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GUICtrlSetState doesn't work with progress bar


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I have noticed that if GUICtrlSetState is used on a progress bar with $GUI_HIDE, the progress bar does not disappear. I have also noticed that when an avi is hidden, the last frame of the animation remains unless the object the avi is "on top of" is also hidden and reshown. Is this a bug?

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I have noticed that if GUICtrlSetState is used on a progress bar with $GUI_HIDE, the progress bar does not disappear. I have also noticed that when an avi is hidden, the last frame of the animation remains unless the object the avi is "on top of" is also hidden and reshown. Is this a bug?


the progress control is not manage with GUICtrlSetState because the value is not a state but a data so you need to use GuiCtrlSetData.

for the .avi can you put a script and attach the avi file so I can see what you experience.

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I realise I can change the progress bar with GuiCtrlSetData, but I need it not to show when not needed. I need to HIDE the progress bar.

For the AVI, here is a simple example of the problem:

#include <guiconstants.au3>
$guihndl = GuiCreate("Testing", 395, 120, -1, -1, -1, 0x00000080)
$avi = GUICtrlCreateAvi("shell32.dll", 160, 0, 0, 185, 36, $ACS_AUTOPLAY)
GUICtrlSetState($avi, $GUI_HIDE)

This code should show the gui, automatically play the avi, and wait 5 seconds before hiding the avi. As you will see, however, the last frame the AVI played is left on the screen. It doesn't look like the AVI is hidden like it should be, but just stopped.

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