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Results (103 - 105 of 3875)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1186 Rejected native support of array "slices" as Lvalue and Rvalue Nutster anonymous

Please enhance the current array datatype by array slices (i.e. "subarray" or "part of array") natively.

I know, this feature can be implemented by UDFs, too. Nevertheless I ask it as feature request due

  • UDFs need individual code for each supported dimension. They would become quite fat for supporting all possible 64 dimensions of arrays. (So today's UDFs will support 1D, fewer do 2D, and that's it).
  • native support is faster
  • syntax is common in other languages, therefore "expected" by the normal programmer (until he becomes an AutoIt maniac)

Example: After DIMensioning an array $a[u][v] you can use the syntax $a for whole array (already available), $a[x][y] to address the content in cell x,y (already available), and (new) $a[x] for the sub-array $a[x][*] (1D array with subscript: [v])

; == 3D Array -> 2D- or 1D "slices" as RValue ==
Dim $a[4][3][2] = [[["000","001"], ["010","011"], ["020","021"]], _
                   [["100","101"], ["110","011"], ["120","121"]], _
                   [["200","201"], ["210","211"], ["220","221"]], _
                   [["300","301"], ["310","311"], ["320","321"]]]
Local $b
$b = $a ; already AVAILABLE: copy whole array
$b = $a[1] ; requested: extract array slice of $a and assign it to $b
           ; here: copy $a[1][*][*] as 2D array, this equates the statement
           ; Local $b[3][2] = [["100","101"],["110","011"],["120","121"]]
$b = $a[1][2] ; requested: extract array slice of $a and assign it to $b
           ; here: copy $a[1][2][*] as 1D array, this equates the statement
           ; Local  $b[2] = ["120","121"]
$b = $a[1][2][0] ; already AVAILABLE: copy content, here: $b = "120"

; == 3D Array -> 2D- or 1D "slices" as LValue ==
Dim $c[3][2] = [["aaa","AAA"], ["bbb","BBB"], ["ccc","CCC"]]
$a[1] = $c  ; replace addressed values of $a[1][x][y] by values of $c[x][y]
            ; NOTE: identical dimension (2D) and subscript ([3][2]) on both sides!
            ; NOTE: $a[0][][], $a[2][][] and $a[3][][] stay unmodified
$a[3][2] = ["xxx", "XXX"]
            ; replace addressed values of $a[3][2][*] by given values
            ; NOTE: identical dimension (1D) and subscript ([2]) on both sides!
$a[2][2][1] = "###" ; already AVAILABLE: change content of array element 

; now array $a has become:
;  [[["000","001"], ["010","011"],["020","021"]], _
;   [["aaa","AAA"], ["bbb","BBB"], ["ccc","CCC"]], _  ; <= $a[1] = $c
;   [["200","201"], ["210","211"], ["220","###"]], _  ; <= $a[2][2][1] = "###"
;   [["300","301"], ["310","311"], ["xxx","XXX"]]]    ; <= $a[3][2] = ["xxx", "XXX"]

#1173 Rejected mysql UDF Gary Tyger

Title: MySQL UDF functions Filename: MySQL.au3 Description: A collection of functions for interacting with MySQL Author: cdkid <cdkid@…> Version: 1.6

would be really nice to have something like this one, because this on (on the forum) is not in development anymore, maybe update this one?

#1562 No Bug multiple conditions fail Jos lex771@…

;The problem can best be descriped by the following code: $feed = "3" ;The problem happens at Switch... Case... ;when there are multiple conditions: Switch $feed

Case "1" Or "2"

MsgBox(16, "?", "this also happens when $feed = 3")

Case Else

MsgBox(16, "?", "this never happens")

EndSwitch ;The problem is the same at Select... Case...: Select

Case $feed = "1" Or "2"

MsgBox(16, "?", "this also happens when $feed = 3")

Case Else

MsgBox(16, "?", "this never happens")

EndSelect ;The problem is the same at If... Then...: If $feed = "1" Or "2" Then

MsgBox(16, "?", "this also happens when $feed = 3")


MsgBox(16, "?", "this never happens")

EndIf ;The compiler accepts this but der program behaves not as supposed ;Is this a bug? ;I use SciTE4AutoIt3 Version 1.79

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