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Results (142 - 144 of 3871)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1527 Completed @ScriptDir & "\Test1.xls" Jpm Volly

The example script for _ExcelBookSaveAs points to @ScriptDir & "\Test1.xls". The file is missing from the examples folder. The example for _WordAttach does have the "Test.doc" file in the example folder. I know it is a simple thing to add the xls file to the folder to make it work, but would it not be better to add it to the build so that the example script can find the file? I also know the script will work in that it will display an error saying the file can't be found. However, isn't one of the points of the example script is to show how the command in question works in action?

#753 No Bug @ScriptDir does contain a trailing backslash on drive root. Decker87

@ScriptDir does return a trailing backslash when the script is on the root of the drive, e.g. "C:\". This can make some programs stop working when placed in the root of the drive.

#843 No Bug @ScriptDir macro returning backslash when script is in drive root causes script to fail ssmith@…

I know that this has been previously raised more than once bat has been declared as 'No Bug' but it DOES cause scripts to fail.

As was correctly pointed in the reply to bug #785, the drive root alone would be an invalid path (i.e. K:\ is valid, K: isn't) but it means that @ScriptDir & "\Fred.exe" expands to (say) K:
which is also invalid.

I respectfully suggest that, on root of a drive, it would be better if @ScriptDir expanded to Drive:\. which, in the example above would give the valid full path K:\.\Fred.exe

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