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  1. Usage example. While $t = 0 $coord = PixelSearch($gLeft,$gTop, $gRight, $gBottom, Hex(0x0000FF),10) If Not @error Then $colorck = colorzone($coord[0],$coord[1],10,0,2) If $colorck Then MsgBox(0, "Yes", "Seems to be the same.") EndIf EndIf Function. ; 5x5 compair(500,500,5,5) ;xxxxx o is center and reading point. ;xxxxx compairing all colors in the radius ;xxoxx if color is in range of 5 offset for none int returns in the radius then return true ;xxxxx try and use even numbers for best result ;xxxxx It will round otherwise ; Func colorzone($x1, $y1, $square, $offset, $step = 0) $x2 = $x1 - Int($square / 2) $y2 = $y1 - Int($square / 2) $x3 = $x1 + Int($square / 2) $y4 = $y1 + Int($square / 2) $var = PixelGetColor($x1, $y1) $coord = PixelSearch($x2, $y2, $x3, $y4, $var, $offset, $step) If Not @error Then Return True Else Return False EndIf EndFunc ;==>compair ENJOY!!
  2. Here is what we have. command("test",'0,"test","ahhh"') Func test($msg1,$msg2,$msg3,$msg4=0) MsgBox($msg1, $msg2, $msg3,$msg4) EndFunc Func command($cmd$,$myArray) Call($cmd, $myArray) EndFunc I think this should do as far as information. I extracted it and simplified because to real code has alot of loops and user defined function calls. Once i get this missing piece i can move on. Bassically the issue i think i have is, I call command and array isnt defined so it will error itself. My debugger i made tells me invalid command... IDK just posting this makes me think maybe the issue isnt the array.
  3. I dono the bot just walks around and cant attack or anything on it's own.
  4. Link here rto mem functions No matter what I do or what program i do anything on it always shows blank. $process=ProcessExists ("program.exe") $mem = _MemOpen($process) $yd=_MemRead($mem,0xa9907af,2) $xd=_MemRead($mem,0xa9907cf,2) MsgBox(0,$mem,$yd&" "&$xd) $msg=_MemRead($mem,0x736FFD4,50) MsgBox(0,$msg,$msg)
  5. Everything ruturns blank. $process=ProcessExists ("program.exe") $mem = _MemOpen($process) $yd=_MemRead($mem,0xa9907af,2) $xd=_MemRead($mem,0xa9907cf,2) MsgBox(0,$mem,$yd&" "&$xd) $msg=_MemRead($mem,0x736FFD4,50) MsgBox(0,$msg,$msg)
  6. What dose it mean the max is open none are open wtf???
  7. i already have much done. lots of errors tho. ; http://ladderslasher.d2jsp.org/ ; todo list ; Status - kills - deaths ; End monster life bar = 525 210 ; Start monster life bar = 334 212 ; Fight Another ; ; HotKeySet("{ESC}",'quit') HotKeySet("{INS}",'doit') #include <GUIConstants.au3> $win='Ladderslasher' $monsterlife0top=201 $monsterlife0bottem=212 $monsterlife0middleloc= $monsterlife0bottem - $monsterlife0top $monsterlife0middle= $monsterlife0middleloc/$monsterlife0top $monsterlife0mid=$monsterlife0bottem+$monsterlife0middle $monsterlife0left=334 $monsterlife0right=525 $monsterlife0middleloc2= $monsterlife0right - $monsterlife0left $monsterlife0middle2= $monsterlife0middleloc/$monsterlife0top $monsterlife0midd2= $monsterlife0left+$monsterlife0middleloc2 $monsterlife0mid2=$monsterlife0right+$monsterlife0middle2 $status=0 $deaths=0 $killed=0 $death=0 $top= 129 $left=323 $bottem=476 $right=654 $attackclr='0x840084' $itemclr='0x0000FF' $lifeclr='0xD68284' #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\Documents and Settings\kcd\Desktop\Gamers-Vision\hackslash\AForm1.kxf $Form1 = GUICreate("AForm1", 635, 486, 237, 160) $Obj1 = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") $Obj1_ctrl = GUICtrlCreateObj($Obj1, 0, 0, 634, 412) $Start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 560, 416, 49, 17, 0) $Stop = GUICtrlCreateButton("Stop", 560, 432, 49, 17, 0) $Exit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 560, 448, 49, 17, 0) $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Stats", 0, 416, 385, 49) $Kills = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Kills", 8, 432, 22, 25) $Deaths = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Deaths", 32, 432, 38, 25) $Items = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Items", 72, 432, 29, 25) $clritem = GUICtrlCreateLabel('item clr'&@CRLF&$itemclr, 104, 432, 51, 25) $clrlife = GUICtrlCreateLabel('life clr'&@CRLF&$lifeclr, 160, 432, 51, 25) $clrattack = GUICtrlCreateLabel('attack clr'&@CRLF&$attackclr, 216, 432, 51, 25) $status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Status - Booting", 272, 440, 103, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ALabel1", 0, 464, 387, 17) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### $Obj1.navigate("http://ladderslasher.d2jsp.org/") GUICtrlSetData($status,"Status - Stoped") GUICtrlSetData($Label1,"") GUICtrlSetData($Deaths,"Deaths"&@CRLF&$death) GUICtrlSetData($Kills,"Kills "&@CRLF&$killed) Func quit() Exit EndFunc Func doit() ;~ $monsterlifeloc = PixelSearch(504,208 ,801, 508, $lifeclr ) ;~ If Not @error Then ;~ $monsterlife=PixelGetColor($monsterlife0midd2+94,$monsterlifeloc[1]+2) ;~ EndIf ;~ MouseMove($monsterlife0midd2+94,$monsterlifeloc[1]+2,0) EndFunc While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Exit Exit Case $Stop GUICtrlSetData($status,"Status - Stoped") $status=0 Case $Start GUICtrlSetData($status,"Status - Running") $monsterlifeloc = PixelSearch(504,208 ,801, 508, $lifeclr ) $status=1 Case Else If $status = 1 Then $heal=PixelGetColor(100,155) $alive=PixelGetColor(76,155) If Not @error Then $monsterlife=PixelGetColor($monsterlife0midd2+94,$monsterlifeloc[1]+2) EndIf If $alive <> $lifeclr Then GUICtrlSetData($status,"Status - You died") $death=$death+1 Sleep(5000) EndIf If $heal <> $lifeclr Then GUICtrlSetData($status,"Status - Healing") Sleep(5000) EndIf If $monsterlife <> $lifeclr Then GUICtrlSetData($status,"Status - Monster dead") $killed=$killed+1 Sleep(5000) EndIf $attackloc = PixelSearch(512,$monsterlifeloc[1] ,801, 508, $attackclr) If Not @error Then MouseClick("LEFT",$attackloc[0],$attackloc[1],25,0) Sleep(1) MouseClick("LEFT",$attackloc[0],$attackloc[1],25,0) Sleep(1) MouseClick("LEFT",$attackloc[0],$attackloc[1],25,0) Sleep(1) MouseClick("LEFT",$attackloc[0],$attackloc[1],25,0) Sleep(1) MouseClick("LEFT",$attackloc[0],$attackloc[1],25,0) Sleep(1) MouseClick("LEFT",$attackloc[0],$attackloc[1],25,0) Sleep(1) MouseClick("LEFT",$attackloc[0],$attackloc[1],25,0) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Deaths,"Deaths - "&$death) GUICtrlSetData($Kills,"Kills - "&$killed) GUICtrlSetData($Label1,$attackloc[0]&' '&$monsterlifeloc[1]&' - '&$attackloc[0]&' '&$monsterlifeloc[1]) EndIf EndSwitch WEnd
  8. I would love for some one else to do it but plz show the source. Hrm is this a link here you gata register dun see a problem why but Im not telling you my acc on there to get banned keep it annonomis
  9. Thats not what i mean. Its for a game. I am working on a bot. This is what i want to do. Find Enter Combat Arena Click Enter Combat Arena Find Fight This Opponent Click Fight This Opponent Find Attack Click Attack While keeping track of life and status.
  10. Im running explorer in autoit and was wondering if i could find text on the page and click it? Say i was viewing this page and i wanted it to automaticly click www.autoitscript.com at the top. How would i do that?
  11. never had this problem $brick=PixelSearch ( 414, 539, 934, 807, 0x6A0065 , 0 ,0 ) $ball=PixelSearch ( 414, 539, 934, 807, 0xFFFFFF , 0 ,0 ) If $brick[0] <= $ball[0] Then Send("{LEFT}") EndIf If $brick[0] >= $ball[0] Then Send("{RIGHT}") EndIf
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