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About ConsultingJoe

  • Birthday 08/18/1987

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    Chicago IL, USA
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  • Interests
    Autoit, Networking, Building, Repairing Computers,
    Wed Design and Development.

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  1. I've built my POS for the company I'm at it works with multiple locations and has these features: Customer Lookup / Create / Edit Customer Member Key Tags Update Prices and show employee reference price Cash/Credit/Exchange Split Tender Receipt Notes to show on the printed Receipt Works with Cash drawer Works with Star Thermal Printer It does have some bugs between child windows and events but functions in production pretty well.
  2. I have created a FreeLancer Project for this. Please check it out. It may explain a little better. There is a link to the SDK and to the $20 product if you would like to purchase one for testing. https://www.freelancer.com/projects/C-Programming-Software-Architecture/Figure-Print-USB-Communication-Server.html Please Please Help.
  3. Ok, Thanks. I used to be one of those people that helped. I am in need an willing to pay. I can see that this forum is not what it used to be in 2005 when I was more active. I just need these DLLs and I will be happy and share my results.
  4. Ok, so I have been working on this figure print application and have been using the sample program and its just not clean or smooth. I really need to talk to it straight to the DLL I have the docs here and DLL and samples here: http://premierdistributor.com/TrueAPI_SDK1.zip What I need is to know the correct way to call these function so I can: Init the system, store prints, load prints, and verify prints. Also I would like to get an image of what was scanned. I know there is a way because the sample program offers a lot to show off its functionallity. The USB figure print device is about $20 on amazon and its called the Upek TrueMe. Please email me at joe@consultingjoe.com Thank you. Let me know if you have any questions. I NEED THIS ASAP!
  5. http://gizmodo.com/5952934/what-windows-rt-cant-do Does anyone know yet?
  6. It uses a lot of control clicking as I am not a DLLCALLER. lol PM me for any Docs/DLLs/and the sample program that I used this with. #NoTrayIcon #include <Array.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) ; Default tray menu items (Script Paused/Exit)will not be shown. Local $exititem = TrayCreateItem("Exit") $ini_file = @DesktopDir&"bioprints.ini" TraySetState() HotKeySet("{F9}","quit") $ini_exists = 1 If(FileExists($ini_file) = 0) Then $ini_exists = 0 EndIf $store_id = IniReadSection($ini_file,"store") If @error Then MsgBox(0,"","Error, store id unknown.") Exit EndIf $store_id = IniRead($ini_file,"store","store_id","0") ProcessClose("bio.exe") ProgressOn("","Loading finger prints","Please wait.") ConsoleWrite(23) $bio_title = "BSAPI Function Preview" Run(@DesktopDir&"biobio.exe","",@SW_MINIMIZE) Sleep(500) ControlClick($bio_title,"","ThunderRT6CommandButton39") Sleep(1100) ControlClick($bio_title,"","ThunderRT6CommandButton37") Sleep(1000) ControlSend($bio_title,"","ThunderRT6ComboBox12","B") Sleep(200) ProgressSet(20,"Retreiving finger prints") Local $search = FileFindFirstFile(@DesktopDir&"bio*.bir") Dim $prints[1] If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No files/directories matched the search pattern") Exit EndIf While 1 Local $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop $file = StringReplace($file,".bir","") _ArrayAdd($prints,$file) WEnd FileClose($search) ;_ArrayDisplay($prints) Sleep(200) $count = 0 $total_prints = UBound($prints)-1 if($ini_exists = 0) Then IniWrite($ini_file,"store","store_id","1") For $i In $prints If $i = "" Then ContinueLoop if($ini_exists = 0) Then IniWrite($ini_file,"prints",$count,"ID Not Set") ControlClick($bio_title,"","ThunderRT6CommandButton19") While Not WinExists("Open file") Sleep(1) WEnd Sleep(200) ControlSetText("Open file", "", "Edit1", @DesktopDir&"bio"&$i&".bir") ControlClick("Open file", "", "Button2") Sleep(200) ;Send("C:Documents and SettingsOwnerDesktopbio1.bir{ENTER}") ControlSetText($bio_title,'',"ThunderRT6TextBox3",$i) For $ii = 0 To 4 ControlSend($bio_title, "", "ThunderRT6ListBox1","{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}") Next ControlClick($bio_title, "", "ThunderRT6CommandButton16") $count += 1 ProgressSet(100/$total_prints*$count,"Loading print "&$count&" of "&$total_prints) Sleep(100) Next ProgressOff() Local $msg $gui = GuiCreate("Clock", @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0, 0, $WS_POPUP); GUISetBkColor(0xffffff) ;$ie = _IECreateEmbedded() ;$ie_obj = GUICtrlCreateObj($ie,0,0,@DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight) ;_IENavigate($ie,"http://google.com") $img = GUICtrlCreatePic(@DesktopDir&"print.jpg", @DesktopWidth/2-156, @DesktopHeight/2, 316, 450) $msg_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please wait", @DesktopWidth/2-600, @DesktopHeight/2-200, 1200, 200, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,40,600) $clock = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Loading...", @DesktopWidth/2-400, @DesktopHeight/2-400, 800, 200, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,100,800) $clock2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, 400, 100, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,60,800) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0xebebeb) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1,0x666666) update_clock() $ss_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",0,-1,@DesktopWidth,1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; will display an empty dialog box AdlibRegister("update_clock",500) AdlibRegister("screensaver",10000) GUICtrlSetData($msg_label,"Please Swipe Your Finger To Clock In/Out") ;;WinSetState($bio_title,"",@SW_MAXIMIZE) For $ii = 0 To 4 ControlSend($bio_title, "", "ThunderRT6ListBox1","{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}{UP}") Next For $ii = 0 To 4 ControlSend($bio_title, "", "ThunderRT6ListBox1","{SHIFTDOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{SHIFTUP}") Next ControlClick($bio_title, "", "ThunderRT6CommandButton14") AdlibRegister("scan_print",1500) While 1 Local $msg = TrayGetMsg() Select Case $msg = 0 ContinueLoop Case $msg = $exititem quit() EndSelect $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then quit() WEnd Exit Func scan_print() $status = ControlGetText($bio_title,"","ThunderRT6TextBox9") If $status = "Processing, please wait ..." Then Return False ElseIf StringInStr($status,"Match found in slot ") > 0 Then ControlSetText($bio_title,"","ThunderRT6TextBox9","") $slot = StringReplace($status,"Match found in slot ","") $list = ControlGetText($bio_title, "", "ThunderRT6ListBox1") ConsoleWrite("Match found in slot: "&$slot&" "&$list&@CRLF) $id = IniRead($ini_file, "prints",$slot,"-1") If $id = -1 Then GUICtrlSetData($msg_label,"Match found but user id unknown.") Return Else GUICtrlSetData($msg_label,"Please Wait...") $response = "Test" $response = BinaryToString($response) If StringInStr($response,"clocked in") > 0 Then Run(@DesktopDir&"tasks.exe "&$id&" "&$store_id, "", @SW_SHOW) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($msg_label,$response) AdlibRegister("screensaver",10000) EndIf Sleep(200) ControlClick($bio_title, "", "ThunderRT6CommandButton14") ElseIf $status = "ABSVerify: No Match" Then ConsoleWrite("No match found. Please try again"&@CRLF) GUICtrlSetData($msg_label,"No match found. Please try again") Sleep(200) ControlClick($bio_title, "", "ThunderRT6CommandButton14") ElseIf $status = "Operation has been interrupted due timeout" Then Sleep(200) ControlClick($bio_title, "", "ThunderRT6CommandButton14") EndIf EndFunc Func update_clock() If @HOUR > 12 Then $ampm = "PM" $hour = @HOUR - 12 Else $ampm = "AM" $hour = @HOUR EndIf If GUICtrlRead($clock) <> $hour&":"&@MIN&" "&$ampm Then GUICtrlSetData($clock, $hour&":"&@MIN&" "&$ampm) If GUICtrlRead($clock2) <> $hour&":"&@MIN&" "&$ampm Then GUICtrlSetData($clock2, $hour&":"&@MIN&" "&$ampm) EndFunc Func screensaver() GUICtrlSetData($msg_label, "Please Swipe Your Finger To Clock In/Out") GUICtrlSetPos($clock2,Random(0,@DesktopWidth-100),Random(0,@DesktopHeight-100)) EndFunc Func quit() ProgressOn("Quiting","Please wait") ProcessClose("bio.exe") Sleep(500) ProgressOff() Exit EndFunc
  7. Cool simple script tho. You kinda cheat tho by getting the song via the title and not ripping into the gui to get it. But what every get the result. Good job.
  8. Ok, so I got my script to automate the sample app and it is able to load all finger print template files from a directory and then it will constantly attempt to verify finger prints and currently outputs to ConsoleWrites to what slot/user swiped their finger and if there was an error or if it was not found among the prints on file. Cool A, lol? I will try to like or upload the DLL/Sample/Doc files if anyone is a PRO DLL CALLER, lol cuz I sure am aint. Otherwise I can also post the sample code for where I'm at and anyone can work off of that. ZeroCool
  9. Yes, I signed up for the SDK and got all the files and docs but dllcalls are very hard for me to figure out with the pointers and the right types. If anyone would like to help thats where I'm stuck. I've built off of a sample app but its not the right way. But its cool you can change a patter of led blinks and the speed, you can enroll and verify finger prints, you can EVEN use it for navigation, just like the old little nipple track balls on IBM laptops. So. tomorrow, I can post a like to the DOCs/DLL/my code & sample apps if you have any recommendations. Thanks.
  10. thanks, I am working on it now but running into a problem. The sample app I'm building from is not a simple command line app. It has menus to navigate. I have tried using the STDIN/OUT method but it seems that in just using the OUT stream the app just says that its a bad command and repeats infinitely. Any ideas? I can send the commands with ControlSend but I can not read the results. Please help if you have another method.
  11. Hi all, Been a while since I've posted but have a new cool project for work and wanted to see if any one wants to help with a more legit dll call way to build this program to enroll finger prints, import/export them, and authenticate them. FREELANCER PROJECT: https://www.freelancer.com/projects/C-Programming-Software-Architecture/Figure-Print-USB-Communication-Server.html I'm building this for a dedicated HR/Clock IN/Out program. My idea is the computer will only have a screen, no mouse and keyboard, and just this Upek TrueMe Finger Print Reader/Scanner that I got on ebay for about $20. The SDK I got offers a few sample programs that are command line. I will be making the App using that unless someone know better DLL Call ways to communicate with the API. I can post links if anyone is interested. Let me know if anyone wants to help or thinks this could be cool and useful. Joe
  12. OK, got it. Checked here first to see if anyone got this working. I have a Star TSP100 but will have to get this to work with some epsons too. Here is what got it for me: http://www.starmicronics.com/absolutefm/absolutefm/attachments/58/1205a_StarMicronics_CashDrawer_OpenFromCommandPrompt.pdf Basiclly have the receipt printer connected to your drawer over the phone line cable and setup a generic printer on com 3 and set that drawer in the printer to com 3 and have your usb printer com emulator on and on automatic. then use this command in CMD: echo ^G > COM3 Let me know if you need help. Is anyone still trying to get this?
  13. Wow, pretty cool. Now can it solve the maze too?
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