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Results (190 - 192 of 3870)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#674 Fixed _GUICtrlTab_ClickTab() Clicks in the wrong place when $fMove = True Gary Bowmore

Enviroment: Win XP Pro SP2 Autoit Autoit Beta

If the $fMove option is set to True the mouse is moved to the wrong location when the window is not maximised. In the code below I've added the 2 highlighted lines to temporarily change the "MouseCoordMode" move the curusor and then reset "MouseCoordMode" to what it was. I've tested this on a few different scenarios and it works OK for me.

Func _GUICtrlTab_ClickTab($hWnd, $iIndex, $sButton = "left", $fMove = False, $iClicks = 1, $iSpeed = 1)
	Local $iX, $iY, $tPoint, $tRect, $iMode, $aPos
	If $Debug_TAB Then _GUICtrlTab_ValidateClassName($hWnd)
	If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd)
	$tRect = _GUICtrlTab_GetItemRectEx($hWnd, $iIndex)
	$tPoint = _WinAPI_PointFromRect($tRect, True)
	$tPoint = _WinAPI_ClientToScreen($hWnd, $tPoint)
	_WinAPI_GetXYFromPoint($tPoint, $iX, $iY)
	ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $iX = ' & $iX & @crlf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @crlf) ;### Debug Console
	ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $iY = ' & $iY & @crlf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @crlf) ;### Debug Console
	If Not $fMove Then
		$iMode = Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1)
		$aPos = MouseGetPos()
		Opt("MouseCoordMode", $iMode)
		MouseClick($sButton, $iX, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed)
		MouseMove($aPos[0], $aPos[1], 0)
		$iMode = Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1) ;;ADDED THIS LINE
		MouseClick($sButton, $iX, $iY, $iClicks, $iSpeed)
		Opt("MouseCoordMode", $iMode) ;;ADDED THIS LINE
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlTab_ClickTab
#679 Fixed FileReadLine function only read 65534 characters at a time. Jpm joon
$line = ""
For $i = 1 To 700000
	$line &= "A"
; now reading it
$file = FileOpen("test.txt", 128)
While 1
    $line = FileReadLine($file)
    If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
    ConsoleWrite("Line size: " & StringLen($line) & @LF)
#692 Fixed Tidy crashes on long lines Jos monoceres

Tidy crashes when one line is very long ( I think ~2000 chars) Reproducer:

Global Const $IUnknown_vTable = "ptr QueryInterface; ptr AddRef; ptr Release;"
Global Const $Direct3DDevice9_vTable = $IUnknown_vTable & "ptr TestCooperativeLevel;ptr GetAvailableTextureMem;ptr EvictManagedResources;" & _
		"ptr GetDirect3D;ptr GetDeviceCaps;ptr GetDisplayMode;ptr GetCreationParameters;ptr SetCursorParameters;" & _
		"ptr SetCursorPosition;ptr ShowCursor;ptr CreateAdditionalSwapChain;ptr GetSwapChain;ptr GetNumberOfSwapChains;" & _
		"ptr Reset;ptr Present;ptr GetBackBuffer;ptr GetRasterStatus;ptr SetDialogBoxMode;ptr SetGammaRamp;ptr GetGammaRamp;" & _
		"ptr CreateTexture;ptr CreateVolumeTexture;ptr CreateCubeTexture;ptr CreateVertexBuffer;ptr CreateIndexBuffer;" & _
		"ptr CreateRenderTarget;ptr CreateDepthStencilSurface;ptr UpdateSurface;ptr UpdateTexture;ptr GetRenderTargetData;" & _
		"ptr GetFrontBufferData;ptr StretchRect;ptr ColorFill;ptr CreateOffscreenPlainSurface;ptr SetRenderTarget;ptr GetRenderTarget;" & _
		"ptr SetDepthStencilSurface;ptr GetDepthStencilSurface;ptr BeginScene;ptr EndScene;ptr Clear;ptr SetTransform;ptr GetTransform;" & _
		"ptr MultiplyTransform;ptr SetViewport;ptr GetViewPort;ptr SetMaterial;ptr GetMaterial;ptr SetLight;ptr GetLight;ptr LightEnable;" & _
		"ptr GetLightEnable;ptr SetClipPlane;ptr GetClipPlane;ptr SetRenderState;ptr GetRenderState;ptr CreateStateBlock;ptr BeginStateBlock;" & _
		"ptr EndStateBlock;ptr SetClipStatus;ptr GetClipStatus;ptr GetTexture;ptr SetTexture;ptr GetTextureStageState;ptr SetTextureStageState;" & _
		"ptr GetSamplerState;ptr SetSamplerState;ptr ValidateDevice;ptr SetPaletteEntries;ptr GetPaletteEntries;" & _
		"ptr SetCurrentTexturePalette;ptr GetCurrentTexturePalette;ptr SetScissorRect;ptr GetScissorRect;ptr SetSoftwareVertexProcessing;" & _
		"ptr GetSoftwareVertexProcessing;ptr SetNPatchMode;ptr GetNPatchMode;ptr DrawPrimitive;ptr DrawIndexedPrimitive;" & _
		"ptr DrawPrimitiveUP;ptr DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP;ptr ProcessVertices;ptr CreateVertexDeclaration;ptr SetVertexDeclaration;ptr GetVertexDeclaration;" & _
		"ptr SetFVF;ptr GetFVF;ptr CreateVertexShader;ptr SetVertexShader;ptr GetVertexShader;ptr SetVertexConstantF;ptr GetVertexShaderConstantF;" & _
		"ptr SetVertexShaderConstantI;ptr GetVertexShaderConstantI;ptr SetVertexShaderConstantB;ptr GetVertexShaderConstantB;"
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.