Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#3886 Default keyword = -1 in expression assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3887 @HOUR:59:59 wrong as @MIN and @SEC can have change to 00:00 assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3888 PixelGetColor PixelSearch DPI support assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3889 ProcessClose does set @extended when no process found assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#3890 Array Comparison assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3892 Func() Pass Parameter Bynames assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#3895 Allow string() to return first class object name assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
#4000 HotKeyset() must be defined for only one key assigned Jon Bug AutoIt
#4013 DarkTheme support for GUI assigned Jon Feature Request AutoIt
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.