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Results (133 - 135 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#552 No Bug ProcessExist/ProcessList optional username parameter Developer@…

ProcessExist and ProcessList could provide an optional username parameter to limit the search to processes owned by a given user. Using the PID returned by these funtions, the other process functions could be effectively limited to processes owned by a given user by specifying the PID as opposed to the process name.

$PID = ProcessExists ("notepad.exe", @UserName)

This thread:

discusses highlights the need.

Athough this may be accomplished using WMI, WMI is just too slow.

#553 No Bug _ArrayDisplay() has another problem if using literal pipes in the array Gary GEOSoft

I seldom use this function but it seems that each time I do, I find something else that is broken. If the array contains literal pipes then it will not display properly. Repro code

#include <array.au3>
Dim $Array[4] = ["Test","$Item = '|'", "Test 2", "$Item_2 = '||'"]
In this case $Item = '|' will be truncated to $Item = ' and $Item_2 = '
' will not display at all.

I have not taken the time to look at a fix at this point.

#557 No Bug InputBox: Left & Top 'Default' keyword not working. PeteW


According to the v3.2.12.1 Help file, the keyword Default should centre an InputBox. For Left & Top, however, -1 is needed...

; AutoIt v3.2.12.1 & beta
InputBox("test","test","test","*M","Default","Default"); Centered, as expected.  I want to add a timeout...
InputBox("test","test","test","*M","Default","Default","Default","Default",10); Top-left - contrary to Help:
; left [optional] The left side of the input box. By default, the box is centered. If defined, top must also be defined. Use the keyword Default for this parameter to center the InputBox horizontally. 
; top [optional] The top of the input box. By default, the box is centered. If defined, left must also be defined. Use the keyword Default for this parameter to center the InputBox vertically. 
InputBox("test","test","test","*M","Default","Default",-1,-1,10); Centered

Cheers, Pete.

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