Custom Query


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Results (166 - 168 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3774 Fixed Comparisons with Null wrong for <= and >= Jpm AlanParry

If one runs this

if Null =  3 Then ConsoleWrite("="  & @CRLF)
if Null <  3 Then ConsoleWrite("<"  & @CRLF)
if Null >  3 Then ConsoleWrite(">"  & @CRLF)
if Null <= 3 Then ConsoleWrite("<=" & @CRLF)
if Null >= 3 Then ConsoleWrite(">=" & @CRLF)
if Null <> 3 Then ConsoleWrite("<>" & @CRLF)
if Null == 3 Then ConsoleWrite("==" & @CRLF)

then <= and >= are True, which can't be what's expected. Why would <= be true when < and = are both false?

Has a <= b been implemented as Not(a > b) perhaps? That may be the problem.

(Also the result for <> is questionable as some other languages would give that as false, but I am happy with autoit's choice in that case, and changing <> is probably a script breaker)

Tested on and


#3773 No Bug Return value in SetError() is limited to 32-bit valuies jchd18

It isn't possible to set a 64-bit return value using SetError() in either X86 or X64 modes. It's even impossible to set a X64 pointer as return value using SetError().

OTOH Return allows 64-bit values regardless of mode.

Local $n = 0x0123456789abcdef, $r
ConsoleWrite("Passed value:" & @TAB & $n & @LF)
$r = MyRetFunc($n)
ConsoleWrite(@error & @TAB & @extended & @TAB & MyRetFunc($n) & @LF)
$r = MyErrFunc($n)
ConsoleWrite(@error & @TAB & @extended & @TAB & MyErrFunc($n) & @LF)

Func MyErrFunc($v)
	SetError(1, 2, $v)

Func MyRetFunc($v)
	SetError(1, 2)
	Return $v
#3772 Fixed int64 = -9223372036854775808 not handled properly Jon Jpm

Local $int64Min = Hex(- 9223372036854775808) return 8000000000000001 in fact it should return 8000000000000000

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