Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Milestone Component
#14 Callback functions with parameter support. Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#15 Rewrite INI functionality to remove limitations. Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#382 Gui constants in Help file Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#546 FileOpen() Shared/exclusive access Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#588 StringRegExpReplaceCallback Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#767 Better 64-bit integer support Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#978 Au3Info - ToolBar info - add ToolTip Text,Image Index Jon Feature Request closed Au3Info
#988 TCP Send with URGENT bit active Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1034 SetLocale()? Jon Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1035 Different SendModes Jon Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1120 Overwrite hidden system files with FileInstall() Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1127 Implement a new function : StdOutReadLine Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1186 native support of array "slices" as Lvalue and Rvalue Nutster Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1198 User tray items auto-checkmarking Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1373 filecopy filemove with independent thread Jon Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1451 RegRead Jpm Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1497 Sign(<expression>) function Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1533 FileSaveDialog/FileOpenDialog return selected filter type Jpm Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1547 Macro to determine if compiled with console switch Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1554 RegExp precompile handling Jon Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1645 Change stdinwrite() to asynchronous Valik Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1649 Multiline strings without the "& _" Jon Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1681 Automate capture and apply partitioning in GimageX to address EFI firmware partition requirements. Jon Feature Request closed Other
#1706 GuiCtrlGetPos Jon Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1709 GuiCtrlSetResizing (return previous resizing mode) Jon Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1713 Ctrl-Paste method for Send/ControlSend Jon Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1723 Array incorrect number of subscripts Jon Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1846 change _GdiPlus_GraphicsDraw/Fill* functions to corresponding floating point version Gary Feature Request closed Standard UDFs
#1869 Specify UDP Source Port Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1873 Return the thread ID of a child process from Run Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1919 Native IPv6 support Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1931 DoFile Feature Request closed AutoIt
#1943 Build script to manage archived releases. Feature Request closed Other
#2057 Advanced Window Descriptions - Add "PID" Property Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2109 ProcessList and WinList should accept Default or -1 Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2119 "_EventLog__Open" can not access additional Windows 7/2008 eventlogs Feature Request closed Standard UDFs
#2122 KEY_WOW64_32KEY support for registry keywords Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2142 Native _AutoItObject_ObjCreateEx Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2164 Binary type need more functions Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2188 UDPRecv delay able to be set with the TCPTimeout AutoIt Option Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2220 C struct-like syntax Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2266 FileFindNextFile - expanded attribute info in @extended Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2278 Varargs Jon Feature Request assigned AutoIt
#2282 Limit the amount of data returned by StdoutRead() Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2321 FileDelete() does NOT delete ADS files Feature Request closed AutoIt
#2322 Random() produces unexpected result. Feature Request closed AutoIt
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.