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Chimaera last won the day on April 15 2016

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About Chimaera

  • Birthday 05/29/1963

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    Sorry .. Where am i again?
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  1. http://www.poshgui.com/ Enjoy
  2. Lol i did a Win 98 install about a month ago and i have a win 2000 coming in for an overhaul to make quicker next week. They still exist..
  3. nvm i think i finally got it figured i needed DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection", "int", 1) before the command
  4. Hi all im trying to make a button set a machine to start in safe mode using bcdedit which seems to be the best and easiest way but It doesnt work and im scratching my head as to why Ive tried with admin/without admin/compiled and a load of stuff, but no joy Case $hButton_3 ;~ bcdedit /set {current} safeboot network ;~ Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'bcdedit.exe /set {current} safeboot minimal', "", @SW_HIDE) ; >' & @AppDataDir & '\Toolz\savelog.txt' ;~ bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal ;~ Run('bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal') Local $test = Run(@ComSpec & " /k " & 'bcdedit.exe /set {current} safeboot minimal', 'C:\Windows\System32', @SW_SHOW) ;~ RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "bcdedit.exe /set {current} safeboot minimal") MsgBox(64, 'test', $test) I even tried making it look at 64 bit just in case C:\Windows\Sysnative\bcdedit The error i get is this in the command window but bcdedit is definitely in the folder Can anyone suggest where i might be going wrong?
  5. Norton has its own uninstall tool have you looked at automating that instead of the program? @BetaLeaf I uninstall stuff like this all the time, preinstalled bloatware etc , it doesnt mean im doing something wrong. Most people up to no good would try and bypass it rather than uninstall it
  6. Ok thx ill have a look at doing that. What is the 2.bmp? a second version of the button? I was considering that path but it doubles the button bmps i have to include Unfortunatly they are all pictures with no text. Ill keep playing thx for the help
  7. Hi all Im working on a gui that i need to show that a button has been used before but still allows it to be used again Local $hButton_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton( "", 25, 30, 45, 45, $BS_BITMAP, $WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE) GUICtrlSetImage($hButton_1, $templocation & 'simplestart_img.bmp') im creating the button like this And i want it to go grey like this when you disable them GUICtrlSetState($hButton_1, $GUI_DISABLE) But i still want the button usable so not disabled. So to recap it needs to be greyed out like the disable but still accessible so it can be used Is there a simple way to do this?
  8. Ok thx for that i tested your code on a machine and it gave me the array but all jumbled up with no columns so i added the ',' to replace the default and its not worked again To be fair i haven't had the time to sit and go through it Im beginning to suspect there maybe something unusual with this csv when you try to display columns. I may have to make a separate script that opens the csv with excel and remove the rows and columns then but i shall get back to this as soon as i can
  9. if i do a shellexecute right after the name stuff it opens fine in excel It doesnt make any sense why it wouldnt open. Ill keep trying to see if i can narrow down the cause
  10. Hi all Im trying to open a csv to remove some unneeded colums after i create it The csv is created like this #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global $aCSV[1] Global $OSTypeTest = _OsType(), $sWinVer, $OSType, $vReturn Global $filename = '"' & @ScriptDir & '\Logs\tasklist_logs\' & $OSTypeTest & '-' & @MDAY & '-' & @MON & '-' & @MIN & '-' & @SEC& '-tasklist.csv' & '"' ConsoleWrite( $filename & @CRLF) Global $schTest = RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & 'schtasks.exe /query /v /fo CSV >' & $filename, '', @SW_HIDE) ; make the csv Sleep(3000) Local $filetest = _FileReadToArray($filename, $aCSV, Default,',') ConsoleWrite( $filetest & ' - ' & 'error = ' & @error & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay($aCSV) MsgBox(64, 'SchTasks Log', 'SchTasks Logging Has Completed', 2) Func _OsType() $sWinVer = FileGetVersion("winver.exe") ;~ ConsoleWrite($sWinVer & @CRLF) If StringInStr($sWinVer, '10.0.') Then ; Win 10 $OSType = 'Win_10' ElseIf StringInStr($sWinVer, '6.3.') Then ; Win 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 $OSType = 'Win_8.1' ElseIf StringInStr($sWinVer, '6.2.') Then ; Win 8.0 / Server 2012 $OSType = 'Win_8' ElseIf StringInStr($sWinVer, '6.1.') Then ; Win 7.0 / Server 2008R2 $OSType = 'Win_7' ElseIf StringInStr($sWinVer, '6.0.') Then ; Win Vista / Server 2008 $OSType = 'Win_Vista' ElseIf StringInStr($sWinVer, '5.2.') Then ; Win Server 2003 & R2 $OSType = 'Win_Server 2003' ElseIf StringInStr($sWinVer, '5.1.') Then ; Win XP $OSType = 'Win_XP' EndIf Return $OSType EndFunc ;==>_OsType and the result i get is this "G:\######\# Log PC\Capture Tasklist\Logs\tasklist_logs\Win_10-21-04-56-30-tasklist.csv" 0 - error = 1 It creates the csv fine and it opes in excel properly , i just dont understand why it wont open th file. Any suggestions please
  11. Just adding how i do it Func _RefreshDesktop() RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "taskkill /f /im explorer.exe", "", @SW_HIDE) ; close desktop RunWait(@ComSpec & " /c " & "start " & @WindowsDir & "\explorer.exe", "", @SW_HIDE) ; restart desktop EndFunc ;==>_RefreshDesktop
  12. On what OS does this occur i cannot see that folder on win 10?
  13. Hi, ive got a gui with a number of buttons which i might need to add buttons too as i go along example button code Local $hButton1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("", 6, 6, 70, 70, $BS_BITMAP, $WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE) Local $Dir1 = @ScriptDir & '\settings\button_1\' $search = FileFindFirstFile($Dir1 & '*.bmp') If @error = 1 Or $search = -1 Then GUICtrlSetImage($hButton1, @AppDataDir & '\Toolz\question_large.bmp') Else While 1 $find = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop $IconTest_1 = $find $image = GUICtrlSetImage($hButton1, $Dir1 & $IconTest_1) WEnd EndIf Local $ToolTip_1 = IniRead($IniFile, 'Button_1', 'button_1_tooltip', 'Error Reading Button 1 Tooltip') GUICtrlSetTip(Default, ' ' & $ToolTip_1 & ' ') Now the problem is, if i copy that and paste to make a new button i end up having to change the '1' at the end of each part so it relates to button 24 for eg Ive been messing about trying to make it work with stuff like this $hButton = 'Button', $bNumber = '_1' $bBut_ID = '$bBut_ID' & $bNumber ConsoleWrite($bBut_ID & @CRLF) $bBut_ID = $hButton & $bNumber ConsoleWrite($bBut_ID & @CRLF) But then the Case statement for the button doesnt work. Is there a simple way to do this? so i can edit one number and the whole button section changes? and still works with the case statement
  14. Im trying to make a customizable gui that end user can add his stuff to. Its just basic buttons etc and a folder structure that the user can put his files into with an image and it works from the button. Now ive added an ini so they can set the files that need to run, which works with exes text files shortcuts but i cant get it to open webpages .. Normal button works like this Case $hButton1 Local $ExeTest_1 = IniRead($IniFile, 'Button_1', 'button_1_filename', 'Error') ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & '\settings\button_1\' & $ExeTest_1) Ini like this ; --------------------------- [Button_1] button_1_filename=CCleaner.exe button_1_tooltip=CCleaner button_1_icon=ccleaner.bmp ; --------------------------- [Button_2] button_2_filename=test.txt button_2_tooltip=My TextFile button_2_icon=textfile.bmp ; --------------------------- [Button_3] button_3_filename= button_3_website=http://www.bbc.co.uk button_3_tooltip=BBC Website button_3_icon=bbc.bmp ; --------------------------- As you can see ive added a weblink but it throws an error that it cant find the folder structure and file as it thinks its a file not a webpage This works for webpages fine Case $hButton4 ShellExecute('http://www.bbc.co.uk') Is there a simple way to detect whats in the folder and make it just start it with shellexecute? The ini started off being a good idea but is starting to get complicated I just want it to open what ever is placed in the folder shortcut/webpage/program etc etc Any thoughts?
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