
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#2104 closed Bug (No Bug)

Lost the Titles on all my open folders after a lot of shell/resize testing. PDF's hard to control by name.

Reported by: StillC Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: shell resize titles folders pdf lost missing Cc:


I've been working on opening several files of different types with ShellExecute, and then doing what i can to WinMove them into exact positions on my desktop using the names of the titles. After a lot of trial and error, i lost the titles on my folders (CabinetWClass). That's right, i have no titles in the title bar of any folder i now open in Windows 7 x64 ! System restore did not work, and poking around in folder view options (ie. restoring everything to default) did not work. Googling around the web also did not produce anything.

I probably won't be able to reproduce this for anyone, except to inline the kind of code i was fooling around with...every possible variation of the lines see why i was not able to control my Adobe Reader PDF files consistently using the name in their title bars. I've finally given up and have decided to WinMove all my files around using their class. I have no problem with the class method, but the name-of-title method is inconsistent.

When i was testing, i'd get a lot of stalling. The script would not go forward, nor would the script end, so i'd have to click Stop Executing alot. The thing is, whenever i'd do that, it seems like there were still commands in a que looking for files or folders to mess with, and i'd see things popping up on my desktop where it looked like some code was still trying to execute. I just crossed my fingers it would not harm anything. But after a lot of this, it somehow managed to turn the titles off (make them invisible?) on all my folders, so i can't control those with the name method. I can still control them with the class method though.

I have a disk image from three days ago that i'll be restoring my laptop to the way it was. That's the only solution i can think of to get my titles back. And from now on i'll be using the class method, even though it was not my first choice.

So beware, and good luck!

FUNC Shell_Files($count)
 Dim $Var3
  For $Cntr = 1 to $count
    WinMove ($Var3,$leftArray[$Cntr],$topArray[$Cntr],$wideArray[$Cntr],$hiArray[$Cntr] )


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Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by anonymous

I've been working on opening several files of different types with ShellExecute, and then doing what i can to WinMove them into exact positions on my desktop using the names of the titles. After a lot of trial and error, i lost the titles on my folders (CabinetWClass). That's right, i have no titles in the title bar of any folder i now open in Windows 7 x64 ! System restore did not work, and poking around in folder view options (ie. restoring everything to default) did not work. Googling around the web also did not produce anything.

I probably won't be able to reproduce this for anyone, except to inline the kind of code i was fooling around with...every possible variation of the lines see why i was not able to control my Adobe Reader PDF files consistently using the name in their title bars. I've finally given up and have decided to WinMove all my files around using their class. I have no problem with the class method, but the name-of-title method is inconsistent.

When i was testing, i'd get a lot of stalling. The script would not go forward, nor would the script end, so i'd have to click Stop Executing alot. The thing is, whenever i'd do that, it seems like there were still commands in a que looking for files or folders to mess with, and i'd see things popping up on my desktop where it looked like some code was still trying to execute. I just crossed my fingers it would not harm anything. But after a lot of this, it somehow managed to turn the titles off (make them invisible?) on all my folders, so i can't control those with the name method. I can still control them with the class method though.

I have a disk image from three days ago that i'll be restoring my laptop to the way it was. That's the only solution i can think of to get my titles back. And from now on i'll be using the class method, even though it was not my first choice.

So beware, and good luck!


;Opt("WinWaitDelay", 300)
;Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
FUNC Shell_Files($count)
 Dim $Var3
  For $Cntr = 1 to $count
    WinMove ($Var3,$leftArray[$Cntr],$topArray[$Cntr],$wideArray[$Cntr],$hiArray[$Cntr] )


comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by StillC

I've been working on opening several files of different types with ShellExecute, and then doing what i can to WinMove them into exact positions on my desktop using the names of the titles. After a lot of trial and error, i lost the titles on my folders (CabinetWClass). That's right, i have no titles in the title bar of any folder i now open in Windows 7 x64 ! System restore did not work, and poking around in folder view options (ie. restoring everything to default) did not work. Googling around the web also did not produce anything.

I probably won't be able to reproduce this for anyone, except to inline the kind of code i was fooling around with...every possible variation of the lines see why i was not able to control my Adobe Reader PDF files consistently using the name in their title bars. I've finally given up and have decided to WinMove all my files around using their class. I have no problem with the class method, but the name-of-title method is inconsistent.

When i was testing, i'd get a lot of stalling. The script would not go forward, nor would the script end, so i'd have to click Stop Executing alot. The thing is, whenever i'd do that, it seems like there were still commands in a que looking for files or folders to mess with, and i'd see things popping up on my desktop where it looked like some code was still trying to execute. I just crossed my fingers it would not harm anything. But after a lot of this, it somehow managed to turn the titles off (make them invisible?) on all my folders, so i can't control those with the name method. I can still control them with the class method though.

I have a disk image from three days ago that i'll be restoring my laptop to the way it was. That's the only solution i can think of to get my titles back. And from now on i'll be using the class method, even though it was not my first choice.

So beware, and good luck!


;Opt("WinWaitDelay", 300)
;Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
FUNC Shell_Files($count)
 Dim $Var3
  For $Cntr = 1 to $count
    WinMove ($Var3,$leftArray[$Cntr],$topArray[$Cntr],$wideArray[$Cntr],$hiArray[$Cntr] )


comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by anonymous


I restored my disk image from three days ago, and guess what? I still don't have folder titles back! So the mystery thickens. I feel like i walked into the twilight zone.

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by anonymous


Ok, no wunder i couldn't find anything on the web...

Apparently folders in Windows 7 don't have titles! Duh!
Had not really noticed that before!


I'm still having trouble manipulating Adobe Reader files using the name method.
What kicked this off is i was usually successful moving folders with the name method...
...and then suddenly i couldn't. That's when i noticed the "missing" titles and jumped to conclusions. Probably it had something to do with just being worn out with all the tests i was running to get PDF files to respond to the name method. That's just not happening.

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by Jpm

  • Resolution set to No Bug
  • Status changed from new to closed

Before reporting a bug use forum to have help.
It is not true that windows 7 has no title.
Certainly bug in your script

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by Valik

You clearly did not read the ticket guidelines before posting. If you choose to use our forum do not make the same mistake of not reading our rules. After this egregious display of disregard for the purpose of this issue tracker I will not hesitate to make you go away should you break our forum rules.

Use your brain in the future.

comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by StillC


Hey sorry about that!
I had a really bad programming day yesterday!
I re-imaged my computer, and reported a bug that did not exist except in my head!
Worst of all, i apparently did not read the ticket guidelines earnestly enough!

I've since got a handle on the situation:

  1. If you look at the code above, you can see that the number of parameters is not right for the WinMove function. That's why i was "suddenly" not able to move folder windows by the name method anymore. That's when i noticed for the first time that my folders did not have visible titles like everything else. So i thought i had messed them up and jumped to conclusions. I would not have re-imaged my computer if i wasn't sincere...and also having a bad programming day (sounds better than 'very dumb').
  1. The reason i could not move some PDF is because i was shelling them by shortcuts whose names were not matching the actual filename of the file they pointed to! Don't make this mistake! So there is really NO ISSUE with PDF files. They can be moved as easily as any other window.
  1. I should be using @error checking to abort operations (using Exit) so that i don't have to click Tools>Stop Executing
  1. I'm happy to report everything works fine with WinMove using either the name or class method.
  1. Thanks for a great program! Don't kick me out just because i'm a newb!

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