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Results (160 - 162 of 3867)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#161 UrzzeR@… Works For Me ControlSend() working buggy on Vista

Well, on Vista only it works buggy. So, what is the bug: I want to send a "Auto-it Rox" string to a program via ControlSend()function. But instead of "Auto-it Rox" I get something like "65uto-it R111x". What we have come to in our topic discussion: when you use a ControlSend() on Vista you have a big probability to have ASCII codes instead of characters.

When I tested my script on friend's XP computer, it worked perfectly. - the URL to our topic discussion.

#162 anonymous Rejected compile to .dll

allow the use of a new autoit function such as installpics() then compile it to a .dll file.

#163 anonymous No Bug Obsfuscator wrongly reporting error "File contains records longer than 2047"

WinXP Home/Pro SP2 AutoIt Beta Obsfuscator.exe ( stops with the following error message. !File contains records longer than 2047 .. stopping process. !Ending Obfuscator program. !>19:06:52 Obfuscator ended.rc:999 The longest line I have in "AutoTestManager.au3" is 319 characters and neither of the 2 custom include files, _os_file.au3 (Max line length 185 characters) and _os_TileUtilities.au3 (Max line length 207 characters) I've experimented with shortening the longer lines using concatenation and continuation lines but the problem persists.

If I turn Obfuscator off the the file compiles and runs OK. I've not had any problems with other files so it would seem that there is something specific in the formatting of this file that is confusing Obsfuscator. I don't believe it's anything to do with the 2 custom include files as I've used those elsewhere without problems.

AutoTestManager.au3 and the 2 custom includes are attached.

Full console output from SciTe4AutoIt

>"X:\Autoit3\Scite\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /beta /in "X:\AutoIt3Data\Scripts\AutoTest\AutoTestManager\AutoTestManager.au3" /autoit3dir "X:\Autoit3openpath.*.au3=\include\beta"
+>19:30:18 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.    Environment(Language:0409  Keyboard:00000809  OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 2  CPU:X86)
> Running:MKDIR "X:\AutoIt3Data\Scripts\AutoTest\AutoTestManager\Release"
A subdirectory or file X:\AutoIt3Data\Scripts\AutoTest\AutoTestManager\Release already exists.
>Running Tidy (  from:X:\Autoit3\\SciTE\tidy
+>19:30:21 Tidy ended.rc:0
>Running AU3Check (  params:-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6  from:X:\Autoit3\Beta
+>19:30:21 AU3Check ended.rc:0
>Running Obfuscator (  from:X:\Autoit3\\SciTE cmdline:/Beta
!File contains records longer than 2047 ..  stopping process.
!Ending Obfuscator program.
!>19:30:22 Obfuscator ended.rc:999
>Running AU3Check for obfuscated file(  params:-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6  from:X:\Autoit3\Beta
Error : couldn't open input file: X:\AutoIt3Data\Scripts\AutoTest\AutoTestManager\AutoTestManager_Obfuscated.au3
!>19:30:22 AU3Check Obfuscated code ended.rc:3
>Exit code: 0    Time: 15.342

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