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Results (208 - 210 of 3870)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#350 Rejected FileInstall fails when user login name is non-English chars Jon ehaerim@…

$execdir = "C:\HelpDesk\" FileInstall("winvnc.exe", $execdir, 1) Run($execdir & "winvnc.exe " & " -connect " & $RemoteHelperIP & ":5500 -noregistry", $execdir)

Above code succeeds in most cases but fails when the user's login name is in non-English(for example, Korean). The 'Run' function fails in finding the target file.

This bug should be tested under the following conditions to reproduce:

  • non-English Windows (I am not 100% sure, though)
  • user login name is in non-English (ex)영업

It seems that 'FileInstall' does not handle properly MBCS chars in the file path, but it's just my guess.

Please find the cause of this bug and fix ASAP.


#358 Fixed Install Directory Structure --> no ANSI versions Jon Zedna

Install Directory Structure section is not updated. From AutoIt 3.2.13 version ANSI version of files no longer exist.

#380 Fixed @OSVersion return WIN_2003 on Windows XP x64 MUI Jon anonymous

The Macro @OSVersion returns a wrong value on Windows XP x64 MUI. It returns "WIN_2003", my script was compiled on a Windows XP x32 german system. The target system, on which the script runs is Windows XP x64 MUI with german language files.

Regards, Tim Meurer

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