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  4. That was one of the first things I tried, but it didn't work, just gave me a -1 error.
  5. Please have a look at function _AD_GetGroupMembers: Returns an array of group members.
  6. The code above run just fine. You might have some application that steal the focus of you window. Try this and let me know if it works: Run("write.exe") WinWait('[CLASS:WordPadClass]') Send ("{PRINTSCREEN}") SendKeepActive('[CLASS:WordPadClass]') Send ("^v") SendKeepActive('')
  7. #include <Date.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $hSleep = 5000 Sleep($hSleep) RUN ("Write.exe") Sleep($hSleep) Send ("{PRINTSCREEN}") Sleep($hSleep) Send ("^v")
  8. Further more it would be better to mark this post as "solution" instead of my question about "updates on this here" ๐Ÿ˜„ . I believe this lead to more context and so one. Best regards Sven
  9. You're welcome @MarcoMonte ๐Ÿ˜€ . No worries, simply open a new Thread with "WebDriver" in the title. No need to have one long Thread for different questions/problems (at least in my opinion). So please close this one if okay and open new one when the time will come. I observe Threads with WebDriver related question, so I will see it and most likely will react on such Threads if I can. So like other people here too ๐Ÿ˜€ . Best regards Sven
  10. Sven, I would like to thank you for your support, It worked and I started (slowly) to get the basic, pls, keep this thread alive because I will need help for sure. See you soon Marco
  11. Hi, I'm currently using this script to generate an array called $usernames which just contains the members of an AD group: #include <Array.au3> $objGroup = ObjGet("LDAP://cn=just_a_group,ou=groups,dc=here,dc=com") $objGroup.GetInfo $arrMemberOf = $objGroup.GetEx("member") Local $usernames[UBound($arrMemberOf)] For $i = 0 To UBound($arrMemberOf) - 1 $usernames[$i] = $arrMemberOf[$i] Next It works fine, but I never wrote it and I'd normally use the AD udf to do it. But I've tried and failed! How would I do the above with the AD udf? Thanks, Graybags
  12. Sorry, guys, i was tired and forgot to write about hardware acceleration. If you have gpu that supports vulkan backend, you can get answers from AI much faster. To enable gpu you should change False to True in this script's line: Local $answer = DllCall($hDLL, "str:cdecl", "Dllama_Simple_Inference", "str", "C:\LLM\gguf\", "str", "models.json", "str", "phi3:4B:Q4", "boolean", False, "uint", 1024, "int", 27, "str", $question) By the way, please, download the latest dll version from official github repo. It was updated since i posted this thread: https://github.com/tinyBigGAMES/Dllama/blob/main/bin/Dllama.dll Virustotal check can be found here: https://github.com/tinyBigGAMES/Dllama/blob/main/docs/VIRUSTOTAL.txt
  13. Last week
  14. Thanks for the explanation. It does a lot for such a small amount of code
  15. Hi @SlavaS, yes of course you only get the texts of the image tags. This is intended because I only concentrated on your post with you solution: Which means here you only get the alt attributes of the images tags too. So I would suggest simply do two requests. One for the texts of the ticket cards and one for the alt tags. Best regards Sven
  16. Post the script involving wordpad that fails if VM is not open. Also have a look at SendKeepActive().
  17. Hi Andreik, Thanks for your ideas. Again, if the VM is open it works. I changed tactics to work with Wordpad. The same challenge I have with the Material Planning Window app is here also. The current goal is to open Wordpad. Printscreen to Clipboard. Paste into Wordpad. If the VM RDC is open in front of me, it works as expected. If it is closed, the Send([PRINTSCREEN}) doesn't work. Even with no apps open, it should take a screenshot of the desktop. But it does not. I test this by compiling to an exe. The script starts with a Sleep(5000). I double click the exe then immediately close the VM RDC window. Wait 30 seconds, then reopen the RDC to the VM. Wordpad is open, but the PRINTSCREEN didn't function. If I manually do the CTRL V nothing gets pasted into WordPad. What could be causing the Windows VM to not pick up the Send([PRINTSCREEN})?
  18. @Jos I think this is supposed to be some sort of example GUI for a LLM, maybe it fits better in examples section of the forum. In case anyone wonder why the script it doesn't work, just run it using x64 version, since the dll it's compiled as 64bit library. #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y As for me, I can't think of any place where I can use this anyway because it's very very slow. It takes like 30 seconds to answer to any basic question.
  19. Moved to the appropriate AutoIt General Help and Support forum, as the Developer General Discussion forum very clearly states: Moderation Team PS: Welcome to our forums. We understand you are new around here, so tell me why we would be able to trust your attached DLL? To my surprise, I was the first one to check on virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/bfe4de94fcd7b27a80f099a7fe504f4f85d22fdc03536c00a637de1ed1a16fac/detection
  20. Hi. Created a minimal AutoIt script that allows to chat with such local AI models like this: microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct ยท Hugging Face I used Dllama library that provides useful functions to communicate with offline AI models: tinyBigGAMES/Dllama: Local LLM inference Library (github.com) Before running the script you need to create folder at this local path: C:\LLM\gguf. After creating the folder you should place there all required files: AutoIt script file, models.json, Dllama.dll and .gguf model itself that can be downloaded from here: https://huggingface.co/microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-gguf/resolve/main/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-q4.gguf?download=true Script's code: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> DllCall("User32.dll", "bool", "SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext" , "HWND", "DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT" -2) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Local $hMainGUI = GUICreate("Dllama_AutoIt_GUI", 925, 950) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "terminate_app") Local $start_thinking = GUICtrlCreateButton("Think and answer, AI!", 350, 890, 250, 50) Local $place_for_question = GUICtrlCreateInput("Type here your question for AI.", 10, 15, 900, 40) Local $place_for_answer = GUICtrlCreateEdit("Here AI will type answer for your question", 10, 80, 900, 800, $ES_MULTILINE) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($start_thinking, "get_answer") GUICtrlSetFont($place_for_question, 14) GUICtrlSetFont($place_for_answer, 14) GUICtrlSetFont($start_thinking, 14) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hMainGUI) While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func get_answer() Local $question $question = GUICtrlRead($place_for_question) Local $hDLL = DllOpen("Dllama.dll") Local $answer = DllCall($hDLL, "str:cdecl", "Dllama_Simple_Inference", "str", "C:\LLM\gguf\", "str", "models.json", "str", "phi3:4B:Q4", "boolean", False, "uint", 1024, "int", 27, "str", $question) GUICtrlSetData($place_for_answer, $answer[0]) DllClose($hDLL) EndFunc Func terminate_app() Exit EndFunc Dllama_GUI_AutoIt.au3models.jsonDllama.dll
  21. You're in the same boat as us. We're currently looking at RightWorks, but I think we're going to move our RDS to Azure over the physical server we have located in one of our offices. We've always had someone log in very late at night nearly every night during tax season in order to push Lacerte updates out and if this step could be automated without having to pay 2-3x the price for RightWorks over Azure it would be amazing. Shocked Intuit hasn't came up with a solution for this because it has to be a common issue for tax preparers with multiple users.
  22. The (top), which does not make problem on yours, is because I use other dimensions here. The only solution was to check and check and try until it fits. Cheers mike
  23. Hi SOLVE-SMART Only I need to get TEXT at the same time from tickets and Text attribute Alt Image Tag. And with this option: '//div[@data-test-id="ticket-preview"]//img' ... I get only Attribute Text of the Image Tag Best regards Slava
  24. This code provides a simple graphical interface for a calculator, allowing operations such as copy, paste, and automatic calculation. However, it lacks comments to explain the different sections and functions. Additionally, user input validation is missing, which could lead to errors if non-numeric data is entered. Better code organization with explanatory comments and the addition of validation mechanisms would enhance its readability and robustness.
  25. Totally different topic! This is an invalid property and should be "code.page" When I run your script with: code.page=65001 output.code.page=65001 character.set=238 if Get: a, c, e, l, n, ó, s, z, z So it is close but not the same.... I will have a closer look when I have some time. Wondering what others have experienced here like @mLipok ?
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