
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#1435 closed Feature Request (Completed)

Additions to RichEditConstants.au3 for Find replace dialog.

Reported by: Mat Owned by: Jpm
Milestone: Component: Standard UDFs
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: RichEdit, FR_*, FINDREPLACE, CommDlg Cc:


RichEditConstants.au3 already has the following constants for use with the common Find Replace dialog. Annoying since I then have to find the ones I need elsewhere, and then comment out the already existing ones (which miss out a few key constants).


Global Const $FR_DOWN = 0x1
Global Const $FR_MATCHALEFHAMZA = 0x80000000
Global Const $FR_MATCHCASE = 0x4
Global Const $FR_MATCHDIAC = 0x20000000
Global Const $FR_MATCHKASHIDA = 0x40000000
Global Const $FR_WHOLEWORD = 0x2

proposed constants (full list):

Global Const $FR_DOWN = 0x00000001
Global Const $FR_MATCHWHOLEWORD = 0x00000002
Global Const $FR_MATCHCASE = 0x00000004
Global Const $FR_FINDNEXT = 0x00000008
Global Const $FR_REPLACE = 0x00000010
Global Const $FR_REPLACEALL = 0x00000020
Global Const $FR_DIALOGTERM = 0x00000040
Global Const $FR_SHOWHELP = 0x00000080
Global Const $FR_ENABLEHOOK = 0x00000100
Global Const $FR_ENABLETEMPLATE = 0x00000200
Global Const $FR_DISABLEUPDOWN = 0x00000400
Global Const $FR_DISABLEMATCHCASE = 0x00000800
Global Const $FR_DISABLEWHOLEWORD = 0x00001000
Global Const $FR_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE = 0x00002000
Global Const $FR_HIDEUPDOWN = 0x00004000
Global Const $FR_HIDEMATCHCASE = 0x00008000
Global Const $FR_HIDEWHOLEWORD = 0x00010000

Global Const $FR_MATCHALEFHAMZA = 0x80000000
Global Const $FR_MATCHDIAC = 0x20000000
Global Const $FR_MATCHKASHIDA = 0x40000000

In addition, the following constants could be added, though are not as important:

Global Const $FR_DIALOGMESSAGE = "commdlg_FindReplace"
Global Const $tagFINDREPLACE = "dword lStructSize; hwnd hwndOwner; hwnd hInstance; dword Flags; ptr lpstrFindWhat; ptr lpstrReplaceWith; ushort wFindWhatLen; ushort wReplaceWithLen; " & _
			"ptr lCustData; ptr lpfnHook; ptr lpTemplateName;"


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Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Jpm

  • Milestone set to
  • Owner changed from Gary to Jpm
  • Resolution set to Completed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Added by revision [5799] in version:

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