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  1. I already understand positioning with GuiCoordMode=2 in general. Your example and explanations do not adress the specific question, the case of positioning 1px higher/left. And the help-text about this explains nothing, it is pure pointless stuttering.
  2. W.T.F.??? Why does this editor break my text after just tree chars??? Ok, i continue my text: __________________________________________ I have no task to solve currently, i want to understand the text, so i can judge if it is useful for me someday. Therefore i ask here for a better explanation.
  3. Yes, one pixel higher. And what someone would, or would not do, is not the answer to my question. My question is: What is the meaning of the text in the helpfile? In particular the meaning of row 3: "Obviously "offset" cannot be -1 which reserved to indicate the no increment. But if you can use a multiple of the width you choose to skip or go back.". What i understand, is that it should adress the question, how to position a control 1px higher/left then the reference point (lower right corner) of the last control, because the simple use of "-1" is impossible because of the special meaning of "-1". I have no task to solve,
  4. If "Obviously "offset" cannot be -1 (which reserved to indicate the no increment).", then: how can i position a control 1px higher/left then the reference point (lower right corner) of the last control by "using a multiple of the width" and "skip or go back."? Please translate this (" multiple of the width" and "skip or go back.") to something meaningful! "width" of what? and why it needs to be a "multilple"? And by wich parameter "skip" (jump over) what? And "go back" by wich parameter?
  5. Some "test scripts"? To test what? If somebody can translate this word salat to something meaningful?
  6. https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/AutoItSetOption.htm Option: GUICoordMode Parameter: 2
  7. cell positioning relative to current cell. A -1 for left or top parameter don't increment the start. So next line is -1, offset; next cell is offset,-1; current cell is -1,-1. Obviously "offset" cannot be -1 which reserved to indicate the no increment. But if you can use a multiple of the width you choose to skip or go back. First two rows i have already "translated" (rewritten): Positioning relative to the lower right corner of the last control. Exception: with "-1" you accept the top/left value of the last control. But the second sentence of the thirt row leaves me completely perplexed: But if you can use a multiple of the width you choose to skip or go back. What (and why a ~) "multiple" of what "width" (and why not "height?), and where should i "jump over" (and how?), or "go back" to what? Sounds completely nonsense to me. The only explanation, i can think of, is to use GUISetCoord(), to set a new zero (reference) point. If i misconceived this, i beg for another explanation and a example.
  8. The 18.07,2016 is a monday, but the result is wednesday. I'm confused.
  9. I had clicked a item of the control, switched over to my sourcecode-Editor (Notepad++), run the script (F6), witch sets Focus on the recuva-window, and to the control inside, but send("{SPACE}") does nothing. :-( If a checkbox is enabled, i check by PixelGetColor. (R=G=B = gray = not selected) I tried sendmessage with wm_keydown / wm_keyup and wm_syskeydown / wm_syskeyup, does'nt work too. Anyway controlfocus does not work, returns 0.
  10. "PC Files list"-control looks like listview with style $LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES. With Send / ControlSend / ControlSetText ("{Space}"), ControlCommand ("Uncheck"), ControlClick or MouseClick switching the Checkbox enabled / disabled does not work. I have read about some controls do not read the windows-messages-stream but read the underlaying stream of Keyboard-data, if i understand this correctly. Games (not related for me atm.) may work with DirectX. I want to understand the difference between autoit--Keyboard-Events and a real keyevent from a real keyboard. Why some controls only do work with real Keyboard-Events, but resist the autoit-Events?
  11. I tried to automate the "PC Files list"-control in Recuva (file-recovery tool). Some controls resist Automation with native autoit-methods. My question is about the different ways, controls read Keyboard-/mouse-Events. I have read about "sendinput", about different "layers",on witch some controls read the Input, about DirectX, and so on. Can somebody please describe ways, different from the methods used in autoit, to automate such resistent controls, to send keybard-Events in a way, that works for such controls?
  12. Just for the Record: _WinAPI_OpenProcess _MemVirtualAllocEx _WinAPI_ReadProcessMemory / _WinAPI_WriteProcessMemory _MemVirtualFreeEx and _WinAPI_CloseProcess do the trick.
  13. The Story: I write a Tool for Notepad++, witch comunicates with NPP and the Scintilla-Control via _WinAPI_ReadProcessMemory / _WinAPI_WriteProcessMemory, Works now, but while i designed the functions, i came across some Questions. If i succeed with it, i will release a UDF for complete Comunication with Notepad++ / Scintilla. the Questions: The Description of DllStructCreate sounds, like not only the elements of a struct can be named, but structs themselfs too. Is this right, and if so, how is it done? (will be usefull for my project, if possible) "Struct mystruct;int;char[10],EndStruct" or something alike? (if that is possible,it should be mentioned in the helpfile) And i came across an example, where someone used type "struct" instead of "ptr" in DllCall. Is that equivalent?
  14. It seems that some Scintilla-Messages do work only within the same Process, especially the ones, witch use structs. Any idea about this? PS: Maybe i have to use WM_COPYDATA like this: https://autoit.de/index.php/Thread/6438-WinAPI-PostMessage-string/?postID=47622#post47622 ?
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