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Results (181 - 183 of 3866)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#24 Works For Me Aut2Exe throws a "failed to UPX error" on occasion Jon Valik

It seems there is a race condition in Aut2Exe somewhere. Sometimes it fails to run UPX and throws an error, other times it works just fine. Not really sure how to reproduce this so just going over the code looking for an obvious way to get out of sync is about all I know to do.

Assigning to Jon but if I get time I may look as well. Probably better if Jon has a look...

#31 Completed AutoIt user agent added to internet functions Jon Jon

AutoIt currently uses a blank user agent for internet functions. Many website block this and cause InetGet to fail. Need to add a non-blank user agent.

#34 Works For Me Pixelchecksum returns wrong values Jon stevy80@…


I developed an application with visual c# under windows xp. This program uses autoitx3.dll. Everything worked fine until I upgraded the system. With the new cpu (64 bit) - still under xp - the pixelchecksum function (aprox. in the half of the cases) returns wrong values (-2147483648).

After this, I tried the program on two more machines with Intel P4 cpu, and the results was the same.

I tested the checksum at these machines with autoit main too, and that worked perfectly. So I think the problem is in autoitx.

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