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Marc last won the day on March 16 2020

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About Marc

  • Birthday 06/04/1971

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    Düsseldorf, Germany
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  1. Darn! Ooookay, Put it on the "stupid idiot"-list,.. Invoking your Scite-Editor manually does everything right. I'm always using the "total commander" filemanager. Several years ago I wrote a launcher to decide which editor to use depending on the file extension. Which contains a funny bug... 🤦‍♂️ Embarassing.
  2. Yepp, it fails with my testfile. Downloaded the original scite and go not problems when editing it. Here's what I see when opening first in original scite and after that in the latest Scite4AutoIt (destroying it): Some things I checked: Original file starts with 26 69 6e 63 6c 75 defect file starts with ef bb bf 63 75 - seems like the first 3 bytes are simply overwritten with the UTF-8 Header renaming the Folder AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\ does not change anything in this behaviour after re-adding the overwritten "#in" and saving the file, it stays fine Notepad++ detects my testfile as "UTF" and the file after saving it with the Scite4AutoIt-Editor as "UTF-8-BOM" hope this helps...
  3. Hi Jos, took the files from your zip and replaced the files from c:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\ with the contents. Help now says: 32-bit Version 5.3.5 Scintilla:5.3.4 Lexilla:5.2.4 Apr 8 2023 19:51:08 But: same result as before. As it seems to happen only on my system, perhaps I screwed up some config files...?
  4. It says: 32-bit Version 5.3.5 Scintilla:5.3.4 Lexilla:5.2.4 Apr 2 2023 16:03:32 by Neil Hodgson. Updated by Jos
  5. I'm using the setup-file from your post it's the 23.402.1150.0.15 Installer, to be more precise. Should I overwrite it with a different version? SciTEUser.properties
  6. Hm, am I the only onle having the issue that the first 3 characters of each file get cut off when editing it? Have an existing .au3 which starts with "#Region". When opening it in the new Scite, it starts with "gion", and the file immediatley gets saved with the first 3 Chars cut of. Re-Adding the "#Re" and saving, the file on the disk is fine and works, untit I dare to open it in Scite again... I'm sure it has to do with BOM... Re-installed the old version, everything's fine.
  7. thank you very much - and happy new year to all, too
  8. Hi all, here's a test snippet from a script I use daily. Worked fine, until roundabout last week. Problem is: I am checking for the next comic on the webpage. If the comic does not yet exist, the sourcecode contains the text <h1>404 Error</h1>. At least, that's the result in the Webbrowser. But I get a different sourcecode when using the edge browser or _InetGetSource. Especially the 404 Error-Tag is missing. Tried it with several variations of the UserAgent (my old value is "Mozilla / 5.0"). #include <INet.au3> ;HttpSetUserAgent('Mozilla / 5.0') HttpSetUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0') ;HttpSetUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36') ; HttpSetUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36') $result = lfg(1985) MsgBox(0,"lfg", $result) Func lfg($start) $name = "lfg" & $start $x = _INetGetSource("http://www.lfg.co/page/" & $start & "/") ClipPut($x) If StringInStr($x, "<h1>404 Error</h1>") Then Return 404 Return "nope" EndFunc ;==>lfg Desired result of the test-script: a messagebox with 404. Current result of the test script: "nope". Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? best regards, Marc
  9. "Microsoft 365" (that's the current name as of 2022-12-04, may change ^^) still offers a standard installation of the software on your PC. Seems to work fine
  10. released a much newer version in the first post.
  11. Hm, the cause seems to be simple: StringBetween is doing what it should - it returns the text between your <div class="accordion-item"> and the first </div> without including the search-texts itself. So you'd need to find another end-string or solve it via regex. in your case, you could #include <String.au3> Global $HTML_Test $HTML_Test &= '<div class="accordion-item">' & @CRLF ; <!---- START GET--> $HTML_Test &= ' <div class="accordion-inner">' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <p>Khoá an toàn giúp bếp luôn được an toàn</p>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' </div>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <a href="#" class="accordion-title plain">' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <button class="toggle">' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' </button>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <span>Khoá an toàn</span>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' </a>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= '</div>' & @CRLF ;<!---- END GET --> Global $aSearch = _StringBetween($HTML_Test, '<div class="accordion-item">', '</a>' & @CRLF & '</div>') If IsArray($aSearch) Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aSearch) - 1 ConsoleWrite('!-> SB Return: ' & $aSearch[$i] & @CRLF) Next Else ConsoleWrite('! SB: No strings found. ' & @CRLF) EndIf so you'll get the inner text. Of course the closing </a> gets lost because it is included in the $sEnd-String. Or with a regex: #include <String.au3> Global $HTML_Test $HTML_Test &= '<div class="accordion-item">' & @CRLF ; <!---- START GET--> $HTML_Test &= ' <div class="accordion-inner">' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <p>Khoá an toàn giúp bếp luôn được an toàn</p>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' </div>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <a href="#" class="accordion-title plain">' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <button class="toggle">' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' </button>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' <span>Khoá an toàn</span>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= ' </a>' & @CRLF $HTML_Test &= '</div>' & @CRLF ;<!---- END GET --> ; Global $aSearch = _StringBetween($HTML_Test, '<div class="accordion-item">', '</a>' & @CRLF & '</div>') $aSearch = StringRegExp($HTML_Test, '(?s)<div class="accordion-item">(.*)</div>',3) If IsArray($aSearch) Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aSearch) - 1 ConsoleWrite('!-> SB Return: ' & $aSearch[$i] & @CRLF) Next Else ConsoleWrite('! SB: No strings found. ' & @CRLF) EndIf best regards, Marc
  12. $text = StringRegExpReplace($text,"(?s)(CPU.*?°C).*", "$1") Try this way
  13. Without trying it by myself: the ps1 file writes to the relative path ".\process.txt" So, try to give the run command the right directory. as working directory or change the .ps1 to use an absolute path like "out-file -FilePath c:\test\process.txt
  14. You could use a logging UDF like Loga. It allows two ways: it print its debug messages into the console, but at the same time into a logfile. Which you could open and watch on your 2nd monitor, preferrably using a tool which constantly displays new lines of the file. I think LogExpert should do the job (untested) it allows to have its own outpout windows, see example 09 of the udf.
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