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  1. IniEx.au3 (INI File Processing Functions) solve many problems, such as the limits of AutoIt Default INI function, and add many other options, since all function work by reference so IniEx.au3 also use less memory, and provide a really good performance in speed #include-Once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: IniEx ; AutoIt Version : v3.3.9.22++ ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: INI File Processing Functions ; Author(s) .....: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_IniClearCache() ;_IniCloseFileEx() ;_IniDeleteEx() ;_IniFileWriteEx() ;_IniGetFileInformationEx() ;_IniGetFileStringData() ;_IniGetSectionNumberEx() ;_IniOpenFileEx() ;_IniOpenFile() ;_IniReadEx() ;_IniReadSectionEx() ;_IniReadSectionNamesEx() ;_IniRenameSectionEx() ;_IniWriteEx() ;_IniWriteSectionEx() ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ;__GetSeparatorCharacter() ;__IniFileWriteEx() ;__IniGetFileStringData() ;__IniReadSectionEx() ;__IniSaveCache() ;__IniWriteSectionEx() ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== Global Const $INI_STRIPLEADING = 1 ; $STR_STRIPLEADING - strip leading white space Global Const $INI_STRIPTRAILING = 2 ; $STR_STRIPTRAILING - strip trailing white space Global Const $INI_STRIPLEADTRAILING = 3 ; BitOR($STR_STRIPLEADING, $STR_STRIPTRAILING) Global Const $INI_ARRAYDATA = 4 Global Const $INI_ARRAYDATA_NOCOUNT = 8 Global Const $INI_NOWRITEREADONLY = 16 Global Const $INI_FO_UNICODE = 32 ; $FO_UNICODE Global Const $INI_FO_UTF16_LE = 32 ; $FO_UTF16_LE Global Const $INI_FO_UTF16_BE = 64 ; $FO_UTF16_BE Global Const $INI_FO_UTF8 = 128 ; $FO_UTF8 Global Const $INI_FO_UTF8_NOBOM = 256 ; $FO_UTF8_NOBOM Global Const $INI_NOOCCURRENCE = 512 Global Const $INI_MERGE = 1024 Global Const $INI_NOCREATE = 2048 Global Const $INI_APPENDDATA = 4096 Global Const $INI_REPLACEONLY = 8192 Global Const $INI_FO_UTF8_FULL = 16384 ; $FO_UTF8_FULL Global Const $INI_NOOVERWRITE = 32768 Global Const $INI_OVERWRITEALL = 65536 Global Const $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE = 131072 Global Const $INI_DELETE = 262144 Global Const $INI_RENAME = 524288 Global Const $INI_REMOVE = 1048576 ;Global Const $INI_RESERVED* = 2097152 ;Global Const $INI_RESERVED* = 4194304 ;Global Const $INI_RESERVED* = 8388608 Global Const $INI_OPEN_EXISTING = 16777216 Global Const $INI_CREATEPATH = 33554432 Global Const $INI_REPAIR_ERROR = 67108864 Global Const $INI_DISCARDCHANGES = 134217728 Global Const $INI_OPEN_FILEQUEUE = 268435456 ;Global Const $INI_RESERVED* = 536870912 Global Const $INI_2DARRAYFIELD = 1073741824 ;;;; THESE ARE SPECIAL FLAGS, ARE USED INTERNALLY ONLY ;;;; Global Const $INI_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY = 2147483648 Global Const $INI_FO_STYLE = BitOR(31, $INI_OPEN_EXISTING, $INI_CREATEPATH, $INI_REPAIR_ERROR, $INI_OPEN_FILEQUEUE) Global Const $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE = BitOR($INI_MERGE, $INI_NOOCCURRENCE) Global Const $INI_REMOVE_RENAME = BitOR($INI_REMOVE, $INI_RENAME) Global Const $INI_REMOVE_DELETE = BitOR($INI_REMOVE, $INI_DELETE) Global Const $INI_NOCREATE_REMOVE_DELETE = BitOR($INI_NOCREATE, $INI_REMOVE, $INI_DELETE) Global Const $INI_NOOCCURRENCE_IGNOREDUPLICATE = BitOr($INI_NOOCCURRENCE, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) Global Const $INI_OVERWRITEALL_APPENDDATA = BitOR($INI_OVERWRITEALL, $INI_APPENDDATA) Global Const $NULL_REF = Null Global Const $sINI_OPENFILE_EX = @LF & "[]" & @LF ;;;; DO NOT EVER USE\CHANGE\EDIT THESE VARIABLES ;;;; ;;;; THESE VARIABLES ARE USED INTERNALLY ONLY ;;;; Global Static $INI_NULL_REF = Null Global Static $_HINI[11][11] = [[10, 0]] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniOpenFileEx ; Description ...: The _IniOpenFileEx function opens an INI file and returns a handle to it. ; Syntax.........: _IniOpenFileEx($sFilePath[, $iFlags]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFilePath - INI File Path ; $iFlags - Optional, (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; This Flags will be ignored if the $INI_CREATEPATH is not set\used ; | A file may fail to open due to access rights or attributes. ; | The default mode when writing text is ANSI - use the unicode flags to change this. When writing unicode files ; | the Windows default mode (and the fastest in AutoIt due to the least conversion) is UTF16 Little Endian (mode 32). ; | $INI_FO_* Flags will be ignored if the $INI_CREATEPATH is not Set\Used ; |$INI_FO_UNICODE or $INI_UTF16_LE (32) - Use Unicode UTF16 Little Endian reading and writing mode. Reading does not override existing BOM. ; |$INI_FO_UTF16_BE (64) - Use Unicode UTF16 Big Endian reading and writing mode. Reading does not override existing BOM. ; |$INI_FO_UTF8 (128) - Use Unicode UTF8 (with BOM) reading and writing mode. Reading does not override existing BOM. ; |$INI_FO_UTF8_NOBOM (256) - Use Unicode UTF8 (without BOM) reading and writing mode. ; |$INI_FO_UTF8_FULL (16384) - When opening for reading and no BOM is present, use full file UTF8 detection. If this is not used then only the initial part of the file is checked for UTF8. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ; |$INI_OPEN_EXISTING (16777216) - If the INI File (Path) is Already Open use that (Handle) (Default Always Opens a New) ; |$INI_CREATEPATH (33554432) - Create INI File if does not exist (Default if file not exist Return Error) ; |$INI_REPAIR_ERROR (67108864) - If exist Error when Opening the INI File Repair Error, example as this line (@CRLF & [SectionName & @CRLF) repair in (@CRLF & [SectionName] & @CRLF), Default Return Error ; |$INI_OPEN_FILEQUEUE (268435456) - Open INI file from Memory\Variable, $sFilePath must contain String Text Data of INI file ; Return values .: Success - INI Handle ; Failure - Returns 0 or String\Text of error line (check @Extended for error line number) ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = File cannot be opened or found. ; |2 = Error when Opening the INI File ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniOpenFileEx($sFilePath, $iFlags = 0) If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OPEN_EXISTING) Then For $i = 1 To $_HINI[0][0] If $_HINI[$i][2] = $sFilePath Then Return SetError(0, $i, $i) Next EndIf Local $sCS, $_sCS = "\r", $hFilePath, $iFileEncoding, $aFileData, $aErrorLine, $iFO_Style = BitXOR(BitOR($iFlags, $INI_FO_STYLE), $INI_FO_STYLE) If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OPEN_FILEQUEUE) Then $aFileData = StringRegExpReplace($sINI_OPENFILE_EX & $sFilePath, '\r(?!\n)', @CRLF) ;;;;, '(?<!\r)\n', @CRLF) $sFilePath = "FileQueue" $iFileEncoding = $iFO_Style ;;(StringIsASCII($aFileData) ? 0 : 32) Else $hFilePath = FileOpen($sFilePath) If $hFilePath = -1 Then If Not FileExists($sFilePath) Then If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_CREATEPATH) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $iFO_Style += 10 ;;$iFO_Style = 42 EndIf $hFilePath = FileOpen($sFilePath, $iFO_Style) If $hFilePath = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf $aFileData = StringRegExpReplace($sINI_OPENFILE_EX & FileRead($hFilePath), '\r(?!\n)', @CRLF) ;;;;, '(?<!\r)\n', @CRLF) $iFileEncoding = FileGetEncoding($hFilePath) FileClose($hFilePath) EndIf $aErrorLine = StringRegExp($aFileData, '\n\K[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[[^\]\n]*(?:\n|$)', 1) If Not @Error Then Local $iErrorLine = @Extended - (StringLen($aErrorLine[0]) - 1) If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_REPAIR_ERROR) Then Return SetError(2, StringSplit(StringLeft($aFileData, $iErrorLine), @LF)[0] - 2, $aErrorLine[0]) $aFileData = StringRegExpReplace($aFileData, '(\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[[^\]\r\n]*)(?=[\r\n]|$)', "$1]") EndIf $sCS = __GetSeparatorCharacter($aFileData) If $sCS = @CR Then $_sCS = "" $aFileData = StringRegExpReplace($aFileData & @CRLF & "[", "\n\K(?>[" & $_sCS & "\n\h\f\xb\x0]*\n|\x0*)(?=[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[)", $sCS & "${0}" & $sCS) $aFileData = StringRegExp($aFileData & $sCS, $sCS & "([\h\f\xb\x0]*\[)([^\]\n]*)(\][^\n]*\n)((?>[" & $_sCS & "\n\h\f\xb\x0]*\n)*)([^" & $sCS & "]*)" & $sCS & "([^" & $sCS & "]*)", 3) $aFileData[0] = UBound($aFileData) - 1 If $aFileData[0] < 5 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; should not happen ever $aFileData[$aFileData[0]] = StringTrimRight($aFileData[$aFileData[0]], 2) For $iHINI = 1 To $_HINI[0][0] If Not $_HINI[$iHINI][0] Then ExitLoop Next If $iHINI > $_HINI[0][0] Then ReDim $_HINI[$iHINI + $iHINI][11] $_HINI[0][0] = $iHINI + $iHINI - 1 EndIf $aFileData[2] = $iHINI If Not $_sCS Then $aFileData[3] = StringAddCR($aFileData[3]) $aFileData[4] = StringAddCR($aFileData[4]) $aFileData[5] = StringAddCR($aFileData[5]) EndIf For $i = 7 To $aFileData[0] Step 6 $_HINI[$iHINI][5] &= @LF & $aFileData[$i] & @CR & $i If Not $_sCS Then $aFileData[$i + 1] = StringAddCR($aFileData[$i + 1]) $aFileData[$i + 2] = StringAddCR($aFileData[$i + 2]) $aFileData[$i + 3] = StringAddCR($aFileData[$i + 3]) $aFileData[$i + 4] = StringAddCR($aFileData[$i + 4]) EndIf Next $_HINI[0][1] += 1 ;;($_HINI[0][1] < 1) ? 1 : $_HINI[0][1] + 1 $_HINI[$iHINI][0] = $iHINI $_HINI[$iHINI][1] = $aFileData $_HINI[$iHINI][2] = $sFilePath $_HINI[$iHINI][3] = $iFileEncoding $_HINI[$iHINI][4] = ($aFileData[0] - 5) / 6 $_HINI[$iHINI][5] = StringReplace($_HINI[$iHINI][5], "\E", "\e", 0, 1) $_HINI[$iHINI][7] = Null Return $iHINI EndFunc ;==>_IniOpenFileEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniOpenFile ; Description ...: The _IniOpenFile function opens an INI file and returns a handle to it. ; Parameters ....: the same as the _IniOpenFileEx(), See _IniOpenFileEx() ; Return values .: See _IniOpenFileEx() ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: _IniOpenFile() is the same as the _IniOpenFileEx(), only that _IniOpenFile() force the check\repair of @CR or @LF in @CRLF ; performance\speed does not change much with _IniOpenFileEx(), _IniOpenFile() can only be about 1% or 5% or10% slower ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniOpenFile($sFilePath, $iFlags = 0) If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OPEN_EXISTING) Then For $i = 1 To $_HINI[0][0] If $_HINI[$i][2] = $sFilePath Then Return SetError(0, $i, $i) Next EndIf Local $hFilePath, $iFileEncoding, $aFileData, $aErrorLine, $iFO_Style = BitXOR(BitOR($iFlags, $INI_FO_STYLE), $INI_FO_STYLE) If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OPEN_FILEQUEUE) Then $aFileData = StringRegExpReplace($sINI_OPENFILE_EX & $sFilePath, '\r\n?', @LF) $sFilePath = "FileQueue" $iFileEncoding = $iFO_Style ;;(StringIsASCII($aFileData) ? 0 : 32) Else $hFilePath = FileOpen($sFilePath) If $hFilePath = -1 Then If Not FileExists($sFilePath) Then If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_CREATEPATH) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $iFO_Style += 10 ;;$iFO_Style = 42 EndIf $hFilePath = FileOpen($sFilePath, $iFO_Style) If $hFilePath = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf $aFileData = StringRegExpReplace($sINI_OPENFILE_EX & FileRead($hFilePath), '\r\n?', @LF) $iFileEncoding = FileGetEncoding($hFilePath) FileClose($hFilePath) EndIf $aErrorLine = StringRegExp($aFileData, '\n\K[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[[^\]\n]*(?:\n|$)', 1) If Not @Error Then Local $iErrorLine = @Extended - (StringLen($aErrorLine[0]) - 1) If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_REPAIR_ERROR) Then Return SetError(2, StringSplit(StringLeft($aFileData, $iErrorLine), @LF)[0] - 2, $aErrorLine[0]) $aFileData = StringRegExpReplace($aFileData, '(\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[[^\]\n]*)(?=\n|$)', "$1]") EndIf $aFileData = StringRegExpReplace($aFileData & @LF & "[", '\n\K(?>[\n\h\f\xb\x0]*\n|\x0*)(?=[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[)', @CR & "${0}" & @CR) $aFileData = StringRegExp($aFileData & @CR, '\r([\h\f\xb\x0]*\[)([^\]\n]*)(\][^\n]*\n)((?>[\n\h\f\xb\x0]*\n)*)([^\r]*)\r([^\r]*)', 3) $aFileData[0] = UBound($aFileData) - 1 If $aFileData[0] < 5 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; should not happen ever $aFileData[$aFileData[0]] = StringTrimRight($aFileData[$aFileData[0]], 1) For $iHINI = 1 To $_HINI[0][0] If Not $_HINI[$iHINI][0] Then ExitLoop Next If $iHINI > $_HINI[0][0] Then ReDim $_HINI[$iHINI + $iHINI][11] $_HINI[0][0] = $iHINI + $iHINI - 1 EndIf $aFileData[2] = $iHINI $aFileData[3] = StringAddCR($aFileData[3]) $aFileData[4] = StringAddCR($aFileData[4]) $aFileData[5] = StringAddCR($aFileData[5]) For $i = 7 To $aFileData[0] Step 6 $_HINI[$iHINI][5] &= @LF & $aFileData[$i] & @CR & $i $aFileData[$i + 1] = StringAddCR($aFileData[$i + 1]) $aFileData[$i + 2] = StringAddCR($aFileData[$i + 2]) $aFileData[$i + 3] = StringAddCR($aFileData[$i + 3]) $aFileData[$i + 4] = StringAddCR($aFileData[$i + 4]) Next $_HINI[0][1] += 1 ;;($_HINI[0][1] < 1) ? 1 : $_HINI[0][1] + 1 $_HINI[$iHINI][0] = $iHINI $_HINI[$iHINI][1] = $aFileData $_HINI[$iHINI][2] = $sFilePath $_HINI[$iHINI][3] = $iFileEncoding $_HINI[$iHINI][4] = ($aFileData[0] - 5) / 6 $_HINI[$iHINI][5] = StringReplace($_HINI[$iHINI][5], "\E", "\e", 0, 1) $_HINI[$iHINI][7] = Null Return $iHINI EndFunc ;==>_IniOpenFileEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniCloseFileEx ; Description ...: The _IniCloseFileEx function closes the INI file opened by a call to _IniOpenFileEx. ; Syntax.........: _IniCloseFileEx($hIniFile[, $iFlags]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle or INI Path to the INI file to be closed, This parameter can be NULL (use the $NULL_REF to set NULL this parameter) ; if $hIniFile is NULL Function Close All Open Handle or INI Path ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; |Default - always Commits the changes that were made when the INI file was opened by _IniOpenFileEx() ; |$INI_DISCARDCHANGES (134217728) - Discards the changes that were made when the INI file was opened by _IniOpenFileEx() ; Return values .: NONE ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniCloseFileEx($hIniFile, $iFlags = 0) If $hIniFile = $NULL_REF Then For $i = 1 To $_HINI[0][0] If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_DISCARDCHANGES) And $_HINI[$i][2] <> "FileQueue" Then _IniFileWriteEx($i, $iFlags) For $y = 0 To 10 $_HINI[$i][$y] = "" Next Next $_HINI[0][1] = 0 Else $hIniFile = _IniGetFileInformationEx($hIniFile) If @Error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_DISCARDCHANGES) And $_HINI[$hIniFile][2] <> "FileQueue" Then _IniFileWriteEx($hIniFile, $iFlags) For $i = 0 To 10 $_HINI[$hIniFile][$i] = "" Next $_HINI[0][1] -= 1 EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_IniCloseFileEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniDeleteEx ; Description ...: Delete\Remove - Section\KeyName in INI File. ; Syntax.........: _IniDeleteEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $sSectionName[, $sKeyName[, $iFlags[, $scKeyName]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $sSectionName - The name of the section containing the Key\Value, This parameter can be NULL (use the $NULL_REF to set NULL this parameter) ; If $sSectionName is NULL, $hIniFile must be contain Section String\Key\Value\Data and $sKeyName the name of the key to delete ; $sKeyName - The key name to delete, If $INI_OVERWRITEALL if set\used, $sKeyName will be writte exactly as in $sKeyName (without Edit\Formatting) ; This parameter can be NULL (use the $NULL_REF to set NULL this parameter), If $sKeyName is NULL, $hIniFile must be contain INI String\Text Data and $sSectionName the name of the section to delete ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; |$INI_NOOCCURRENCE (512) - Check only first section if there are more than one ; |$INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE (131072) - Proceed\Execute (Add\Delete\Replace\Edit ect ect) Once Only (Ignore all other Duplicate\Occurrences of KeyName\Value\Data) ; |$INI_DELETE (262144) - Delete\Remove KeyName\Value\Data ; |$INI_REMOVE (1048576) - Remove\Delete Section ; $scKeyName - Optional, Key-Name separator character, Default is '=', This parameter can not be '"' or @CR or @LF ; Return values .: Returns a 0 (check @Extended for number of edit performed) ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid IniHandle. ; |3 = SectionName not found ; Remarks .......: $INI_MERGE (1024) - (Join section if more than one in INI file) is always set\used by default, to disable it just use the $INI_NOOCCURRENCE ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniDeleteEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sKeyName = "", $iFlags = 0, $scKeyName = "=") If Not $scKeyName Then $scKeyName = "=" If $sSectionName = $NULL_REF Then Local $iOffSet = StringInStr($hIniFile, @LF, 1) If StringRegExp(StringLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet), '^(?i)[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?>\Q"' & $sKeyName & '"\E|\Q' & $sKeyName & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*[^\n]*') Then If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) Then $hIniFile = StringRegExpReplace($hIniFile, '\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?i)(?>\Q"' & $sKeyName & '"\E|\Q' & $sKeyName & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*[^\n]*', "") $hIniFile = StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet) SetExtended(1) Else $hIniFile = StringRegExpReplace($hIniFile, '\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?i)(?>\Q"' & $sKeyName & '"\E|\Q' & $sKeyName & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*[^\n]*', "", (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) ? 1 : 0)) EndIf ElseIf $sKeyName = $NULL_REF Then ;Not Recommended (NOT SAFE), if the Section (contains) String\Text Data is greater than 4.5 MB, the Section will be ignored $hIniFile = StringTrimRight(StringRegExpReplace($hIniFile & @LF & "[", "(?is)\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[\Q" & StringReplace($sSectionName, "\E", "\e", 0, 1) & "\E\][^\n]*(?>\n?(?![\h\f\xb\x0]*\[))(.*?(?=\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[))", "", (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) ? 1 : 0)), 2) Else If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ;;;;If Not $sSectionName Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ;Invalid Section Name If StringInStr($sSectionName, "\E", 1) Then $sSectionName = StringReplace($sSectionName, "\E", "\e", 0, 1) If Not $sKeyName Or BitAND($iFlags, $INI_REMOVE_DELETE) = $INI_REMOVE Then $iFlags = BitOr($iFlags, $INI_REMOVE) __IniWriteSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $INI_NULL_REF, $iFlags, $INI_NULL_REF, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) Else $iFlags = BitOR(BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOCCURRENCE_IGNOREDUPLICATE), $INI_DELETE, $INI_MERGE) If $_HINI[$hIniFile][7] <> $sSectionName Or ($_HINI[$hIniFile][8] > 1 And BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE) <> BitAND($_HINI[$hIniFile][9], $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE)) Then __IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $iFlags, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) If @Error Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf Local $aKeyValue[2][3] = [[1],[$sKeyName]] __IniWriteSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $aKeyValue, $iFlags, $scKeyName, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) EndIf EndIf Return SetError(0, @Extended, 0) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniReadEx ; Description ...: The _IniReadEx Retrieves a string from the specified section in an Ini file ; Syntax.........: _IniReadEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sKeyName[, $sDefault[, $iFlags[, $scKeyName]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $sSectionName - The name of the section containing the key name, This parameter can be NULL (use the $NULL_REF to set NULL this parameter) ; If $sSectionName is NULL, $hIniFile must be contain Section String\Key\Value\Data ; $sKeyName - The name of the key whose associated string is to be retrieved ; $sDefault - The default value to return if the requested KeyName is not found. ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; |$INI_ARRAYDATA (4) - Read All KeyName and Return Array of ValueString ; |$INI_ARRAYDATA_NOCOUNT (8) - Disable the return count in the first element, This Flags will be ignored if the $INI_ARRAYDATA is not set\used ; |$INI_NOOCCURRENCE (512) - Read only first section if there are more than one ; |$INI_MERGE (1024) - Join section if more than one in INI file, This Flag will be ignored if the $INI_NOOCCURRENCE is set\used ; $scKeyName - Optional, Key-Name separator character, Default is '=', This parameter can not be '"' or @CR or @LF ; Return values .: The first occurrence of requested key value as a string Or Array of Value String ; Failure - Returns $sDefault parameter ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid IniHandle. ; |3 = SectionName not found ; |5 = Invalid KeyName ; |6 = KeyName not found ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniReadEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sKeyName, $sDefault = "", $iFlags = 0, $scKeyName = "=") ;;If Not $sKeyName Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") If StringInStr($sKeyName, "\E", 1) Then $sKeyName = StringReplace($sKeyName, "\E", "\e", 0, 1) Local $aValueString, $sValueString, $iArray = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_ARRAYDATA) If $sSectionName = $NULL_REF Then $aValueString = StringRegExp(StringLeft($hIniFile, StringInStr($hIniFile, @LF, 1)), '^(?i)[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?>\Q"' & $sKeyName & '"\E|\Q' & $sKeyName & '\E)(?>[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*)(?|"([^\r\n]*)"|(.*?))[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?=[\r\n]|$)', 1) Else If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If StringInStr($sSectionName, "\E", 1) Then $sSectionName = StringReplace($sSectionName, "\E", "\e", 0, 1) If $_HINI[$hIniFile][7] <> $sSectionName Or ($_HINI[$hIniFile][8] > 1 And BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE) <> BitAND($_HINI[$hIniFile][9], $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE)) Then _IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, BitOR($iFlags, $INI_STRIPLEADTRAILING)) If @Error Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf $aValueString = StringRegExp(StringLeft(($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$_HINI[$hIniFile][10]], StringInStr(($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$_HINI[$hIniFile][10]], @LF, 1)), '^(?i)[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?>\Q"' & $sKeyName & '"\E|\Q' & $sKeyName & '\E)(?>[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*)(?|"([^\r\n]*)"|(.*?))[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?=[\r\n]|$)', 1) ;;;;$aValueString = StringRegExp(($sSectionName = $NULL_REF ? $hIniFile : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$_HINI[$hIniFile][10]]), '(?im)^[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?>\Q"' & $sKeyName & '"\E|\Q' & $sKeyName & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?|"([^\r\n]*)"|(.*?))[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?=[\r\n]|$)', 3) EndIf If Not @Error Then If Not $iArray Then Return $aValueString[0] $sValueString = $aValueString[0] & @LF EndIf $aValueString = StringRegExp(($sSectionName = $NULL_REF ? $hIniFile : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$_HINI[$hIniFile][10]]), '\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?i)(?>\Q"' & $sKeyName & '"\E|\Q' & $sKeyName & '\E)(?>[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*)(?|"([^\r\n]*)"|(.*?))[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?=[\r\n]|$)', ($iArray ? 3 : 1)) If @Error Then Return SetError(6, 0, $sDefault) If Not $iArray Then Return $aValueString[0] For $i = 0 To UBound($aValueString) - 1 $sValueString &= $aValueString[$i] & @LF Next Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sValueString, 1), @LF, (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_ARRAYDATA_NOCOUNT) ? 3 : 1)) EndFunc ;==>_IniReadEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniReadSectionEx ; Description ...: The _IniReadSectionEx Retrieves all the lines for the specified section ; Syntax.........: _IniReadSectionEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $sSectionName[, $iFlags[, $scKeyName]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $sSectionName - The name of the section containing the Key\Value, This parameter can be NULL (use the $NULL_REF to set NULL this parameter) ; If $sSectionName is NULL, $hIniFile must be contain Section String\Key\Value\Data ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; Default Return Section String\Text Data ; |$INI_NOOCCURRENCE (512) - Read only first section if there are more than one ; |$INI_MERGE (1024) - Join section if more than one in INI file, This Flag will be ignored if the $INI_NOOCCURRENCE is set\used ; |$INI_2DARRAYFIELD (1073741824) - Return 2DArray ; $aArray[0][0] = number of elements ; $aArray[0][1] = Key-Name separator character, Defaut is '=' ; $aArray[1][0] = "KeyName" ; $aArray[1][1] = "Value" ; $aArray[1][2] = "Unmodified contents of a line (example ' KeyName = Value')" ; $aArray[n][0] = "KeyName" ; $aArray[n][1] = "Value" ; $aArray[n][2] = "Unmodified contents of a line (example ' KeyName = Value')" ; $scKeyName - Optional, Key-Name separator character, Default is '=', This parameter can not be '"' or @CR or @LF ; Return values .: String\Text Data Or 2D Array ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid IniHandle. ; |3 = SectionName's not found ; |4 = Array is invalid, Key\Value not found ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniReadSectionEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $sSectionName, $iFlags = 0, $scKeyName = "=") If Not $scKeyName Then $scKeyName = "=" If $sSectionName = $NULL_REF Then Local $_aSectionData = StringRegExp($hIniFile, '(?m)^((?>[\h\f\xb\x0]*)((?>"[^"\r\n]+"|(?:[^"\s' & $scKeyName & '\x0]+|(?>[\h\f\xb\x0]+)(?!' & $scKeyName & '))*))(?>[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*)(?|"([^\r\n]*)"|(.*?))[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?=[\r\n]|$))', 3) Else If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $_HINI[$hIniFile][7] <> $sSectionName Or ($_HINI[$hIniFile][8] > 1 And BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE) <> BitAND($_HINI[$hIniFile][9], $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE)) Then $iFlags = BitOR($iFlags, $INI_NOCREATE) __IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $iFlags, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) If @Error Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_2DARRAYFIELD) Then Return ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$_HINI[$hIniFile][10]] Local $_aSectionData = StringRegExp(($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$_HINI[$hIniFile][10]], '(?m)^((?>[\h\f\xb\x0]*)((?>"[^"\r\n]+"|(?:[^"\s' & $scKeyName & '\x0]+|(?>[\h\f\xb\x0]+)(?!' & $scKeyName & '))*))(?>[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*)(?|"([^\r\n]*)"|(.*?))[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?=[\r\n]|$))', 3) EndIf If @Error Then Return SetError(4, 0, "") Local $iaSectionData = UBound($_aSectionData), $aSectionData[$iaSectionData / 3 + 1][3] = [[0,$scKeyName,$iaSectionData - 1]] For $i = 0 To $aSectionData[0][2] Step 3 $aSectionData[0][0] += 1 $aSectionData[$aSectionData[0][0]][0] = $_aSectionData[$i + 1] $aSectionData[$aSectionData[0][0]][1] = $_aSectionData[$i + 2] $aSectionData[$aSectionData[0][0]][2] = $_aSectionData[$i] Next Return SetError(0, $aSectionData[0][0], $aSectionData) EndFunc ;==>_IniReadSectionEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniReadSectionNamesEx ; Description ...: The _IniReadSectionNamesEx Retrieves the names of all sections in an INI file ; Syntax.........: _IniReadSectionNamesEx($hIniFile[, $iFlags]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed ; |$INI_ARRAYDATA_NOCOUNT (8) - disable the return count in the first element ; |$NULL_REF (NULL) - $hIniFile must be contain INI String\Section\Key\Value\Data ; Return values .: Array of SectionNames String, and set @Extended = Number of Section's ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Array is invalid, Invalid IniHandle. ; |3 = Array is invalid, SectionName's not found ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniReadSectionNamesEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $iFlags = 0) If $iFlags = $NULL_REF Then Local $aSectionNames, $iANC = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_ARRAYDATA_NOCOUNT) $aSectionNames = StringRegExp(($iANC ? @LF : @LF & "[]" & @LF) & $hIniFile, "\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[([^\r\n]*)\]", 3) If @Error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $iANC Then Return SetError(0, UBound($aSectionNames), $aSectionNames) $aSectionNames[0] = UBound($aSectionNames) - 1 Return SetError(0, $aSectionNames[0], $aSectionNames) EndIf If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not $_HINI[$hIniFile][4] Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_ARRAYDATA_NOCOUNT) Then Return SetError(0, $_HINI[$hIniFile][4], StringRegExp($_HINI[$hIniFile][5], "\n([^\r\n]*)", 3)) Return SetError(0, $_HINI[$hIniFile][4], StringRegExp(@LF & $_HINI[$hIniFile][4] & $_HINI[$hIniFile][5], "\n([^\r\n]*)", 3)) EndFunc ;==>_IniReadSectionNamesEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniRenameSectionEx ; Description ...: The _IniRenameSectionEx rename the sections in an INI file ; Syntax.........: _IniRenameSectionEx($hIniFile[, $iFlags]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; |$INI_NOOCCURRENCE (512) - Rename only first section if there are more than one ; |$INI_MERGE (1024) - Join section if more than one in INI\INI file, This Flag will be ignored if the $INI_NOOCCURRENCE is set\used ; |$NULL_REF (NULL) - $hIniFile must be contain INI String\Section\Key\Value\Data ; Return values .: Returns a 0 (check @Extended for number of edit performed) ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid IniHandle. ; |3 = SectionName's not found ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniRenameSectionEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sNewSectionName, $iFlags = 0) ;;;;If Not $sSectionName Or Not $sNewSectionName Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ;Invalid Section Name If $iFlags = $NULL_REF Then $hIniFile = StringRegExpReplace($hIniFile, "(?mi)^[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[\K\Q" & StringReplace($sSectionName, "\E", "\e", 0, 1) & "\E(?=\])", StringReplace($sNewSectionName, "\", "\\", 0, 1), (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOCCURRENCE) ? 1 : 0)) Else If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If StringInStr($sSectionName, "\E", 1) Then $sSectionName = StringReplace($sSectionName, "\E", "\e", 0, 1) $iFlags = BitXOR(BitOR($iFlags, $INI_REMOVE_RENAME), $INI_REMOVE) If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE) = $INI_MERGE And Not __IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $iFlags, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) __IniWriteSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sNewSectionName, $iFlags, $INI_NULL_REF, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) EndIf Return SetError(@Error, @Extended, 0) EndFunc ;==>_IniRenameSectionEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniWriteEx ; Description ...: Write\Add\Replace\Delete\Change\Edit a KeyName\Value\Data in INI File ; Syntax.........: _IniWriteEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sKeyName, $sValue[, $iFlags[, $scKeyName]]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $sSectionName - The name of the section containing the Key\Value, This parameter can be NULL (use the $NULL_REF to set NULL this parameter) ; If $sSectionName is NULL, $hIniFile must be contain Section String\Key\Value\Data ; $sKeyName - The key name in the in the .ini file. ; $sKeyName - The value to write/change. ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; |$INI_STRIPLEADING (1) - strip leading white space Section, This Flag will be ignored if the $INI_OVERWRITEALL or $INI_APPENDDATA is set\used ; |$INI_STRIPTRAILING (2) - trailing white space Section, This Flag will be ignored if the $INI_OVERWRITEALL or $INI_APPENDDATA is set\used ; |$INI_NOOCCURRENCE (512) - Check only first section if there are more than one ; |$INI_NOCREATE (2048) - Not Create New Section If Section Not Exist ; |$INI_APPENDDATA (4096) - Add KeyName\Value\Data (Append Mod) ; |$INI_REPLACEONLY (8192) - Add KeyName\Value\Data Only if Exist ; |$INI_NOOVERWRITE (32768) - Add KeyName\Value\Data Only if Not Exist ; |$INI_OVERWRITEALL (65536) - Overwrite All data in Section (Replaces all KeyName\Value\Data in the Section) ; |$INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE (131072) - Proceed\Execute (Add\Delete\Replace\Edit ect ect) Once Only (Ignore all other Duplicate\Occurrences of KeyName\Value\Data) ; |$INI_DELETE (262144) - Delete\Remove KeyName\Value\Data ; $scKeyName - Optional, Key-Name separator character, Default is '=', This parameter can not be '"' or @CR or @LF ; Return values .: Returns a 0 (check @Extended for number of edit performed) ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid IniHandle. ; |3 = SectionName's not found ; |5 = Invalid KeyName ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Remarks .......: $INI_MERGE (1024) - (Join section if more than one in INI file) is always set\used by default, to disable it just use the $INI_NOOCCURRENCE ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniWriteEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sKeyName, $sValue, $iFlags = 0, $scKeyName = "=") ;;If Not $sKeyName Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") If Not $scKeyName Then $scKeyName = "=" If $sSectionName = $NULL_REF Then If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OVERWRITEALL_APPENDDATA) Then If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OVERWRITEALL) Then $hIniFile = "" $hIniFile &= $sKeyName & $scKeyName & $sValue & @CRLF Else Local $asKeyValue, $sKNPattern, $iOffSet = StringInStr($hIniFile, @LF, 1) $sKNPattern = '\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?i)(?>\Q"' & $sKeyName & '"\E|\Q' & $sKeyName & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*[^\n]*' If StringRegExp(StringLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet), '^(?i)[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?>\Q"' & $sKeyName & '"\E|\Q' & $sKeyName & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*[^\n]*') Then If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) Then $hIniFile = StringRegExpReplace($hIniFile, $sKNPattern, "") If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_DELETE) Then $hIniFile = StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet) ElseIf Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOVERWRITE) Then $hIniFile = $sKeyName & $scKeyName & $sValue & @CRLF & StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet) EndIf ElseIf BitAND($iFlags, $INI_DELETE) Then $hIniFile = StringRegExpReplace($hIniFile, $sKNPattern, "", (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) ? 1 : 0)) Else $asKeyValue = StringRegExp($hIniFile, $sKNPattern, 1) $iOffSet = @Extended - 1 If Not @Error Then If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOVERWRITE) Then If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) Then $hIniFile = StringLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet) & StringRegExpReplace(StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet), $sKNPattern, "") Else $hIniFile = StringLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet + 1 - StringLen($asKeyValue[0])) & $sKeyName & $scKeyName & $sValue & @CR & (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) ? StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet) : StringRegExpReplace(StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet), $sKNPattern, "")) EndIf ElseIf Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_REPLACEONLY) Then $hIniFile &= $sKeyName & $scKeyName & $sValue & @CRLF Else Return SetError(0, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf Return SetError(0, 1, 0) Else If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ;;;;If Not $sSectionName Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ;Invalid Section Name If StringInStr($sSectionName, "\E", 1) Then $sSectionName = StringReplace($sSectionName, "\E", "\e", 0, 1) Local $aKeyValue[2][3] = [[1],[$sKeyName,"",$sKeyName & $scKeyName & $sValue]] $iFlags = BitOR(BitXOR($iFlags, BitAND($iFlags, $INI_REMOVE_RENAME)), $INI_MERGE) If $_HINI[$hIniFile][7] <> $sSectionName Or ($_HINI[$hIniFile][8] > 1 And BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE) <> BitAND($_HINI[$hIniFile][9], $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE)) Then __IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $iFlags, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) If @Error Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf __IniWriteSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $aKeyValue, $iFlags, $scKeyName, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) EndIf Return SetError(@Error, @Extended, 0) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniWriteSectionEx ; Description ...: Add\Replace\Delete\Remove\Rename\Change\Edit a Section\KeyName\Value\Data in INI File. ; Syntax.........: _IniWriteSectionEx() ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $sSectionName - The name of the section containing the Key\Value\Data ; $aKeyValue - String\Text Data (example 'KeyName=Value 7 @LF & KeyName2=Value2') or an 2DArray is passed as data, the return Array of IniReadSectionEx() can be used immediately. ; If $aKeyValue is String\Text Data and $INI_OVERWRITEALL or $INI_APPENDDATA if Set\Used, $aKeyValue will be writte exactly as in $aKeyValue (without Edit\Formatting) ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; |$INI_STRIPLEADING (1) - strip leading white space Section, This Flag will be ignored if the $INI_OVERWRITEALL or $INI_APPENDDATA is set\used ; |$INI_STRIPTRAILING (2) - trailing white space Section, This Flag will be ignored if the $INI_OVERWRITEALL or $INI_APPENDDATA is set\used ; |$INI_NOOCCURRENCE (512) - Check only first section if there are more than one ; |$INI_NOCREATE (2048) - Not Create New Section If Section Not Exist ; |$INI_APPENDDATA (4096) - Add KeyName\Value\Data (Append Mod) ; |$INI_REPLACEONLY (8192) - Add KeyName\Value\Data Only if Exist ; |$INI_NOOVERWRITE (32768) - Add KeyName\Value\Data Only if Not Exist ; |$INI_OVERWRITEALL (65536) - Overwrite All data in Section (Replaces all KeyName\Value\Data in the Section) ; |$INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE (131072) - Proceed\Execute (Add\Delete\Replace\Edit ect ect) Once Only (Ignore all other Duplicate\Occurrences of KeyName\Value\Data) ; |$INI_DELETE (262144) - Delete\Remove KeyName\Value\Data ; |$INI_RENAME (524288) - Renames a section ; |$INI_REMOVE (1048576) - Remove\Delete Section ; $scKeyName - Optional, Key-Name separator character, Default is '=', This parameter can not be '"' or @CR or @LF ; Return values .: Returns a 0 (check @Extended for number of edit performed) ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid IniHandle. ; |3 = SectionName's not found ; |5 = Invalid KeyName ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Remarks .......: $INI_MERGE (1024) - (Join section if more than one in INI file) is always set\used by default, to disable it just use the $INI_NOOCCURRENCE ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniWriteSectionEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $sSectionName, $aKeyValue, $iFlags = 0, $scKeyName = "=") ;~ If $sSectionName = $NULL_REF Then ;~ If Not $scKeyName Then $scKeyName = "=" ;~ If IsArray($aKeyValue) Then ;~ Local $iCols = UBound($aKeyValue, 2) ;~ If UBound($aKeyValue, 0) <> 2 Or $iCols < 2 Then Return SetError(7, 0, "") ;~ If $iCols = 2 Then ;~ ReDim $aKeyValue[$aKeyValue[0][0] + 1][3] ;~ For $i = 1 To $aKeyValue[0][0] ;~ $aKeyValue[$i][2] = $aKeyValue[$i][0] & $scKeyName & $aKeyValue[$i][1] ;~ Next ;~ EndIf ;~ ElseIf Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OVERWRITEALL_APPENDDATA) Then ;~ $aKeyValue = _IniReadSectionEx($aKeyValue, Null, $INI_2DARRAYFIELD, $scKeyName) ;~ If @Error Then Return SetError(7, 0, "") ;~ EndIf ;~ If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OVERWRITEALL_APPENDDATA) Then ;~ If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OVERWRITEALL) Then $hIniFile = "" ;~ If IsArray($aKeyValue) Then ;~ For $i = 1 To $aKeyValue[0][0] ;~ $hIniFile &= $aKeyValue[$i][2] & @CRLF ;~ Next ;~ Else ;~ ;; KeyName\Value\Text Data will be writte exactly as in $aKeyValue (without Edit\Formatting ect ect) ;~ $hIniFile &= $aKeyValue & (StringRight($aKeyValue, 1) = @LF ? "" : @CRLF) ;~ EndIf ;~ Return SetError(0, 1, 0) ;~ Else ;~ Local $asKeyValue, $iKeyValue = 0, $sKNPattern, $iOffSet = StringInStr($hIniFile, @LF, 1) ;~ For $i = 1 To $aKeyValue[0][0] ;~ $sKNPattern = '\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?i)(?>\Q"' & $aKeyValue[$i][0] & '"\E|\Q' & $aKeyValue[$i][0] & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*[^\n]*' ;~ If StringRegExp(StringLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet), '^(?i)[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?>\Q"' & $aKeyValue[$i][0] & '"\E|\Q' & $aKeyValue[$i][0] & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*[^\n]*') Then ;~ If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) Then $hIniFile = StringRegExpReplace($hIniFile, $sKNPattern, "") ;~ If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_DELETE) Then ;~ $hIniFile = StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet) ;~ ElseIf Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOVERWRITE) Then ;~ $hIniFile = $aKeyValue[$i][2] & @CRLF & StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet) ;~ EndIf ;~ ElseIf BitAND($iFlags, $INI_DELETE) Then ;~ $hIniFile = StringRegExpReplace($hIniFile, $sKNPattern, "", (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) ? 1 : 0)) ;~ Else ;~ $asKeyValue = StringRegExp($hIniFile, $sKNPattern, 1) ;~ $iOffSet = @Extended - 1 ;~ If Not @Error Then ;~ If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOVERWRITE) Then ;~ If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) Then $hIniFile = StringLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet) & StringRegExpReplace(StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet), $sKNPattern, "") ;~ Else ;~ $hIniFile = StringLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet + 1 - StringLen($asKeyValue[0])) & $aKeyValue[$i][2] & @CR & (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) ? StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet) : StringRegExpReplace(StringTrimLeft($hIniFile, $iOffSet), $sKNPattern, "")) ;~ EndIf ;~ ElseIf Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_REPLACEONLY) Then ;~ $hIniFile &= $aKeyValue[$i][2] & @CRLF ;~ Else ;~ $iKeyValue -= 1 ;~ EndIf ;~ EndIf ;~ $iKeyValue += 1 ;~ Next ;~ Return SetError(0, $iKeyValue, 0) ;~ EndIf ;~ EndIf If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ;;;;If Not $sSectionName Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ;Invalid Section Name If StringInStr($sSectionName, "\E", 1) Then $sSectionName = StringReplace($sSectionName, "\E", "\e", 0, 1) If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_REMOVE) Then __IniWriteSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $INI_NULL_REF, $iFlags, $INI_NULL_REF, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) ElseIf BitAND($iFlags, $INI_RENAME) Then ;;;; $aKeyValue is New Section Name ;;If Not $aKeyValue Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE) = $INI_MERGE And Not __IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $iFlags, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) __IniWriteSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $aKeyValue, $iFlags, $INI_NULL_REF, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) Else If Not $scKeyName Then $scKeyName = "=" If IsArray($aKeyValue) Then Local $iCols = UBound($aKeyValue, 2) If UBound($aKeyValue, 0) <> 2 Or $iCols < 2 Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") If $iCols = 2 Then ReDim $aKeyValue[$aKeyValue[0][0] + 1][3] For $i = 1 To $aKeyValue[0][0] $aKeyValue[$i][2] = $aKeyValue[$i][0] & $scKeyName & $aKeyValue[$i][1] Next EndIf ElseIf Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OVERWRITEALL_APPENDDATA) Then $aKeyValue = _IniReadSectionEx($aKeyValue, Null, $INI_2DARRAYFIELD, $scKeyName) If @Error Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") EndIf $iFlags = BitOR($iFlags, $INI_MERGE) If $_HINI[$hIniFile][7] <> $sSectionName Or ($_HINI[$hIniFile][8] > 1 And BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE) <> BitAND($_HINI[$hIniFile][9], $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE)) Then __IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $iFlags, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) If @Error Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf __IniWriteSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $aKeyValue, $iFlags, $scKeyName, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) EndIf Return SetError(@Error, @Extended, 0) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniGetSectionNumberEx ; Description ...: The _IniGetSectionNumberEx Retrieves the number of all sections in an INI file ; Syntax.........: _IniGetSectionNumberEx(Byref $hIniFile) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; Return values .: Number of Section's ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid IniHandle. ; |3 = SectionName's not found ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniGetSectionNumberEx(ByRef $hIniFile) If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Local $aSectionNames = StringRegExp(@LF & $hIniFile, "\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[[^\r\n]*\K\]", 3) ;StringRegExp($hIniFile, "(?m)^[\h\f\xb\x0]*\[[^\r\n]*\]", 3) Return SetError(@Error, 0, UBound($aSectionNames)) EndIf Return SetError(($_HINI[$hIniFile][4] ? 0 : 3), 0, $_HINI[$hIniFile][4]) EndFunc ;==>_IniGetSectionNumberEx ; #FUNCTION# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniGetFileInformationEx ; Description ...: Returns information about an INI file ; Syntax.........: _IniGetFileInformationEx($hIniFile[, $iFlags]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle of INI file previously opened by _IniOpenFileEx, see _IniOpenFileEx() ; $iFlags - Optional ; |0 - Return INI Handle (Default) ; |1 - Return INI File Array Data (is array of arrays) ; |2 - Return INI File Path ; |3 - Return INI Encoding ; |4 - Return INI Section Number ; Return values .: See Flag parameter ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniGetFileInformationEx($hIniFile, $iFlags = 0) If Not $hIniFile Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $_HINI[0][1] < 0 Then $_HINI[0][1] = 0 Return SetError(1, 0, "") ElseIf IsString($hIniFile) Then ;;If StringIsDigit($hIniFile) And StringLeft($hIniFile, 1) <> "0" Then ;; $hIniFile = Number($hIniFile) ;;Else For $i = 1 To $_HINI[0][0] If $_HINI[$i][2] = $hIniFile Then ExitLoop Next $hIniFile = $i ;;EndIf EndIf If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; Or $hIniFile <> $_HINI[$hIniFile][0] If $iFlags < 1 Or $iFlags > 4 Then Return $hIniFile Return SetError(0, $hIniFile, $_HINI[$hIniFile][$iFlags]) EndFunc ;==>_IniGetFileInformationEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniGetFileStringData ; Description ...: The _IniGetFileStringData Retrieves all INI Lines\String\Text Data ; Syntax.........: _IniGetFileStringData(ByRef $hIniFile[, $iFlags]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; |$INI_STRIPLEADING (1) - strip leading white space Section ; |$INI_STRIPTRAILING (2) - strip trailing white space Section ; Return values .: String\Text Data ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid IniHandle. ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniGetFileStringData(ByRef $hIniFile, $iFlags = 0) If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ;;Local $sData, $iSL = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPLEADING), $iST = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPTRAILING) ;;$sData = ($iSL ? "" : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[3]) & ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[4] & ($iST ? "" : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[5]) ;;For $i = 6 To ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[0] Step 6 ;; $sData &= ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i] & ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 1] & ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 2] & ($iSL ? "" : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 3]) & ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 4] & ($iST ? "" : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 5]) ;;Next Local $sData = __IniGetFileStringData($hIniFile, $iFlags, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) Return SetError(0, $_HINI[$hIniFile][3], $sData) EndFunc ;==>_IniGetFileStringData ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniClearCache ; Description ...: Clear INI File Processing Functions Cache ; Syntax.........: _IniClearCache(ByRef $aIniFile) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is useful to Run after _IniRea*Ex Funcion's, only in the case when in the INI file are duplicated function ; and if the flag $INI_MERGE or $INI_NOOCCURRENCE is not set\used, because in this case the _IniReadEx\_IniReadSectionEx saves ; in cache the Function's\String\Data to be fast during the loop ect ect, so only in cases when you Get\Read Occurrence Function ; and the flag $INI_MERGE or $INI_NOOCCURRENCE is not set\used ; All other function as _IniDeleteEx or _IniWrite*Ex use by Default or Force the use of $INI_MERGE flag ; So in 99.9% of cases you do not Need\Have to run _IniClearCache(), because the INI File Processing Functions Work's only By Reference ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniClearCache(ByRef $hIniFile) If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $_HINI[$hIniFile][6] = "" __IniSaveCache($hIniFile, $_HINI[$hIniFile][6], $INI_NULL_REF, $_HINI[$hIniFile][6], $_HINI[$hIniFile][6], $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_IniClearCache ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _IniFileWrite ; Description ...: Write a Ini File ; Syntax.........: _IniFileWriteEx(ByRef $hIniFile[, $iFlags[, $sFilePath[, $iFileEncoding]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $iFlags - Optional, Flag to indicate the type of action that should be performed (add the flags together for multiple operations): ; |$INI_STRIPLEADING (1) - strip leading white space Section ; |$INI_STRIPTRAILING (2) - trailing white space Section ; |$INI_NOWRITEREADONLY (16) - Do not Write\Replace\Edit the ReadOnly file (Default Write\Replace\Edit the ReadOnly files) ; $sFilePath - Optional, use alternative FilePath, By Default always is used (Default) PathFile ; $iFileEncoding - Optional, use alternative FileEncoding, By Default always is used (Default) FileEncoding ; Return values .: Returns a 0 ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; |1 = Invalid IniHandle. ; |9 = Invalid FilePath ; |10 = A file may fail to open due to access rights or attributes. ; Remarks .......: ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _IniFileWriteEx(ByRef $hIniFile, $iFlags = 0, $sFilePath = Default, $iFileEncoding = Default) If $hIniFile < 1 Or $hIniFile > $_HINI[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $_HINI[$hIniFile][2] = "FileQueue" And Not $sFilePath Then Return SetError(9, 0, "") If $sFilePath = Default Then $sFilePath = $_HINI[$hIniFile][2] If $iFileEncoding = Default Then $iFileEncoding = $_HINI[$hIniFile][3] + 10 ;;Local $hFileOpen, $iSL = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPLEADING), $iST = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPTRAILING) ;;$hFileOpen = FileOpen($_HINI[$hIniFile][2], $_HINI[$hIniFile][3] + 10) ;; ;; Check if file opened for writing OK ;;If $hFileOpen = -1 Then ;; Return SetError(10, 0, 0) ;;EndIf ;;FileWrite($hFileOpen, ($iSL ? "" : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[3]) & ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[4] & ($iST ? "" : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[5])) ;;For $i = 6 To ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[0] Step 6 ;; FileWrite($hFileOpen, ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i] & ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 1] & ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 2] & ($iSL ? "" : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 3]) & ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 4] & ($iST ? "" : ($_HINI[$hIniFile][1])[$i + 5])) ;;Next ;;FileClose($hFileOpen) __IniFileWriteEx($hIniFile, $iFlags, $sFilePath, $iFileEncoding, $_HINI[$hIniFile][1]) Return SetError(@Error, @Extended, 0) EndFunc ;==>_IniFileWriteEx ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __IniReadSectionEx ; Description ...: Support Function for _IniReadSectionEx ; Syntax.........: __IniReadSectionEx(ByRef $aIniFile, ByRef $sSectionName, ByRef $iFlags) ; Parameters ....: See _IniReadSectionEx() ; Return values .: See _IniReadSectionEx() ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _IniReadSectionEx ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __IniReadSectionEx(ByRef $hIniFile, ByRef $sSectionName, ByRef $iFlags, ByRef $aIniFile) ;;;;If Not $sSectionName Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ;Invalid Section Name If StringInStr($sSectionName, "\E", 1) Then $sSectionName = StringReplace($sSectionName, "\E", "\e", 0, 1) Local $sSectionData, $aSectionName, $iSectionName = 1 $aSectionName = StringRegExp($_HINI[$hIniFile][5], "\n(?is)\Q" & $sSectionName & "\E\r([^\n]+)", 3) If @Error Then If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOCREATE_REMOVE_DELETE) Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") $aIniFile[0] += 6 Redim $aIniFile[$aIniFile[0] + 1] $aIniFile[$aIniFile[0] - 5] = "[" $aIniFile[$aIniFile[0] - 4] = $sSectionName $aIniFile[$aIniFile[0] - 3] = "]" & @CRLF $_HINI[$hIniFile][4] += 1 $_HINI[$hIniFile][5] &= @LF & $sSectionName & @CR & ($aIniFile[0] - 4) $_HINI[$hIniFile][6] = $aIniFile[0] - 1 Else $_HINI[$hIniFile][6] = $aSectionName[0] + 3 $iSectionName = UBound($aSectionName) ;;If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPLEADTRAILING) = $INI_STRIPLEADTRAILING Then ;; BitOR($INI_STRIPLEADING, $INI_STRIPTRAILING) ;; $sSectionData = $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 3] ;;ElseIf BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPLEADING) Then ;; $sSectionData = $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 3] & $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 4] ;;ElseIf BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPTRAILING) Then ;; $sSectionData = $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 2] & $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 3] ;;Else ;; $sSectionData = $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 2] & $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 3] & $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 4] ;;EndIf If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOCCURRENCE) And $iSectionName > 1 Then $sSectionData = $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 3] For $i = 1 To $iSectionName - 1 $sSectionData &= $aIniFile[$aSectionName[$i] + 3] If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE) Then For $y = $aSectionName[$i] - 1 To $aSectionName[$i] + 4 $aIniFile[$y] = "" Next $_HINI[$hIniFile][5] = StringRegExpReplace($_HINI[$hIniFile][5], '\n(?is)\Q' & $sSectionName & '\E\r' & $aSectionName[$i], "") EndIf Next If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE) Then $aIniFile[$aSectionName[0] + 3] = $sSectionData EndIf EndIf __IniSaveCache($hIniFile, $sSectionData, $sSectionName, $iFlags, $iSectionName, $aIniFile) Return $iSectionName ;SetError(Not $iSectionName, $iSectionName, $sSectionData) EndFunc ;==>__IniReadSectionEx ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __IniWriteSectionEx ; Description ...: Support Function for _IniWriteSectionEx ; Syntax.........: __IniWriteSectionEx(ByRef $hIniFile, ByRef $sSectionName, ByRef $aKeyValue, ByRef $iFlags, ByRef $scKeyName, ByRef $aIniFile) ; Parameters ....: See _IniWriteSectionEx() ; Return values .: See _IniWriteSectionEx() ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _IniWriteSectionEx ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __IniWriteSectionEx(ByRef $hIniFile, ByRef $sSectionName, ByRef $aKeyValue, ByRef $iFlags, ByRef $scKeyName, ByRef $aIniFile) If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_REMOVE) Then Local $iaSectionName, $aSectionName = StringRegExp($_HINI[$hIniFile][5], '\n(?is)\Q' & $sSectionName & '\E\r([^\n]+)', 3) If @Error Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) $iaSectionName = UBound($aSectionName) - 1 If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOCCURRENCE) Then $iaSectionName = 0 For $i = 0 To $iaSectionName For $y = $aSectionName[$i] - 1 To $aSectionName[$i] + 4 $aIniFile[$y] = "" Next Next $_HINI[$hIniFile][4] -= $iaSectionName + 1 $_HINI[$hIniFile][5] = StringRegExpReplace($_HINI[$hIniFile][5], '\n(?is)\Q' & $sSectionName & '\E\r[^\r\n]+', "", Int($iaSectionName = 0)) Return SetError(0, @Extended, 0) ElseIf BitAND($iFlags, $INI_RENAME) Then Local $iaSectionName, $aSectionName = StringRegExp($_HINI[$hIniFile][5], '\n(?is)\Q' & $sSectionName & '\E\r([^\n]+)', 3) If @Error Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) $iaSectionName = UBound($aSectionName) - 1 If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOCCURRENCE) Then $iaSectionName = 0 ;; $aKeyValue is New Section Name For $i = 0 To $iaSectionName $aIniFile[$aSectionName[$i]] = $aKeyValue Next $_HINI[$hIniFile][5] = StringRegExpReplace($_HINI[$hIniFile][5], '\n\K(?is)\Q' & $sSectionName & '\E(?=\r)', StringReplace(StringReplace($aKeyValue, "\", "\\", 0, 1), "\E", "\e", 0, 1), Int($iaSectionName = 0)) Return SetError(0, @Extended, 0) Else Local $iSN = $_HINI[$hIniFile][10] If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OVERWRITEALL_APPENDDATA) Then If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_OVERWRITEALL) Then $aIniFile[$iSN] = "" If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPLEADING) Then $aIniFile[$iSN - 1] = "" If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPTRAILING) Then $aIniFile[$iSN + 1] = "" If IsArray($aKeyValue) Then For $i = 1 To $aKeyValue[0][0] $aIniFile[$iSN] &= $aKeyValue[$i][2] & @CRLF Next Else ;; KeyName\Value\Text Data will be writte exactly as in $aKeyValue (without Edit\Formatting ect ect) $aIniFile[$iSN] &= $aKeyValue & (StringRight($aKeyValue, 1) = @LF ? "" : @CRLF) EndIf Return SetError(0, 1, 0) Else Local $asKeyValue, $iKeyValue = 0, $sKNPattern, $iOffSet = StringInStr($aIniFile[$iSN], @LF, 1) For $i = 1 To $aKeyValue[0][0] $sKNPattern = '\n[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?i)(?>\Q"' & $aKeyValue[$i][0] & '"\E|\Q' & $aKeyValue[$i][0] & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*[^\n]*' If StringRegExp(StringLeft($aIniFile[$iSN], $iOffSet), '^(?i)[\h\f\xb\x0]*(?>\Q"' & $aKeyValue[$i][0] & '"\E|\Q' & $aKeyValue[$i][0] & '\E)[\h\f\xb\x0]*' & $scKeyName & '[\h\f\xb\x0]*[^\n]*') Then If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) Then $aIniFile[$iSN] = StringRegExpReplace($aIniFile[$iSN], $sKNPattern, "") If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_DELETE) Then $aIniFile[$iSN] = StringTrimLeft($aIniFile[$iSN], $iOffSet) ElseIf Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOVERWRITE) Then $aIniFile[$iSN] = $aKeyValue[$i][2] & @CRLF & StringTrimLeft($aIniFile[$iSN], $iOffSet) EndIf ElseIf BitAND($iFlags, $INI_DELETE) Then $aIniFile[$iSN] = StringRegExpReplace($aIniFile[$iSN], $sKNPattern, "", (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) ? 1 : 0)) Else $asKeyValue = StringRegExp($aIniFile[$iSN], $sKNPattern, 1) $iOffSet = @Extended - 1 If Not @Error Then If BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOOVERWRITE) Then If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) Then $aIniFile[$iSN] = StringLeft($aIniFile[$iSN], $iOffSet) & StringRegExpReplace(StringTrimLeft($aIniFile[$iSN], $iOffSet), $sKNPattern, "") Else $aIniFile[$iSN] = StringLeft($aIniFile[$iSN], $iOffSet + 1 - StringLen($asKeyValue[0])) & $aKeyValue[$i][2] & @CR & (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE) ? StringTrimLeft($aIniFile[$iSN], $iOffSet) : StringRegExpReplace(StringTrimLeft($aIniFile[$iSN], $iOffSet), $sKNPattern, "")) EndIf ElseIf Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_REPLACEONLY) Then $aIniFile[$iSN] &= $aKeyValue[$i][2] & @CRLF Else $iKeyValue -= 1 EndIf EndIf $iKeyValue += 1 Next Return SetError(0, $iKeyValue, 0) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __IniFileWriteEx ; Description ...: Support Function for _IniFileWriteEx ; Syntax.........: __IniFileWriteEx(ByRef $hIniFile, ByRef $iFlags, ByRef $sFilePath, ByRef $iFileEncoding, ByRef $aIniFile) ; Parameters ....: See _IniFileWriteEx() ; Return values .: See _IniFileWriteEx() ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _IniFileWriteEx ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __IniFileWriteEx(ByRef $hIniFile, ByRef $iFlags, ByRef $sFilePath, ByRef $iFileEncoding, ByRef $aIniFile) Local $hFileOpen, $iSL = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPLEADING), $iST = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPTRAILING), $iReadOnly = 0 $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $iFileEncoding) ; Check if file opened for writing OK If $hFileOpen = -1 Then If Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_NOWRITEREADONLY) And StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sFilePath), "R") Then FileSetAttrib($sFilePath, "-R") $iReadOnly = 1 $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $iFileEncoding) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then Return SetError(10, 0, 0) Else Return SetError(10, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf FileWrite($hFileOpen, ($iSL ? "" : $aIniFile[3]) & $aIniFile[4] & ($iST ? "" : $aIniFile[5])) For $i = 6 To $aIniFile[0] Step 6 FileWrite($hFileOpen, $aIniFile[$i] & $aIniFile[$i + 1] & $aIniFile[$i + 2] & ($iSL ? "" : $aIniFile[$i + 3]) & $aIniFile[$i + 4] & ($iST ? "" : $aIniFile[$i + 5])) Next FileClose($hFileOpen) If $iReadOnly Then FileSetAttrib($sFilePath, "+R") Return 0 EndFunc ;==>__IniFileWriteEx ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __IniGetFileStringData ; Description ...: Support Function for _IniGetFileStringData ; Syntax.........: __IniGetFileStringData(ByRef $hIniFile, ByRef $iFlags, ByRef $aIniFile) ; Parameters ....: See _IniGetFileStringData() ; Return values .: See _IniGetFileStringData() ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _IniGetFileStringData ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __IniGetFileStringData(ByRef $hIniFile, ByRef $iFlags, ByRef $aIniFile) Local $sData, $iSL = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPLEADING), $iST = BitAND($iFlags, $INI_STRIPTRAILING) Local $sData = ($iSL ? "" : $aIniFile[3]) & $aIniFile[4] & ($iST ? "" : $aIniFile[5]) For $i = 6 To $aIniFile[0] Step 6 $sData &= $aIniFile[$i] & $aIniFile[$i + 1] & $aIniFile[$i + 2] & ($iSL ? "" : $aIniFile[$i + 3]) & $aIniFile[$i + 4] & ($iST ? "" : $aIniFile[$i + 5]) Next Return $sData EndFunc ;==>__IniGetFileStringData ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __IniSaveCache ; Description ...: Save in Cache last Read Section ; Syntax.........: __IniSaveCache(ByRef $hIniFile, ByRef $sSectionData, ByRef $sSectionName, ByRef $iFlags, ByRef $iSectionName, ByRef $aIniFile) ; Parameters ....: $hIniFile - Handle to the INI file to query "see _IniOpenFileEx()" ; $sSectionData - Section Strings text/data ; $sSectionName - Section Name ; $iFlags - Section Flags ; $iSectionName - Number of SectionName in INI File ; $aIniFile - Array of INI File ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is Internal Only ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __IniSaveCache(ByRef $hIniFile, ByRef $sSectionData, ByRef $sSectionName, ByRef $iFlags, ByRef $iSectionName, ByRef $aIniFile) $_HINI[$hIniFile][7] = $sSectionName $_HINI[$hIniFile][8] = (BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE) = $INI_MERGE) ? 1 : $iSectionName $_HINI[$hIniFile][9] = $iFlags If $iSectionName > 1 And Not BitAND($iFlags, $INI_MERGE_NOOCCURRENCE) Then $aIniFile[1] = $sSectionData $_HINI[$hIniFile][10] = 1 Else $aIniFile[1] = "" $_HINI[$hIniFile][10] = $_HINI[$hIniFile][6] EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>__IniSaveCache ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __GetSeparatorCharacter ; Description ...: Get Separator Character (non present character) ; Syntax.........: __GetSeparatorCharacter(ByRef $sData) ; Parameters ....: $sData - INI String\Text Data ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: DXRW4E ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: For Internal Use Only ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __GetSeparatorCharacter(ByRef $sData) If Not StringInStr($sData, ChrW(8232), 1) Then Return ChrW(8232) If Not StringInStr($sData, ChrW(8233), 1) Then Return ChrW(8233) For $i = 1 To 31 If $i > 8 And $i < 14 Then ContinueLoop If Not StringInStr($sData, Chr($i), 1) Then Return Chr($i) Next $sData = StringRegExpReplace($sData, '\r\n?', @LF) Return @CR EndFunc ;==>__GetSeparatorCharacter example #include <IniEx.au3> #include <Array.au3> Local $sData = @CRLF, $aData, $iData, $iTimerDiff, $hIniFile FileDelete(@DesktopDir & "\Test.ini") For $i = 1 To 10 $sData &= "[SectionName_" & $i & "]" & @CRLF For $y = 1 to 100000 $sData &= "KeyName" & $y & " = Value" & $y & @CRLF Next Next FileWrite(@DesktopDir & "\Test.ini", $sData) ;25 MB - 1.000.000 Line, Key-Value $sData = "" $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniOpenFileEx() $hIniFile = _IniOpenFileEx(@DesktopDir & "\Test.ini") If @Error Then ConsoleWrite("Error - " & @Error & @LF) Exit EndIf $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("_IniOpenFileEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniGetSectionNumberEx() $iData = _IniGetSectionNumberEx($hIniFile) If @Error Then ConsoleWrite("Error - " & @Error & @LF) Exit EndIf $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniGetSectionNumberEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) ConsoleWrite("SectionNumber - " & $iData & @LF & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniRenameSectionEx() _IniRenameSectionEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_10", "SectionName_111") If @Error Then ConsoleWrite("Error - " & @Error & @LF) Exit EndIf $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniRenameSectionEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniReadSectionNamesEx() $aData = _IniReadSectionNamesEx($hIniFile) If @Error Then ConsoleWrite("Error - " & @Error & @LF) Exit EndIf $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniReadSectionNamesEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF & @LF) _ArrayDisplay($aData) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniReadSectionEx() $sData = _IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8") $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniReadSectionEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF & @LF) ;;ConsoleWrite($sData & @LF & @LF) ;;MsgBox(0, "SectionName_8", $sData) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniReadSectionEx() $aData = _IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8", $INI_2DARRAYFIELD) ;$INI_NOOCCURRENCE + $INI_MERGE + $INI_2DARRAYFIELD $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniReadSectionEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF & @LF) _ArrayDisplay($aData, "IniReadSectionEx") $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniReadEx() $sData = _IniReadEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8", "KeyName99980") $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniReadEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff& @LF) ConsoleWrite($sData & @LF & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniReadEx() $aData = _IniReadEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8", "KeyName99988", "Default Return", $INI_ARRAYDATA) ;$INI_NOOCCURRENCE + $INI_MERGE + $INI_ARRAYDATA $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniReadEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) ConsoleWrite($aData[1] & @LF & @LF) _ArrayDisplay($aData, "IniReadEx") $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniDeleteEx() _IniDeleteEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8", "KeyName99988") ;$INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE + $INI_NOOCCURRENCE + $INI_REMOVE $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniDeleteEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniWriteSectionEx() _IniWriteSectionEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8", "KeyNameX = ValueX") ; $INI_NOOCCURRENCE + $INI_IGNOREDUPLICATE + $INI_MERGE + $INI_REMOVE + $INI_OVERWRITEALL + $INI_APPENDDATA $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniWriteSectionEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF & @LF) ConsoleWrite(_IniReadEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8", "KeyNameX") & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() For $i = 1 To 5 _IniWriteSectionEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8", "KeyNameX" & $i & " = ValueX" & $i) Next For $i = 6 To 10 _IniWriteEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8", "KeyNameX" & $i, "ValueX" & $i) Next $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniWrite*Ex TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) $iTimerDiff = TimerInit() ;;_IniReadEx() For $i = 1 To 10 ConsoleWrite(_IniReadEx($hIniFile, "SectionName_8", "KeyNameX" & $i) & @LF) Next $iTimerDiff = TimerDiff($iTimerDiff) ConsoleWrite("IniReadEx TimerDiff - " & $iTimerDiff & @LF) _IniCloseFileEx($hIniFile) Exit ;~ >Running:(\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Beta\autoit3.exe "C:\Users\DXRW4E\Desktop\New AutoIt v3 Script.au3" ;~ --> Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop ;~ _IniOpenFileEx TimerDiff - 2656.48548057389 ;~ IniGetSectionNumberEx TimerDiff - 0.0343594296492653 ;~ SectionNumber - 10 ;~ ;~ IniRenameSectionEx TimerDiff - 0.204971769976651 ;~ ;~ IniReadSectionNamesEx TimerDiff - 0.0584505240010489 ;~ ;~ IniReadSectionEx TimerDiff - 6.80316707055452 ;~ ;~ IniReadSectionEx TimerDiff - 1831.04639075913 ;~ ;~ IniReadEx TimerDiff - 24.1380917325683 ;~ Value99980 ;~ ;~ IniReadEx TimerDiff - 111.67841469541 ;~ Value99988 ;~ ;~ IniDeleteEx TimerDiff - 43.9488700091941 ;~ ;~ IniWriteSectionEx TimerDiff - 28.2560891228314 ;~ ;~ ValueX ;~ IniWrite*Ex TimerDiff - 261.353224415258 ;~ ValueX1 ;~ ValueX2 ;~ ValueX3 ;~ ValueX4 ;~ ValueX5 ;~ ValueX6 ;~ ValueX7 ;~ ValueX8 ;~ ValueX9 ;~ ValueX10 ;~ IniReadEx TimerDiff - 261.622965684803 ;~ +>00:07:21 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:0 ;~ >Exit code: 0 Time: 5.914 ; $INI_OPEN_FILEQUEUE (268435456) - Open INI file from Memory\Variable, $sFilePath must contain String Text Data of INI file $hIniFile = _IniOpenFileEx(@DesktopDir & "\Test.ini") ;ect ect ect ;or $hIniFile = _IniOpenFileEx($sData, $INI_OPEN_FILEQUEUE) ;ect ect ect ;Or direct mode, without load ini or using handles ; $sSectionName - The name of the section containing the Key\Value, This parameter can be NULL (use the $NULL_REF to set NULL this parameter) ; If $sSectionName is NULL, $hIniFile must be contain Section String\Key\Value\Data ;; _IniDeleteEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sKeyName) _IniDeleteEx($sData, $NULL_REF, $sKeyName) ;$NULL_REF = NULL ;; _IniReadEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sKeyName) _IniDeleteEx($sData, $NULL_REF, $sKeyName) ;$NULL_REF = NULL ;; _IniReadSectionEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sKeyName) _IniReadSectionEx($sData, $NULL_REF, $sKeyName) ;$NULL_REF = NULL ;; _IniWriteEx($hIniFile, $sSectionName, $sKeyName, $sValue) _IniWriteEx($sData, $NULL_REF, $sKeyName, $sValue) ;$NULL_REF = NULL ;;ect ect ect So for all other functions IniEx.au3
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