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Found 2 results

  1. Hello there, This is my first post after just joining this discussion, so please forgive me and provide kind assistance if I have posted to the wrong subsection. I am new here but a real enthusiast and loving this community so far. I have a background in teaching coding and in education and feel I could help with documentation, at least for starters. As a new member in this forum and wish to share and gain some knowledge. I am looking forward to create my own discussion to resolve my query and gain some knowledge though I have taken part in various discussion which is definitely helped me a lot. Also in what category should be taken depends on what factors? Thankyou in advance.
  2. I wanted to see if I could manage to use IAppVisibility (Win8) in one of my scripts. (it seems the name was changed in Release Preview but MSDN wasn't updated) It took some time but I learned to make tlb file and made definitions for GetAppVisibilityOnMonitor and IsLauncherVisible methods (working good as far as I can tell), but I would like Advise and Unadvise too if possible, but I don't know how... See definition on above link. Only example I found is some (too advanced for me to translate) c++ code. Here. But it compiles and runs fine at least. trancexx is doing a similar thing in maybe that can be used somehow? Anyone have a clue? Test script with the working funcs: #include <WinAPI.au3> ;=============================================================================== #interface "IAppVisibility" Global Const $sCLSID_AppVisibility = "{7E5FE3D9-985F-4908-91F9-EE19F9FD1514}" Global Const $sIID_IAppVisibility = "{2246EA2D-CAEA-4444-A3C4-6DE827E44313}" ; Definition Global Const $tagIAppVisibility = "GetAppVisibilityOnMonitor hresult(ptr;int*);" & _ "IsLauncherVisible hresult(int*);" & _ "Advise hresult(ptr;dword*);" & _ "Unadvise hresult(dword);" ;============================================================================== Local $oAppVisibility = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_AppVisibility, $sIID_IAppVisibility, $tagIAppVisibility) ;~ MsgBox(0, @ScriptName, IsObj($oAppVisibility)) ;~ ConsoleWrite(IsObj($oAppVisibility) & @CRLF) If Not IsObj($oAppVisibility) Then ConsoleWrite("NOT IsObj" & @LF) MsgBox(0, "", "NOT IsObj") Exit EndIf HotKeySet("ö", "_IsLauncherVisible") HotKeySet("å", "_GetAppVisibilityOnMonitor") $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "ErrFunc") ; Install a custom error handler $callback=DllCallbackRegister("_MonitorEnumProc","int","ptr;ptr;ptr;lparam") Global $Monitor DllCall("user32.dll","int","EnumDisplayMonitors","ptr",0,"ptr",0,"ptr",DllCallbackGetPtr($callback),"lparam",10) While 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd Func _IsLauncherVisible() Local $bVisible $iRet = $oAppVisibility.IsLauncherVisible($bVisible) ;~ If @error Then ;Enable this and disable AutoIt.Error if on Alpha ;~ MsgBox(0, @ScriptName, @error) ;~ EndIf ToolTip("1: " & $iRet & @CRLF & "2: " & $bVisible) EndFunc Func _GetAppVisibilityOnMonitor() Local $iMode $iRet = $oAppVisibility.GetAppVisibilityOnMonitor($Monitor, $iMode) ToolTip("1: " & $iRet & @CRLF & "2: " & $iMode) EndFunc ; This is a custom error handler Func ErrFunc() $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.number, 8) MsgBox(0, "", "We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & _ "Number is: " & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _ "WinDescription is: " & $oMyError.windescription) $iEventError = 1 ; Use to check when a COM Error occurs EndFunc ;==>ErrFunc Func _MonitorEnumProc($hMonitor, $hdcMonitor, $lprect, $lparam) MsgBox(0, "Monitor", "Monitor handle: " & $hMonitor & @CRLF & "LPARAM: " & $lparam) $Monitor = $hMonitor EndFunc Here's tlb stuff: ================================================================================== coclass AppVisibility; CLSID = {7E5FE3D9-985F-4908-91F9-EE19F9FD1514}; // Implemented interface: <Interface> IAppVisibility ================================================================================== Interface IAppVisibility; IID = {2246EA2D-CAEA-4444-A3C4-6DE827E44313}; // Inherits from: IUnknown {00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 1. STDCALL FUNC PUREVIRTUAL; HRESULT GetAppVisibilityOnMonitor( [in] hMonitor, [out] int* pMode ); 2. STDCALL FUNC PUREVIRTUAL; HRESULT IsLauncherVisible( [out] int* pfVisible ); 3. STDCALL FUNC PUREVIRTUAL; HRESULT Advise( [in] * pCallback, [out] dword* pdwCookie ); 4. STDCALL FUNC PUREVIRTUAL; HRESULT Unadvise( [in] dword dwCookie ); ================================================================================== enum MONITOR_APP_VISIBILITY; { MAV_UNKNOWN = 0, MAV_NO_APP_VISIBLE = 1, MAV_APP_VISIBLE = 2 }; ================================================================================== Interface IAppVisibilityEvents; IID = {6584CE6B-7D82-49C2-89C9-C6BC02BA8C38}; // Inherits from: IUnknown {00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 1. STDCALL FUNC PUREVIRTUAL; HRESULT AppVisibilityOnMonitorChanged( [in] hMonitor, [in] previousMode, [in] currentMode ); 2. STDCALL FUNC PUREVIRTUAL; HRESULT LauncherVisibilityChange( [in] int currentVisibleState ); ==================================================================================
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