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Results (157 - 159 of 3876)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#551 Fixed ControlClick with "new" buttons syntax error (au3check) Jos Xenobiologist


ControlClick($title,, 1, 'primary') ControlClick($title,, 1, 'main') ...

lead to

: ERROR: ControlClick() called with illegal argument 4: "primary" ControlClick($title,, 1, 'primary')

I guess Au3check is outdated.


#554 Fixed AutoIt3Wrapper not processing "&" in path properly Jos dg0421

My source files are contained in: E:\ACE-IDS\XP & 2003 SLCD\Utilities\CoRAL\Include Files

You will notixed that the 2nd folder has an "&" ampersand contained in its name. This seems to be confusing the wrapper when it passes parameters to the Auto2Exe. In fact no parameters are successfully passed to Auto2Exe. I could change the folder name but I have other source files besides AutoIt contained in this folder structure that have links, so by changing the folder name I will loose the link, which would be a big pain.

#562 Fixed WinWait and similar functions fails if in TITLE parameter there is form caption and after that CLASS name description (in that order) Valik blackgilmor@…

WinWain function, and other similar, fails when in title parameter is typed "[TITLE:SomeName;CLASS:TfSomeName]" (in that order). Class name parameter isn't checked so if there is any other opened form with caption "SomeName", or runs any application called "SomeName", function WinWait will finish with positive result, even if class name of that form/app is different than TfSomeName. If WinWait parameters will be typed in different order: "[CLASS:TfSomeName;TITLE:SomeName]" there is no problem.

Test case: I'm submiting very simple app with two forms: MainForm and SomeName form. SomeName form is being created, just after mouse click on button on MainForm. My app is named SomeName, so when you will be run my WrongTestScript.au3 you will get message box before mouse click on button on main form. When you will be executing WellTestScript.au3, this message will appear only after mouse click on that button, which is correct.

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