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Data Validation in a GUI


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First off, I jut want to say that I love AutoIt. I just found it a few weeks ago and I'm never going back. :lmao:

Second, I have what's probably a noobie type question.

Background: I want to use a GUI to provide user input into a big ole script I'm working on. I'm trying to provide some data validation (IP address numbers under 255. computername that's nothing but numbers and letters, etc). I have the GUI set up, but if there's a problem I just want it to send up a msgbox saying what's wrong, then pop back into the GUI instead of exiting.

Here's what I have so far:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

GUICreate("ADS Install Script setup", @desktopwidth/2, @desktopheight/2, 10, 10, -1)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Please Enter the server name. It must be less than 11 characters and only contain letters or numbers. Default will be SERVER001",  10, 30, ((@desktopwidth/2)-10), 30)   ;
$servername = GUICtrlCreateInput ("SERVER001", 10, 60, 300, 20)  ; will not accept drag&drop files
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Please Enter the domain name. It must be less than 11 characters and only contain letters or numbers. Default will be MYDOMAIN",  10, 80, ((@desktopwidth/2)-10), 30)   ;
$domainname = GUICtrlCreateInput ("MYDOMAIN", 10, 110, 300, 20)  ; will not accept drag&drop files
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Enter the IP address. Default is NOTE: Please choose a Class C address scheme. Choice of address might adversely affect DHCP scope. Please leave last octet below 100, but do not use 1.",  10, 130, ((@desktopwidth/2)-10), 30)   ;
$octet1 = GUICtrlCreateInput ("192", 10, 160, 40, 20)
GUICtrlCreateLabel (".",  50, 160, 10, 20)
$octet2 = GUICtrlCreateInput ("168", 60, 160, 40, 20) 
GUICtrlCreateLabel (".",  100, 160, 10, 20)
$octet3 = GUICtrlCreateInput ("101", 110, 160, 40, 20) 
GUICtrlCreateLabel (".",  150, 160, 10, 20)
$octet4 = GUICtrlCreateInput ("10", 160, 160, 40, 20) 
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Enter the administrator's password. This will also be used for Active Directory Restore Mode. Default is P@ssw0rd. When you type, it will NOT put in asterisks so you can confirm what you type",  10, 180, ((@desktopwidth/2)-10), 30)   ;
$adminpw = GUICtrlCreateInput ("P@ssw0rd", 10, 210, 200, 20)  ; will not accept drag&drop files

GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Password Rules: Contains at least six characters."&@LF&"Contains characters from three of the following four categories:"&@LF&"Uppercase alphabet characters (AZ)"&@LF&"Lowercase alphabet characters (az)"&@LF&"Arabic numerals (09)"&@LF&"Nonalphanumeric characters (for example, !$#,%)",  10, 240, ((@desktopwidth/2)-10), 120)   ;
$btn = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Ok", 290,  375, 60, 20)

GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) 

$msg = 0
While $msg <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
       $msg = GUIGetMsg()
           Case $msg = $btn

; Server Name
$var001 = StringIsAlnum((GUICtrlRead($servername)))
if stringlen((GUICtrlRead($servername))) < 11 and $var001 = 1 then
MsgBox(4096, "len", "passed len")
MsgBox(4096, "fail", "There was a problem with the server name. Please correct it")
; Domain Name
$var002 = StringIsAlnum((GUICtrlRead($domainname)))
if stringlen((GUICtrlRead($domainname))) < 11 and $var002 = 1 then
MsgBox(4096, "len", "passed len")
MsgBox(4096, "fail", "There was a problem with the domain name. Please correct it")
; octet1
$var003 = StringIsdigit((GUICtrlRead($octet1)))
if (GUICtrlRead($octet1)) < 255 and $var003 = 1 then
MsgBox(4096, "len", "passed number")
MsgBox(4096, "fail", "There was a problem with the First octet. Please correct it")
; octet2
$var004 = StringIsdigit((GUICtrlRead($octet2)))
if (GUICtrlRead($octet2)) < 255 and $var004 = 1 then
MsgBox(4096, "len", "passed number")
MsgBox(4096, "fail", "There was a problem with the Second octet. Please correct it")
; octet1
$var005 = StringIsdigit((GUICtrlRead($octet3)))
if stringlen((GUICtrlRead($octet3))) < 255 and $var005 = 1 then
MsgBox(4096, "len", "passed number")
MsgBox(4096, "fail", "There was a problem with the Third octet. Please correct it")
; octet1
$var006 = StringIsdigit((GUICtrlRead($octet1)))
if stringlen((GUICtrlRead($octet4))) < 255 and $var006 = 1 then
MsgBox(4096, "len", "passed number")
MsgBox(4096, "fail", "There was a problem with the Fourth octet. Please correct it")

I'm sure it's related to how I do the validation, but I can't wrap my brain around how to fix this. ;)

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It looks like you want to take that entire block under the WEnd statement and stick it all under the Case statement. Then add a "ContinueLoop" instruction under each "fail" message box. Keep the ExitLoop at the very end, of course, unless you want to keep the GUI open for something else.

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