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Zedna last won the day on January 14

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About Zedna

  • Birthday 10/02/1972

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  • Member Title
    AutoIt rulez!
  • Location
    Czech republic

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  1. Try add ControlFocus(): WinWaitActive("Setup - CPGit") ControlFocus("Setup - CPGit","&Next >","TNewButton1") $res = ControlClick("Setup - CPGit","&Next >","TNewButton1") ...
  2. Add COM/OLE error checking to see error description and avoid hard crash ... $objErr = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") $orionURL = 'http://'&$ipAddress&':5001/' $jsonData = '[{ "request": { "TokenName": "bitCMDGrantEnter", "LaneNumber":"'&$laneNumber&'", "Value": "true"}}]' $oHTTP = ObjCreate("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") $oHTTP.Open("POST", $orionURL, False) $oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") $oHTTP.Send($jsonData) ; ----ERRROR RIGHT HERE--------- If @error Then Exit ; ... Func MyErrFunc() MsgBox(48, 'COM Error', $objErr.description) SetError(1) EndFunc
  3. Look here at my CUI progressbar
  4. Based on that I think there was some problem/mistake with BOM (few binary nonvisible bytes at start of files defining UTF coding, BOM is not mandatory for UTF files).
  5. Look at my MouseClickFast & MouseMoveFast maybe it can help you - but no waranty 🙂
  6. Here is my function _TreeView_GetAll() which gets whole content of TreeView control, in this case even from external application: Here you can see how to simply traverse the whole TreeView ... #Include <String.au3> #Include <GuiTreeView.au3> $sAll = _TreeView_GetAll('OLE/COM Object Viewer', '', 'SysTreeView322') FileDelete('treeview_get_all.txt') FileWrite('treeview_get_all.txt', $sAll) ;~ClipPut($sAll) Func _TreeView_GetAll($title, $text, $classNN, $expand = False, $indent = ' ', $bullet = '') ; $bullet = '- ' $hWnd = ControlGetHandle($title, $text, $classNN) $sAll = '' If $expand Then _GUICtrlTreeView_Expand($hWnd) ; Expand All $hItem = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetFirstItem($hWnd) While $hItem <> 0x00000000 $sItem = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetText($hWnd, $hItem) $level = _GUICtrlTreeView_Level($hWnd, $hItem) $sIndent = _StringRepeat($indent, $level) $sAll &= $sIndent & $bullet & $sItem & @CRLF $hItem = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetNext($hWnd, $hItem) WEnd Return $sAll EndFunc
  7. Check the result of WinActivate(), it may return 0 if window is not found ...
  8. Looks nice. I will not use it but I like to learn how such kind of hacks can be done 😉 I'm just curious why this isn't in Examples section of the forum ...
  9. As you can see in the sources there were implemented only few functions from AutoItX DLL https://github.com/nokia/robotframework-autoitlibrary/blob/master/src/AutoItLibrary/__init__.py
  10. Just info for others: https://robotframework.org/ https://github.com/nokia/robotframework-autoitlibrary I suggest to reinstall AutoItLibrary according to my second web link ... EDIT: Maybe it's related to opened issues for V7.1: so maybe try to contact their support or forum ... https://forum.robotframework.org/c/libraries/9
  11. FileInstall will embed PNG image inside EXE at compile time and copy it from EXE to destination directory at run time. With Resources UDF you can use PNG directly from EXE without need of extracting image to disk at runtime. fileInstall("test.png", @tempDir & "\test.png")  $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(@tempDir & "\test.png")  You would should also add deleting image after using it - in case of FileInstall() ...
  12. Difference with this approach is that you have to distribute PNG image separately along with compiled EXE. With Resources UDF you have PNG image compiled inside EXE and use it from resources (inside EXE) so you distribute only EXE file.
  13. If you want to use Resources UDF with latest version of AutoIt then you have to download/use derived ResourcesEx UDF (by guinness) from here and slightly modify your AU3 scripts changes needed in your fade/test.au3: ;~ #include "resources.au3" #include "ResourcesEx.au3" ... ;~ $hImage = _ResourceGetAsImage("TEST_PNG_1") $hImage = _Resource_GetAsImage("TEST_PNG_1") Zedna
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