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Results (401 - 500 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Reporter
#1537 Consolewrite_2 or cw pause SciTE4AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1539 Add RegExp in CLASSNN / INSTANCE for control names AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1547 Macro to determine if compiled with console switch AutoIt Rejected Klaatu
#1550 inireadsection AutoIt Rejected lite
#1554 RegExp precompile handling AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1558 Automate HTML based GUI AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1570 Using information from another window while hidden AutoIt Rejected metalluigix@…
#1571 StringSplit - Add CaseSense parameter AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1574 AutoIt Help AutoIt Rejected s.c.a.r.y@…
#1576 Aut2exe Compile Icon Directive AutoIt Rejected adrian@…
#1579 Get Admin privileges AutoIt Rejected xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
#1585 Keys AutoIt Rejected Deathboy
#1590 restore FileOpen("con", 4) in AutoIt AutoIt Rejected txj
#1593 Prevent script Exit from OnAutoItExitRegister function AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1594 Allow "-1" default parameters for GUICtrlSetPos() AutoIt Rejected Spiff59
#1598 standalone combobox function (like inputbox) AutoIt Rejected gcue
#1602 _ArrayMinIndex and Void entries AutoIt Rejected any0day@…
#1603 Comment-Before Character AutoIt Rejected jaberwocky6669
#1604 Add Send To Mail Recipient Feature to SciTE SciTE4AutoIt Rejected joe.cordiano@…
#1606 Remove AutoItX AutoItX Rejected Richard Robertson <icekirby1@…>
#1612 Add a FileDeleteLine function. AutoIt Rejected raythorne2005@…
#1622 build secure Aut2Exe Rejected anonymous
#1627 compiling x64 Aut2Exe Rejected GEOSoft
#1628 default icon for compiled scripts Aut2Exe Rejected matwachich
#1631 Get FilePath from file handle AutoIt Rejected evilertoaster
#1632 UDF to display a table AutoIt Rejected wim_hekkenberg@…
#1640 In name of every autoit's coders AutoIt Rejected flouf@…
#1641 Write compiler for autoit Aut2Exe Rejected killost
#1645 Change stdinwrite() to asynchronous AutoIt Rejected KaFu
#1646 Change wording in help file Documentation Rejected anonymous
#1649 Multiline strings without the "& _" AutoIt Rejected JRowe
#1661 AutoIT support for Stingray controls AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1662 Mouse wheel support for DTP AutoIt Rejected SPiff59
#1668 Directory Macros for Default User Account AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1674 DirCopy()/DirMove() does not preserve the attributes of a folder AutoIt Rejected Yashied
#1681 Automate capture and apply partitioning in GimageX to address EFI firmware partition requirements. Other Rejected scottscanlon@…
#1683 Displaying thumbnails of files in a GUI AutoIt Rejected Eric
#1691 ControlCommand is not working for .net checkboxes. AutoIt Rejected Math
#1695 Add some better discription to help file how to usw the modes from FileOpen Documentation Rejected TomCat
#1696 Build in autoit AutoIt Rejected hyndrasfx@…
#1697 SQLight CSV functions AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1704 Need UDFs in AutoItx. AutoItX Rejected Math
#1706 GuiCtrlGetPos AutoIt Rejected hunt
#1709 GuiCtrlSetResizing (return previous resizing mode) AutoIt Rejected hunt
#1713 Ctrl-Paste method for Send/ControlSend AutoIt Rejected Drapdv
#1715 Calculation for Easter to be added to Date.au3 Standard UDFs Rejected czardas
#1719 Expose the internal function that creates the $CmdLine array? AutoIt Rejected c0deWorm
#1720 adding functionality to GUICtrlSetImage AutoIt Rejected ynbIpb
#1723 Array incorrect number of subscripts AutoIt Rejected KaFu
#1727 crypt.au3 SciTE4AutoIt Rejected bjoern@…
#1733 IsEmpty function AutoIt Rejected josh_petitt@…
#1735 Ability To Change User Agent String For Embedded IE (will pay) AutoIt Rejected electro
#1737 gui enhancements for touch screens AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1739 get/set cookie value function AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1741 Rounding: optionally add trailing zeros AutoIt Rejected Dana
#1753 MouseGetButtonState AutoIt Rejected fr.r@…
#1758 tables for the gui AutoIt Rejected any
#1765 Add ability to allow to embed AutoIt interpreter into C++ code AutoItX Rejected DmitryKa
#1766 Multi-Thread support AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1768 Compile AutoIt Rejected djanold74@…
#1774 Simple Builtin Funktion to Get WinVersion Number AutoIt Rejected markus.schindi@…
#1781 Adding in Custom UDF's AutoIt Rejected jnkbcs
#1782 forcing targeting of commands to only one target process/executable AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1784 Feature request AutoIt Rejected pr1
#1785 C-like syntax AutoIt Rejected pr1
#1787 Test coverage features AutoIt Rejected jackHeeley
#1788 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetMargins and _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetMargins Standard UDFs Rejected Spiff59
#1795 long "long path" support AutoIt Rejected thesnoW
#1798 Sound alert Other Rejected 1bzdura@…
#1815 Conditional Compilation (#if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elif, #endif, and defined) AutoIt Rejected meokey
#1818 (UDF) _INetSmtpMail Importance parameter AutoIt Rejected JamesBrooks
#1826 A request about XML Files AutoIt Rejected irmr.AHR@…
#1837 _GUICtrlIpAddress_EnableDisable Standard UDFs Rejected cyrusbuilt@…
#1846 change _GdiPlus_GraphicsDraw/Fill* functions to corresponding floating point version Standard UDFs Rejected Eukalyptus
#1848 Koda AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1849 Project AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1862 GUISetOnEvent should behave more like HotKeySet() AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1869 Specify UDP Source Port AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1873 Return the thread ID of a child process from Run AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1874 Registry functions should return more meanginful values AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1875 Clear Input buffers AutoIt Rejected ryan.riovaldez@…
#1879 StringCount() AutoIt Rejected mvg
#1885 CreateGUID and CreateGUIDSequential missing, but $tagGUID there AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1886 64 or 128-bit numbers AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1887 Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays with multiple sort columns Standard UDFs Rejected Thopaga
#1889 _ArrayDisplay optionaly display columns in hex. Standard UDFs Rejected 436602556274@…
#1893 #Include-All AutoIt Rejected willichan <willi_chan@…>
#1894 gimagex for AIK 3.0 Other Rejected greggolong@…
#1899 SendWindow AutoIt Rejected Steve.Haine@…
#1900 Improvements for StringRegExpGUI Other Rejected FichteFoll <fichtefoll2@…>
#1902 Better error msg for (undefined) Global var in Function definition. AutoIt Rejected mvg
#1903 Au3Check, Globals, #OnAutoItStartRegister Au3Check Rejected mvg
#1906 reparse point AutoIt Rejected xrewndel
#1914 Error Codes for File operations AutoIt Rejected GEOSoft
#1916 Dealing with TAdvStringGrid, TPanel, TRichEdit, TFormMain, TTollbar AutoIt Rejected mailro
#1919 Native IPv6 support AutoIt Rejected Manadar
#1927 Add a macro for #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion / %fileversion% AutoIt Rejected lwc
#1930 _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort doesn't sort ItemParam AutoIt Rejected BugFix
#1931 DoFile AutoIt Rejected Manadar
#1939 Be able to put some text in a Progress control AutoIt Rejected trac-autoit@…
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.