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Results (55 - 57 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2054 Rejected DirCreate incorrectly reports success when path is longer than 255 chars wraithdu

DirCreate returns 1 (success) when the path is longer than 255 characters. However the path created is truncated to 255 characters, thus creating some unknown shortened path. This occurs even using correct unicode long path notation:


DirCreate should either return 0 (failure) when a normal path is given that is longer that 255 characters, or it needs to actually create the correct extra long path when proper unicode long path notation is used.

See for reference.

#2077 Fixed _GuiRichEdit_Create Bad HWnd Check AdmiralAlkex wraithdu

In this function, the first line checks if the window handle passed matches the rich edit classname. It should not do this as the window handle passed to this function should never be a rich edit control, rather the parent window. It also has the dubious problem of calling this function with a blank classname on the first call to _Create (the variable is not yet initialized) so it SUCCEEDS. Only subsequent calls fail, return a handle of 0, and an undocumented error code of 1. To fix, revert this handle check to something sane, like IsHWnd() or WinExists(), and document the error code.

#2132 Fixed _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle incorrect param handling guinness wraithdu

The doc says to pass 0 for the current process handle. This code expects an empty string instead:

Func _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle($sModuleName)
	Local $sModuleNameType = "wstr"
	If $sModuleName = "" Then
		$sModuleName = 0
		$sModuleNameType = "ptr"

Either the code or doc should be fixed (MSDN says to use NULL, so I vote for sticking with the doc and fixing the code).

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