


23:18 Ticket #2986 (_GUICtrlListView_SetColumnOrderArray - typo in parameters description) created by mLipok
there is: […] columsn >> columns
19:18 Ticket #2985 (Au3Stripper can not be executed concurrently) created by anonymous
We often need to do parallel builds of our AutoIt tools. We noticed …
10:09 Ticket #2984 (_GUICtrlListView_GetViewDetails and _GUICtrlListView_GetViewLarge ...) closed by Melba23
Fixed: water, I fixed that back in September with revisions 11065/66. M23


22:26 Ticket #2984 (_GUICtrlListView_GetViewDetails and _GUICtrlListView_GetViewLarge ...) created by water
In the script breaking changes tell us that …


23:22 Ticket #2983 (_WinApi_GetString documentation error) created by j0kky
_WinApi_GetString documentation: […] False, if the pointer is …


12:49 Ticket #2980 (Can't call a function in a map with the point operator [BETA]) reopened by jchd18


00:48 Ticket #2982 (_FTP_Connect - example proposal) created by mLipok
Like I see here: …


12:51 Ticket #2980 (Can't call a function in a map with the point operator [BETA]) closed by jchd18
Fixed: Exactly. It would be very hard to make the version 1 construct work. Look at this: […] How could the interpreter understand that otherwise that first try to evaluate […] as a function then […] Take into consideration that a non-member function Y could exist. AutoIt is only an interpreter, there is no actual compilation.


18:18 Ticket #2981 (How do I access an embeded Internet explorer server object ?) closed by Jos
No Bug: We have a forum for support questions! This is a place to report bugs or request features.
11:28 Ticket #2981 (How do I access an embeded Internet explorer server object ?) created by jai.kishore48@…
I have a standalone application(which is developed using .Net) …


12:16 Ticket #2980 (Can't call a function in a map with the point operator [BETA]) created by anonymous
I love the point operator in maps. But this don't work with functions. …


08:39 Ticket #2979 (AdlibUnregister failing to release timer) created by czardas
After AdlibUnregister, the original time interval is retained in …


15:18 Ticket #2978 (_ArrayDisplay - Parameters - description for $sArrayRange) closed by Melba23
Completed: Changed by revision [11221] in version:
12:50 Ticket #2978 (_ArrayDisplay - Parameters - description for $sArrayRange) created by mLipok
now there is: […] Please consider to change to something like …
11:21 Ticket #2977 (Random() returns zero on statistically valid inputs) closed by jchd18
Fixed: Exactly, latest beta fixes that.
08:49 Ticket #2977 (Random() returns zero on statistically valid inputs) created by anonymous
Hi devs, This appears to be coded intentionally to behave like this …
08:37 Ticket #2976 (compiled Execute(inputbox...) fails on bad argument error) created by RTFC
Hi devs, […] Works fine as .au3 interpreted in Scite, but …


20:10 Ticket #2971 (AutoItWrapper - Return proper exit code and suppress all dialogs) closed by Jos


23:42 Ticket #2975 (_WinAPI_GetFontResourceInfo return only the first 31 characters from ...) created by ffdshow
I started to rename some fonts using their name retrieved by …


19:36 Ticket #2974 (Named backreferences in replacement text (StringRegExpReplace)) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: This isn't a bug, and it's documented in the help file that the only back references that are valid in StringRegExpReplace are "\" and "$". See ticket #2663 for more information
14:38 Ticket #2974 (Named backreferences in replacement text (StringRegExpReplace)) created by anonymous
The function StringRegExpReplace doesn't allow named …


17:53 Ticket #2973 (Adding a MACRO for tray icon handle) created by j0kky
It is really difficult to retrieve the handle of notification area …
17:34 Ticket #2972 (Adding a sort of _IEAttributeGet function to IE.UDF) created by j0kky
There is no way to get the "class" (or other kind of) attribute value …


15:53 Ticket #2971 (AutoItWrapper - Return proper exit code and suppress all dialogs) created by corystein@…
We currently using the autoitwrapper.exe to build our autoit scripts …


22:06 Ticket #2970 (TraySetToolTip text set to Chr(0) hides the tooltip.) created by guinness
If the tooltip text is set to null then the tooltip is hidden. If this …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.