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About Pakku

  • Birthday 04/30/1990

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    The Netherlands

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  1. Hmm, what about a HTTP UDF? None found on the forum, would one like to develop one with me? Check below, it is exacly what you need.
  2. Hi, I saw your PM, so here I go. I'll explain what you need to do and why, you can do the code stuff yourself. Since HTTP is based on TCP, you have to do your own HTTP requests and answer the HTTP responses received from the server. So, as you do, you setup a TCP connection on port 80 and then follow the following example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Example_session This example isn't going to send a file to the server, but once you are able to get this working, it won't be difficult to get to upload a file. An interresting one: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=337424 You need to deepen out this more yourself, but I hope the concept is clear. I could make an example, but you will learn more by deepen this out yourself. Let's make this interesting for both of us. If you deepen this out more, by providing more information or code, than I'll post a working one
  3. Hi all, Wow it's been a while since I posted my last post here on the AutoIt forum. Well here we go, what have I done: I (at least I think) improved GUINetCC (credtis for Tlem) by taking the GUI to the system tray. Here at the Twente Uneversity (the Netherlands), wireless does a little strange sometimes and then I need to restart my NIC. IMO a system tray thingy would be more usefull than. The code #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Include <Array.au3> #include <NetCC.au3> Opt("TrayMenuMode",1) $action = TrayCreateMenu("Actions") $on = TrayCreateItem("Turn ON",$action) $off = TrayCreateItem("Turn OFF",$action) $restart = TrayCreateItem("Restart",$action) $connection = TrayCreateMenu("Connection") Dim $list = _NetCCGetList() Dim $connectionitem[$list[0] + 1] $connectionitem[0] = TrayCreateItem("All Connections",$connection) TrayItemSetState($connectionitem[0],1) Dim $selected = "All" For $i = 1 To $list[0] $connectionitem[$i] = TrayCreateItem($list[$i],$connection) Next TrayCreateItem("") $exit = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TraySetState() While 1 $msg = TrayGetMsg() If $msg = $exit Then Exit ElseIf _ArraySearch($connectionitem,$msg) <> -1 Then For $i = 0 to $list[0] TrayItemSetState($connectionitem[$i],4) Next TrayItemSetState($msg,1) If TrayItemGetText($msg) == "All Connections" Then $selected = "All" Else $selected = TrayItemGetText($msg) EndIf ElseIf $msg = $on Then TrayTip("Turning ON","Start turning ON",1,1) _on() TrayTip("Turning ON","Done",1,1) ElseIf $msg = $off Then TrayTip("Turning OFF","Start turning OFF",1,1) _off() TrayTip("Turning ON","Done",1,1) ElseIf $msg = $restart Then TrayTip("Restart","Start restarting",1,1) _off() _on() TrayTip("Restart","Done",1,1) EndIf WEnd Func _on() _NetCC($selected, 1) EndFunc Func _off() _NetCC($selected, 0) EndFunc
  4. Hi all, Don't know why, but been away for a while from the forum, but thought I'll come back, see how things are going at AutoIt forum. To pay for the last few monthes, here a script I wrote yesterday just for fun. Hit Ctrl + Alt + a to activate and deactivate, after activating, moving your mouse form the spot to the left will make your current active window transparant, moving far more away will make it more transparant. moving to the right will make it more sollid, and even more right than where you start will make it as solid as possible. HotKeySet("^!a","trans") $until = 0 While 1 Sleep(10) WEnd Func trans() HotKeySet("^!a","reset") $pos0 = MouseGetPos(0) $ruimte = 20 $oldtrans = 255 $titel = WinGetTitle("") Do $pos1 = MouseGetPos(0) if $pos1 > $pos0 Then $trans = 255 Elseif $pos1 < $ruimte Then $trans = 0 Else $trans = Int(255 - ((($pos0 - $pos1) / ($pos0 - 20)) * 255)) EndIf if $oldtrans <> $trans Then WinSetTrans($titel,"",$trans) $oldtrans = $trans EndIf Sleep(100) Until $until = 1 $until = 0 EndFunc Func reset() $until = 1 HotKeySet("^!a","Trans") EndFunc Life can't be made easier, but fun can be added
  5. Yes there is, I think you already have a script which gererates an other, if you take a look at the command line options of the compiler of autoit, you will find your answer. Arjan
  6. does wmp quit after playing this $f file? if so, you can replace Run() with RunWait() (see hore info in the help file) else I don't know Arjan
  7. What about setting it on-top...? Arjan
  8. Hi, As a comment to all, if it returns an error that says the address is wrong, it simply means that it will give this error the next times too, so if it gives this error, you should break the loop as in my script earlier. @Richard Robertson Thanks! @SkinnyWhiteGuy add an exitloop after it gives a wrong address error and yours is just perfect Arjan
  9. Hi, I rewrote your code: $SocketIP = "" $socketportstart = 1 $socketportend = 65535 TCPStartup() For $port = $socketportstart To $socketportend $socket = TCPConnect($SocketIP,$port) If $socket = -1 Then ConsoleWrite($port & " - Unable to connect." & @CRLF) ElseIf $socket = 1 Then ConsoleWrite($port & " - Wrong Address" & @CRLF) ExitLoop ElseIf $socket = 2 Then ConsoleWrite($port & " - Wrong Port" & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite($port & " - Success!" & @CRLF) EndIf Next TCPShutdown() As you can see, it can now easily run in Scite and give you all portnumbers and if they are open or not. And I replaced your loop with a i think better loop for this use.
  10. Hi, I have created a list (GUICtrlCreateList()) and when i fill it, it auto sorts itself. Is there a way to stop this, cause I don't want it to sort.
  11. Updated script, check out the first post!
  12. Not that I know of, I used it myself and it didn't. Why?
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