Opened 23 months ago
Closed 12 months ago
#3950 closed Bug (Works For Me)
Silent crash without triggering recursion warning
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | |
Milestone: | Component: | AutoIt | |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | Cc: |
AutoIt triggers recursion warning and exits when you reach a recursion depth of 1898, but in some instances it would fail to trigger the warning and instead simply crash silently.
I'm not certain whether it is a bug with AutoIt itself or if it is simply the Operating System terminating it defensively, it's worth investigating.
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Change History (6)
comment:1 follow-up: ↓ 2 Changed 22 months ago by Jpm
comment:2 in reply to: ↑ 1 ; follow-up: ↓ 3 Changed 22 months ago by anonymous
Replying to Jpm:
Hi in fact the pointed post script does not produce any error on my system
could you post an updated one?
That's the problem, it did not produce an error when it should have. The script just crashes without producing a result. Did your system produce a result MsgBox, or did it just exit silently?
comment:3 in reply to: ↑ 2 Changed 22 months ago by anonymous
Replying to anonymous:
Replying to Jpm:
Hi in fact the pointed post script does not produce any error on my system
could you post an updated one?
That's the problem, it did not produce an error when it should have. The script just crashes without producing a result. Did your system produce a result MsgBox, or did it just exit silently?
That is, if you change 1569 to a larger number.
comment:4 Changed 22 months ago by anonymous
For your convenience, here's a tweaked version that crashes silently:
local $a = enumerate(1570) local $b = packLeft($a) local $c = packRight($a) msgbox(0,'foldl',foldl(addOddLeft,0,$b)) msgbox(0,'foldr',foldr(addOddRight,$c,0)) func addOddLeft($left, $right) return $left + ($right*2 - 1) endfunc func addOddRight($left, $right) return ($left*2 - 1) + $right endfunc func foldl($f, $x0, $xs) return IsArray($xs[0]) ? $f( foldl($f,$x0,$xs[0]) , $xs[1] ) : $f($x0,$xs[0]) endfunc func foldr($f, $xs, $x0) return IsArray($xs[0]) ? $f( $xs[1] , foldr($f,$xs[0],$x0) ) : $f($xs[0],$x0) endfunc func foldl_FromFlatArray($f, $ini, $arr) return foldl($f,$ini,packLeft($arr)) endfunc func foldr_FromFlatArray($f, $arr, $ini) return foldr($f,packRight($arr),$ini) endfunc func packLeft($arr) return __packL($arr,UBound($arr)-1) endfunc func packRight($arr) return __packR($arr,0) endfunc func unpack($arr) return IsArray($arr[0]) ? $arr[1] & ' , ' & unpack($arr[0]) : $arr[0] endfunc ; === Boring Internal Implementation === func __packL($arr, $index) if $index>0 Then local $a = [ __packL($arr,$index-1) , $arr[$index]] else local $a = [ $arr[0] ] endif return $a endfunc func __packR($arr, $index) if $index<UBound($arr)-1 Then local $a = [ __packR($arr,$index+1) , $arr[$index] ] else local $a = [ $arr[UBound($arr)-1] ] endif return $a endfunc func enumerate($n) local $arr[$n] for $i=0 to $n-1 $arr[$i] = $i+1 next return $arr endfunc
comment:5 Changed 22 months ago by Jpm
Hi, your script produce 2 msgbox and stop gracefully
soI don't see any pb
comment:6 Changed 12 months ago by Jpm
- Resolution set to Works For Me
- Status changed from new to closed
No answer to I close the ticket
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- You cannot re-open a ticket but you may still leave a comment if you have additional information to add.
- In-depth discussions should take place on the forum.
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Hi in fact the pointed post script does not produce any error on my system
could you post an updated one?