
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#2808 closed Bug (No Bug)

Some memory leek issue with assigning value to variable

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: Cc:


I'm get strange issue with assigning value to variable -
if it $sSqlBuild_Query = ""; > i'm get constantly growing WorkingSetSize
if it $sSqlBuild_Query = 0; > WorkingSetSize is behaving as expected

see reproduser :

#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

Func SomeRecursion()
	$fl = _FileListToArrayRec("C:\","*",1,1,0,2)
	Dim $aSomeArray[$fl[0]+1][3]
	$aSomeArray[0][0] = $fl[0]
	For $i = 1 To $aSomeArray[0][0]
		$aSomeArray[$i][0] = $fl[$i]
		$aSomeArray[$i][1] = Random(1,100000000,1)
		$aSomeArray[$i][2] = $fl[$i]
	$sSqlBuild_Table = '(RSSXMLItem,getfrom,EPOCH,Title)'
	$sSqlBuild_Query = ""
	For $i = 1 To $aSomeArray[0][0]
		$sSqlBuild_Query &= 'INSERT INTO SomeArrayDB ' & $sSqlBuild_Table & ' VALUES '
		$sSqlBuild_Query &= "('" & StringReplace( $aSomeArray[$i][0], "'", "''", 0, 1) & "'"
		$sSqlBuild_Query &= ",'HTML'"
		$sSqlBuild_Query &= ",strftime('%s','" & StringReplace( $aSomeArray[$i][1], "'", "''", 0, 1) & "')"
		$sSqlBuild_Query &= ",lower('" & StringReplace( $aSomeArray[$i][2], "'", "''", 0, 1) & "')"
		$sSqlBuild_Query &= ");"
	;_SQLite_Exec($SomeArrayDB, $sSqlBuild_Query )
	$fl = 0
	$aSomeArray = 0
	$sSqlBuild_Table = 0
	$sSqlBuild_Query = "";<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< change value to 0 and memory leek is gone
	$aMemory = ProcessGetStats ( )
	If IsArray($aMemory) Then
		$Q = MsgBox(4096+1, "", "WorkingSetSize: " & $aMemory[0]/1024/1024 & @CRLF & "PeakWorkingSetSize: " & $aMemory[1]/1024/1024,2)
		If $Q = 2 Then Exit

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Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by anonymous

I'd be guessing here, but I'd say it's because one way is declaring a string and the other is numeric.

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by anonymous

Your script seems to only keep on recursing deeper and never return a level up, so how do you determine there is a memory leak?


comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by anonymous

My script trying to clean up data in the end of every cycle, but failing because assigning value of blank string to the variable do not deletes previous/garbage data from memory. Working Set Size constantly grow, so after some time, it get bigger than 2 Gb and memory allocation error will be thrown out. In my case it was about 300Mb "steps", so crash happen way faster than in reproducer.

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by Jos

  • Resolution set to No Bug
  • Status changed from new to closed

Setting a variable to "" doesn't mean the memory is freed.
The whole purpose of recursing is that the scripts returns to each recursion and continues with what it was doing with a variables still intact.

Please hop over to the forum and discuss this there.

I am closing his as no bug for now.


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