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Results (10 - 12 of 3870)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3688 Rejected <snip> Jon <snip>


#2481 Completed FileSelectFolder - Windows 7 and later new window type Jon ALIENQuake <alienquake@…>

When one of the tool that I use ask me to select specific directory, it popups "Browse For Folder" window, which looks like this: but in Windows 7 there is another window type, which looks like this:

Is there any way to use this new window type instead of old one?

#2276 Duplicate Issues with Long-term Automation ASofikitis-consultant@…

The company I work at has a series of Windows 7 boxes that we use for automation with our various web products. We use AutoIt for a lot of the automated input and we're stuck on an issue that we believe can be tracked down to AutoIt. Attached is the .dmp file that I've archived. Every time Windows crashes, it blue-screens at a random occurrence and the same crash reason given is the same. I was wondering if you could take information from this .dmp file and give your insight as to if AutoIt might be causing these spontaneous crashes.

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