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About big_daddy

  • Birthday 06/07/1983

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  1. There is a reason that ini files are typically used for configuration and not for storing large amounts of data. Is there a reason you need to store this in a separate file instead of reading the data live from the Excel file ?
  2. I understand your frustration. I also understand that webhosting only includes limited storage space. The referenced line is declaring the array and it can't be declared with zero elements. I'd assume that _Excel_RangeRead is returning an empty row or the row count as the first array element.
  3. The attachment limit is set by Jon. I know that MVPs, Mods, and Devs all have increased limits. My suggestion would be to use Google Drive or some other free online storage and link to it from here.
  4. It's common to have a fresh set of eyes promptly notice the issue. No worries. As for the attachment limit, check you attachment quota here.
  5. You are displaying the array that contains the content of each area. Try displaying the array that this is concatenated with. _ArrayDisplay($aResult)
  6. I found a few snippet management extensions for VSCode, however, they do not handle AutoIt variables well since $ is the variable identifier for the snippets. I'm not very proficient in managing strings in javascript or I'd just modify one of the extensions. Someone well versed in RegEx could probably make easy work of it. I did find this extension along with this fork that looks promising. I noticed that in your snippets, you are using $$ instead of properly escaping with \\$. This causes the editor to see all AutoIt variables as snippet variables and therefore tabstops. I'd like to suggest a format like seen below with properly escaped AutoIt variables. As for the trigger key, I wouldn't suggest using just an underscore. I would think !a would be a good trigger as I don't see that being typed very frequently. "IsWindowNotResponding": { "prefix": "IsWindowNotResponding", "body": [ "#include <WinAPISys.au3>", "", "If IsWindowNotResponding(\\$${1:hWindow}, ${2|1000,5000,10000,30000|}) Then", "\t$0", "EndIf", "", "; Author ........: Damon Harris (TheDcoder)", "Func IsWindowNotResponding(\\$hWindow, \\$iTimeout = 5000)", "\t_WinAPI_SendMessageTimeout(\\$hWindow, 0, 0, 0, \\$iTimeout, \\$SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG)", "\tReturn @error", "EndFunc" ], "description": "Checks if a Window is not responding" }
  7. I've written around 300 lines of code using VSCode with this extension installed, and I can say that I more than likely will not be going back to SciTE. Keep up the solid work!
  8. I like the premise of this extension and I believe it could be quite useful. I'd like to see a method to more easily add user snippets from within VSCode, similar to how https://snippet-generator.app/ works. If you could accomplish this, I believe that it would be high adopted. I'm not a fan of having to type !au3, however, I found that the included snippets can be accessed using a keyboard shortcut for "editor.action.showSnippets". Maybe you could add user friendly way to set this shortcut. Keep up the solid work!
  9. I was tasked with creating a utility that would parse an Excel document and then update an existing MySQL table. I'm much more comfortable using object oriented programming and I didn't want to creating a bunch of update queries. After quite a lot of trial, error, and research, I finally found a working solution. Thanks to @jchd for the post above that pointed me in the right direction. Also, thank you to @mLipok for a great UDF. Note: This is snipped code and for concept purposes only. #include "ADO.au3" Global $sDriver = "" Global $sServer = "" Global $sDatabase = "" Global $sPort = "" Global $sUser = "" Global $sPassword = "" Global $sQuery = "SELECT * FROM table" Global $sNewValue = "Some Value" Global $sConnectionString = _ADO_ConnectionString_MySQL($sUser, $sPassword, $sDatabase, $sDriver, $sServer, $sPort) Global $oConnection = _ADO_Connection_Create() _ADO_Connection_OpenConString($oConnection, $sConnectionString) ; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/access/concepts/miscellaneous/execute-method-ado-connection#remarks Global $oRecordset = _ADO_Recordset_Create() With $oRecordset .CursorLocation = $ADO_adUseClient .Properties("Update Criteria").Value = $ADO_adCriteriaKey .Open($sQuery, $oConnection, $ADO_adOpenDynamic, $ADO_adLockPessimistic) .MoveFirst() EndWith While Not $oRecordset.EOF() ; The update will fail if you attempt to update with equal values If StringCompare($oRecordset.Fields("Column").Value, $sNewValue) <> 0 Then _ $oRecordset.Fields("Column").Value = $sNewValue $oRecordset.MoveNext() WEnd $oRecordset.UpdateBatch()
  10. Try something like this... #include <OutlookEX.au3> Global Const $olPublicFoldersAllPublicFolders = 18 $sTemplatePath = @DesktopDir & "\temp.msg" Main($sTemplatePath) Func Main($sTemplatePath) Local $oErrorHandle = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "ErrHnd") Local $oOutlook = _OL_Open() Local $aFolder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOutlook, "", $olPublicFoldersAllPublicFolders) Local $oFolder = _OL_FolderGet($oOutlook, $aFolder) $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOutlook, $olPostItem, $oFolder, $sTemplatePath) $oItem.Post $oErrorHandle = "" EndFunc
  11. Please place your JS code in a beautifier before posting, as it is nearly unreadable in that form. Try using the debugger to see what element is actually firing the event. Here are instructions on how to use the debugger. Great job on the post by the way!
  12. _Net_Share_ShareCheck is looking for a local path instead of a share name. Try this: #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <NetShare.au3> If CheckShareByName(@ComputerName, "AutoIt Share") = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "", "Share does not exist") Else MsgBox(0, "", "Share exists!") EndIf Func CheckShareByName($sServer, $sShareName) Local $aReturn = _Net_Share_ShareGetInfo($sServer, $sShareName) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, -1) Return _Net_Share_ShareCheck($sServer, $aReturn[6]) EndFunc
  13. Try _Net_Share_ShareEnum and see what you get back.
  14. Please review the forum rules, specifically the section regarding game automation.
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