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PsaltyDS last won the day on May 20 2019

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About PsaltyDS

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  • Member Title
    Most Venerable Penguin
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    Broke down in Troy crater; AAA won't return my calls...
  • Interests
    Robotics, Exohydrology, Exogeology, Exobiology

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  1. The Queen gets cranky and you have to fix another hole in your space ship.
  2. Mumbling you are. Write more clearly you must. -Yoda P.S. Perhaps you could look at the _Crypt* functions in the help file? May the farce be with you.
  3. You should probably ask this in the topic dedicated to that UDF:
  4. Examine the control with the AutoIt Window Info Tool (AU3Info.exe), and post the contents of the "Summary" tab. That will tell much more than the screen shot.
  5. The correct question is why is the GPO not applied to that PC? The correct answer to this thread is to contact the admin and get that fixed. If the domain policy was intentionally blocked to that machine (unlikely, but possible) then it could still be implemented in a local policy. Still something the domain admin should be involved in when making changes to a member computer.
  6. Start by reading the forum rules about games...
  7. Much better to use the COM interface. Look at the _Excel* functions in the help file. If you are at all familiar with VBA (Microsoft's Visual Basic for Applicatons), you can do AutoIt scripts with the same methods.
  8. Well, if you open the _XMLDomWrapper.au3 UDF, it is of course the same COM methods, just put in convenient wrappers. That UDF is old though, and hasn't been updated since the COM Error handling was changed in version Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to apply Dale's handler before you call any _IE* functions.
  9. You have not embraced the Tao of XML. Just add a loop element: Test1.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <steps> <step action="BrowserStartup" exitonerror="True"/> <loop count="2"> <step action="Pause" millis="2500" exitonerror="false" /> <loop count="3"> <step action="CheckUsername" expected="admin" exitonerror="True" /> </loop> <step action="ClickMainMenu" menuitem="Logout" exitonerror="True"/> </loop> <step action="CloseBrowser" exitonerror="True"/> </steps> Test1.au3: #include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3> #include <Array.au3> Global $iRET, $iNodeCnt, $sXPath = "/steps" $iRET = _XMLFileOpen(@ScriptDir & "Test1.xml") $aNodes = _XMLSelectNodes($sXPath & "/*") If IsArray($aNodes) Then For $n = 1 To $aNodes[0] _RunStep($sXPath & "/*[" & $n & "]", $aNodes[$n]) Next Else Exit EndIf Func _RunStep($sStepPath, $sStep) Local $aSteps, $iLoopCnt Switch $sStep Case "step" $sAction = _XMLGetAttrib($sStepPath, "action") ConsoleWrite("Debug: $sAction = " & $sAction & @LF) Case "loop" $aSteps = _XMLSelectNodes($sStepPath & "/*") If IsArray($aSteps) Then $iLoopCnt = Number(_XMLGetAttrib($sStepPath, "count")) If $iLoopCnt > 0 Then For $iLoop = 1 To $iLoopCnt For $s = 1 To $aSteps[0] _RunStep($sStepPath & "/*[" & $s & "]", $aSteps[$s]) Next Next EndIf EndIf Case Else ConsoleWrite("Debug: Unhandled case: $sStepPath = " & $sStepPath & "; $sStep = " & $sStep & @LF) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_RunStep Now go sit in the corner and meditate on the sound of one hand clapping...
  10. @Ontosy: Nice catch. I haven't had to mess with NT in almost a decade, and wouldn't have hit on that.
  11. Here's a tweak to put the transcription in a function: #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Global $Form1, $Input1, $Button1, $text1, $Text2 #region Form $Form1 = GUICreate("HumanGhoul Translator", 487, 226, 192, 124) $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 72, 465, 50) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Translate!", 176, 128, 137, 89, $WS_GROUP) $text1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Human > Ghoul.", 208, 8, 81, 17) $Text2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please insert your text here:", 184, 48, 134, 17) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #endregion Form While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() ;Exit the script Exit Case $msg = $Button1 MsgBox(64, "Ghoul Language", _Transcribe()) EndSelect WEnd ; Returns transcribed text Func _Transcribe() Local $sInput, $sOutput $sInput = GUICtrlRead($Input1) $sOutput = StringUpper($sInput) ; <--- Apply your transcription rules here Return $sOutput EndFunc Edit the function to take the $sInput string variable and apply all your transcription rules to it. How best to apply those rules depends on how many there are and how complex they are. In this simple example, all it does is make the string all upper case. How many rules are there, and how complex are they?
  12. Post what you have so far. Did you create the GUI with the input box and OK button yet? We are not going to write your script for you. To get help you need to tell us how far along you are and exactly what you are stuck on.
  13. The INI functions you are using work fine in and earlier versions. We can't help you until you post a short demo script we can run to reproduce the symptoms.
  14. You said the Clock.au3 script and Clock.ini file were "in a folder". Are you compiling the script into an .exe and running it from somewhere else? If so, then @ScriptDir is pointing to a different location. Add a MsgBox() or something to report the full path from within the script, like: MsgBox(64, "Debug", "Path = " & @ScriptDir & "Clock.ini") See if that matches what you expect.
  15. Context? Is that a COM interface library? How did you get the "return object" in the first place?
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