Windows user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <WinAPISysWin.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_WinAPI_AdjustWindowRectEx Calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the desired size of the client rectangle
_WinAPI_AnimateWindow Enables you to produce special effects when showing or hiding windows
_WinAPI_BeginDeferWindowPos Allocates memory for a multiple-window-position structure
_WinAPI_BringWindowToTop Brings the specified window to the top of the Z order
_WinAPI_BroadcastSystemMessage Sends a message to the specified recipients
_WinAPI_CallWindowProc Passes the hook information to the next hook procedure in the current hook chain
_WinAPI_CallWindowProcW Passes message information to the specified window procedure
_WinAPI_CascadeWindows Cascades the specified child windows of the specified parent window
_WinAPI_ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx Modifies the User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) message filter for a specified window
_WinAPI_ChildWindowFromPointEx Determines which, if any, of the child windows belonging to the specified parent window contains the specified point
_WinAPI_CloseWindow Minimizes (but does not destroy) the specified window
_WinAPI_CreateWindowEx Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window
_WinAPI_DeferWindowPos Updates the specified multiple-window-position structure for the specified window
_WinAPI_DefWindowProc Call the default window procedure to provide default processing
_WinAPI_DefWindowProcW Calls the default window procedure to provide default processing for any window messages
_WinAPI_DeregisterShellHookWindow Unregisters a specified Shell window that is registered to receive Shell hook messages
_WinAPI_DestroyWindow Destroys the specified window
_WinAPI_DragAcceptFiles Registers whether a window accepts dropped files
_WinAPI_DragFinish Releases memory that the system allocated for use in transferring file names to the application
_WinAPI_DragQueryFileEx Retrieves the names of dropped files that result from a successful drag-and-drop operation
_WinAPI_DragQueryPoint Retrieves the position of the mouse pointer at the time a file was dropped during a drag-and-drop operation
_WinAPI_EndDeferWindowPos Simultaneously updates the position and size of one or more windows in a single screen-refreshing cycle
_WinAPI_EnumChildWindows Enumerates a child windows that belong to the specified parent window
_WinAPI_EnumWindows Enumerates all windows
_WinAPI_EnumWindowsPopup Enumerates popup windows
_WinAPI_EnumWindowsTop Enumerates all top level windows
_WinAPI_FindWindow Retrieves the handle to the top-level window whose class name and window name match
_WinAPI_FlashWindow Flashes the specified window one time
_WinAPI_FlashWindowEx Flashes the specified window
_WinAPI_GetAncestor Retrieves the handle to the ancestor of the specified window
_WinAPI_GetClassInfoEx Retrieves information about a window class
_WinAPI_GetClassLongEx Retrieves the specified value associated with the specified window
_WinAPI_GetClassName Retrieves the name of the class to which the specified window belongs
_WinAPI_GetClientHeight Retrieves the height of a window's client area
_WinAPI_GetClientRect Retrieves the coordinates of a window's client area
_WinAPI_GetClientWidth Retrieves the width of a window's client area
_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow Returns the handle of the Windows desktop window
_WinAPI_GetDlgItem Retrieves the handle of a control in the specified dialog box
_WinAPI_GetFocus Retrieves the handle of the window that has the keyboard focus
_WinAPI_GetForegroundWindow Returns the handle of the foreground window
_WinAPI_GetGUIThreadInfo Retrieves information about the active window or a specified GUI thread
_WinAPI_GetLastActivePopup Determines which pop-up window owned by the specified window was most recently active
_WinAPI_GetLayeredWindowAttributes Gets Layered Window Attributes
_WinAPI_GetMessageExtraInfo Retrieves the extra message information for the current thread
_WinAPI_GetParent Retrieves the handle of the specified child window's parent window
_WinAPI_GetParentProcess Retrieves the PID of the parent process for the specified process
_WinAPI_GetShellWindow Retrieves a handle to the Shell's desktop window
_WinAPI_GetSysColor Retrieves the current color of the specified display element
_WinAPI_GetTopWindow Retrieves a handle to the child window at the top of the Z order
_WinAPI_GetWindow Retrieves the handle of a window that has a specified relationship to the specified window
_WinAPI_GetWindowDC Retrieves the device context (DC) for the entire window
_WinAPI_GetWindowDisplayAffinity Retrieves the current display affinity setting, from any process, for a given window
_WinAPI_GetWindowExt Retrieves the x-extent and y-extent of the window for the specified device context
_WinAPI_GetWindowFileName Retrieves the fully-qualified path of the module associated with the specified window handle
_WinAPI_GetWindowHeight Returns the height of the window
_WinAPI_GetWindowInfo Retrieves information about the specified window
_WinAPI_GetWindowLong Retrieves information about the specified window
_WinAPI_GetWindowOrg Retrieves the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the window origin for the specified device context
_WinAPI_GetWindowPlacement Retrieves the placement of the window for Min, Max, and normal positions
_WinAPI_GetWindowRect Retrieves the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of the specified window
_WinAPI_GetWindowText Retrieves the text of the specified window's title bar
_WinAPI_GetWindowThreadProcessId Retrieves the identifier of the thread that created the specified window
_WinAPI_GetWindowWidth Returns the width of the window
_WinAPI_InProcess Determines whether a window belongs to the current process
_WinAPI_InvalidateRect Adds a rectangle to the specified window's update region
_WinAPI_IsChild Tests whether a window is a child window of a specified parent window
_WinAPI_IsClassName Wrapper to check ClassName of the control
_WinAPI_IsHungAppWindow Determines whether the specified application is not responding
_WinAPI_IsIconic Determines whether the specified window is minimized (iconic)
_WinAPI_IsWindow Determines whether the specified window handle identifies an existing window
_WinAPI_IsWindowEnabled Determines whether the specified window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input
_WinAPI_IsWindowUnicode Determines whether the specified window is a native Unicode window
_WinAPI_IsWindowVisible Retrieves the visibility state of the specified window
_WinAPI_IsZoomed Determines whether a window is maximized
_WinAPI_KillTimer Destroys the specified timer
_WinAPI_MoveWindow Changes the position and dimensions of the specified window
_WinAPI_OpenIcon Restores a minimized (iconic) window to its previous size and position and activates the window
_WinAPI_PostMessage Places a message in the message queue and then returns
_WinAPI_RegisterClass Registers a window class
_WinAPI_RegisterClassEx Registers a window class
_WinAPI_RegisterShellHookWindow Registers a specified Shell window to receive certain messages for events or notifications
_WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage Defines a new window message that is guaranteed to be unique throughout the system
_WinAPI_SendMessageTimeout Sends the specified message to one of more windows
_WinAPI_SetClassLongEx Replaces the specified value into the specified window belongs
_WinAPI_SetFocus Sets the keyboard focus to the specified window
_WinAPI_SetFont Sets a window font
_WinAPI_SetForegroundWindow Puts the specified window into the foreground and activates its
_WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes Sets Layered Window Attributes
_WinAPI_SetMessageExtraInfo Sets the extra message information for the current thread
_WinAPI_SetParent Changes the parent window of the specified child window
_WinAPI_SetSysColors Obtains information about the display devices in a system
_WinAPI_SetTimer Creates a timer with the specified time-out value
_WinAPI_SetWindowDisplayAffinity Stores the display affinity setting in kernel mode on the specified window
_WinAPI_SetWindowLong Sets information about the specified window
_WinAPI_SetWindowPlacement Sets the placement of the window for Min, Max, and normal positions
_WinAPI_SetWindowPos Changes the size, position, and Z order of a child, pop-up, or top-level window
_WinAPI_SetWindowText Changes the text of the specified window's title bar
_WinAPI_ShowOwnedPopups Shows or hides all pop-up windows owned by the specified window
_WinAPI_ShowWindow Sets the specified window's show state
_WinAPI_SwitchToThisWindow Switches the focus to a specified window and bring it to the foreground
_WinAPI_TileWindows Tiles the specified child windows of the specified parent window
_WinAPI_UnregisterClass Unregisters a window class, freeing the memory required for the class
_WinAPI_UpdateLayeredWindow Updates the position, size, shape, content, and translucency of a layered window
_WinAPI_UpdateLayeredWindowEx Updates a bitmap translucency of a layered window
_WinAPI_UpdateLayeredWindowIndirect Updates the position, size, shape, content, and translucency of a layered window
_WinAPI_UpdateWindow Updates the client area of a window by sending a WM_PAINT message to the window
_WinAPI_WindowFromPoint Retrieves the handle of the window that contains the specified point