current script AutoIt Completed vlad@…
#2336 Blockinput (1) not for WACOM Pen with Win8 AutoIt Rejected info@…
#2380 Add _IsDir Standard UDFs Completed AZJIO
#2355 Custom compiler AutoIt Rejected Terenz
#2377 Crypt(Un)ProtectData if Crypt.au3 UDF Standard UDFs Rejected matwachich
#347 Add _WinAPI_SetFilePointer Standard UDFs Rejected anonymous
#272 _FileListArrayEx() - with recursive option Standard UDFs Rejected Zedna
#14 Callback functions with parameter support. AutoIt Rejected Valik
#15 Rewrite INI functionality to remove limitations. AutoIt Rejected Valik
#382 Gui constants in Help file AutoIt Rejected cramaboule
#546 FileOpen() Shared/exclusive access AutoIt Rejected ChrisL
#588 StringRegExpReplaceCallback AutoIt Rejected RobSaunders
#767 Better 64-bit integer support AutoIt Rejected Valik
#978 Au3Info - ToolBar info - add ToolTip Text,Image Index Au3Info Rejected Zedna
#988 TCP Send with URGENT bit active AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1034 SetLocale()? AutoIt Rejected NeedHelp
#1035 Different SendModes AutoIt Rejected albertzhen93@…
#1120 Overwrite hidden system files with FileInstall() AutoIt Rejected partypooper@…
#1127 Implement a new function : StdOutReadLine AutoIt Rejected i-love-autoit@…
#1186 native support of array "slices" as Lvalue and Rvalue AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1198 User tray items auto-checkmarking AutoIt Rejected Rob Saunders <therks@…>
#1373 filecopy filemove with independent thread AutoIt Rejected thesnoW
#1451 RegRead AutoIt Rejected xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
#1497 Sign(<expression>) function AutoIt Rejected jchd
#1533 FileSaveDialog/FileOpenDialog return selected filter type AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1547 Macro to determine if compiled with console switch AutoIt Rejected Klaatu
#1554 RegExp precompile handling AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1645 Change stdinwrite() to asynchronous AutoIt Rejected KaFu
#1649 Multiline strings without the "& _" AutoIt Rejected JRowe
#1681 Automate capture and apply partitioning in GimageX to address EFI firmware partition requirements. Other Rejected scottscanlon@…
#1706 GuiCtrlGetPos AutoIt Rejected hunt
#1709 GuiCtrlSetResizing (return previous resizing mode) AutoIt Rejected hunt
#1713 Ctrl-Paste method for Send/ControlSend AutoIt Rejected Drapdv
#1723 Array incorrect number of subscripts AutoIt Rejected KaFu
#1846 change _GdiPlus_GraphicsDraw/Fill* functions to corresponding floating point version Standard UDFs Rejected Eukalyptus
#1869 Specify UDP Source Port AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1873 Return the thread ID of a child process from Run AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1931 DoFile AutoIt Rejected Manadar
#1943 Build script to manage archived releases. Other Rejected Valik
#2109 ProcessList and WinList should accept Default or -1 AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#2119 "_EventLog__Open" can not access additional Windows 7/2008 eventlogs Standard UDFs Rejected Trash
#2122 KEY_WOW64_32KEY support for registry keywords AutoIt Rejected JFX
#2142 Native _AutoItObject_ObjCreateEx AutoIt Rejected ptrex
#2164 Binary type need more functions AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2188 UDPRecv delay able to be set with the TCPTimeout AutoIt Option AutoIt Rejected kealper@…
#2220 C struct-like syntax AutoIt Rejected matwachich@…
#2266 FileFindNextFile - expanded attribute info in @extended AutoIt Rejected Melba23
#2282 Limit the amount of data returned by StdoutRead() AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2321 FileDelete() does NOT delete ADS files AutoIt Rejected Exit
#2322 Random() produces unexpected result. AutoIt Rejected autoit@…
#2351 _ExcelBookSaveAs format XLSX (default workbook) Standard UDFs Completed slash.cyberpunk@…
#1941 Generate syntax files for Forum, Wiki Other Completed Valik
#2338 Here is a Modification to _ArraySearch UDF Standard UDFs Completed BrunoJ
#2354 _ArrayTranspose to the Array UDF. Standard UDFs Completed guinness
#2344 Obfuscator parameter for encyrpt+strip SciTE4AutoIt Rejected lwc
#2348 FileConstants.au3 doesn't have a constant for Option 8 for FileOpen Standard UDFs Fixed BrewManNH
#2342 case-sensitive variables AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2345 Set font in _ArrayDisplay to allow displaying of unicode characters Standard UDFs No Bug anonymous
#487 Associative arrays AutoIt Rejected alexmadman
#523 Associative arrays... AutoIt Rejected Tom---Schuster@…
#2327 the script stops randomly please suggest some idea's. AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#2325 _FilleWriteFromArray doesn't work with Unicode text AutoIt Rejected BrewManNH
#1217 InetGet resume ability AutoIt Rejected downloadresumer
#2263 Add CryptGenRandom Function to Crypt.au3 UDF Standard UDFs Completed wraithdu
#2303 Ribbon AutoIt Rejected PlayHD
#2304 ExitLoop new macro or out of all cycles AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2306 Notpad Application is not working properly Aut2Exe Rejected anonymous
#2193 Addition to the String UDF Standard UDFs Completed BrewManNH
#2295 Help on ObjGet Documentation Fixed MvL
#2301 _GUICtrlComboBox_GetEditControl for standard combobox Standard UDFs Rejected funkey
#2302 @ScriptLineNumber in compiled scripts Aut2Exe Rejected Fulgor
#2289 PixelGetColor - output options AutoIt Rejected Rhyono
#2285 OCR lack AutoIt Rejected sliding4living@…
#2281 Tron-Troff (Trace ON Trace Off) Aut2Exe Rejected odaylton@…
#2280 Logical operator precedences AutoIt Rejected Mat
#2275 Add functions on decimals. AutoIt Rejected Caius-Corsades the-patriots@…
#2272 a script file can't access other file's local variable AutoIt Rejected hardnut@…
#2267 Eval Flag (new Feature Request) AutoIt Rejected DXRW4E
#2270 Auto It - slogan suggestions Other Rejected anonymous
#966 _FileListToArray - new flag (4) Standard UDFs Completed Zedna
#2261 Can you include "ImageSearch" similiar to the one in AHK? I know there is a costum DLL AutoIt Rejected Makaveli10a
#2260 Links (.lnk) AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2259 Networking AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#2257 Retreive MAC address from UDPRecv AutoIt Rejected vortex91
#2172 _StringRepeat addition, increments performance with higher count Standard UDFs Completed amarcruz
#2120 Improvements to _GuiCtrlListView_DeleteAllItems Standard UDFs Completed Beege
#2114 Performance increase to _ArrayDisplay() Standard UDFs Completed Beege
#2224 _FileReadToArray() Add optional parameter to disable row count return in element [0] Standard UDFs Completed Bowmore
#2117 Improved _FileCountLines() Standard UDFs Completed Spiff59
#2207 Addition to the Docs for TrayItemSetState Documentation Completed MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.