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  1. Hi all, last night I was playing with >MIDI UDF by Ascend4nt, and thought about making a game to learn the notes on the fretboard of the guitar (in the final I did not the game) but I made a guitar tablature tester. (Maybe I I add the game later.) Functions. Play notes. Play notes. while MouseDown+MouseMove Play Tabs. Change Speed. Highlight Note. Note: The tab file are into the tabs folder (see the file format if you want add more tabs) It does not supports sound effects as (slide,bend,pull off) Only clean notes. Update Version 0.1.3 (02/03/2014) Latest version! Version 0.1.3 (02/03/2014) Changed: _PlayTab Funcion rewritten Added: Play/Stop while Tab is sounding Added: Change Timing while Tab is sounding Added: Number Fret marks Added: Some tabs Guitar Tab Tester 0.1.3.rar Update Version 0.1.2 (18/02/2014) Older version! Version 0.1.2 (18/02/2014) Fixed: Notes up 9 fret Doesn't Sound Fixed: Notes Highlighting Added: English Notation Added: Some tabs Changed: GUI Look Changed: Code Structure Guitar Tab Tester 0.1.2.rar Capture: Well I hope You understand it was a hard fight vs Google traslate. (sorry for my English) suggestions, criticism, comments, help are wellcome. Saludos
  2. Having had hardly any time to work any of my ongoing major projects in the last several months, this is the first code I've written in ages. It's really for my own personal use, but thought it might interest some guitarists (there is nothing fancy in the code). Please be careful. Instructions For Use If you are a beginner then this program may not be for you. Only focus on the three and four note linear patterns and get a teacher. Do not attempt to practise any of these exercises if you experience any discomfort or pain. This is an advanced (weekly) exercise program and not a guitar lesson. I am not responsible for any injuries caused by bad technique. The linear patterns and alternating shapes are relevant to all guitarists. The arpeggios are relevant to classical flamenco and finger-style guitarists. Only the first eight notes are given to each sequence. It is necessary that the sequences be repeated on every string and at every fret position. It is best to shift one fret or string at a time. The three note linear patterns are useful in that they present a challenge to the right hand. You must alternate index and middle finger rest strokes (or use alternating up and down pick strokes). First practice this without the left hand (it's tricky). The three note patterns will always neglect one left hand finger. This neglect is counter-balanced in the five note linear patterns. The same equal overall distribution is also applied to the right hand arpeggio fingerings. Before attempting any of the arpeggios in the program, first study four note arpeggios. Spend a few months practising the six standard patterns Pima, Pami, Pmia, Piam Pmai, Paim The arpeggios are to be repeated with a variety of bass note sequences (you can invent your own). It is best to keep the left hand as simple as possible when practising arpeggios. I use a diminished chord shape and slide up or down one fret after each full rendition. Run this program once every 7 to 10 days and spend 10 to 20 minutes per day repeating the generated exercises. #include <Array.au3> #include <String.au3> Dim $sGuitarProgram = _GuitarProgram() ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & $sGuitarProgram) Func _GuitarProgram() ; Three notes per string - linear patterns Local $aThreeSeq[2][4] = [ _ ["231","241","341","342"], _ ["312","412","413","423"]] ; Four notes per string - linear patterns Local $aFourSeq[9] = [ _ "1243","1324","1342", _ "1423","2413","2134", _ "2143","2314","3124"] ; Five notes per string - linear patterns Local $aFiveSeq[8][4] = [[7,4,4,7], _ ["14342","13243","12423","12413"], _ ["14243","13423","21324","13412"], _ ["24314","23143","21423","14312"], _ ["24134","23134","23124","14213"], _ ["24143", "", "","21314"], _ ["34124", "", "","21413"], _ ["34214", "", "","31214"]] ; Alternating Shapes - effective combinations Local $aAltShape[48] = [ _ "12342143","13423214","21341243","24314213", _ "12342413","13423124","21341423","24314123", _ "12343142","13424213","21431234","24131234", _ "12343412","13424123","21431324","24131324", _ "12432134","14323214","23141243","32412134", _ "12432314","14323124","23141423","32412314", _ "12434312","14324213","23413214","31421234", _ "12434132","14324123","23413124","31421324", _ "13242143","14232134","23414213","34121234", _ "13242413","14232314","23414123","34121324", _ "13243142","14234312","24313214","34212134", _ "13243412","14234132","24313124","34212314"] ; Five stroke arpeggios Local $aFiveArp[5][3] = [[4,2,4], _ ["Pimia","Pmiam","Piama"], _ ["Piaim","Pmaim","Pmaia"], _ ["Pmiai", "","Pamai"], _ ["Paimi", "","Paiam"]] ; Six stroke arpeggios Local $aSixArp[4][3] = [[3,2,3], _ ["Pmiama","Piamai","Pimiam"], _ ["Pmaiam","Paimia","Pmiaim"], _ ["Pamaim", "","Pmaimi"]] ; Seven stroke arpeggios Local $aSevenArp[6] = ["Pimiama","Piamaim","Pmiamai","Pmaimia","Pamaimi","Paimiam"] ; With each exercise program, no finger will be neglected. Local $aExercise[7] ; Random selection of exercises $iTemp = Random(0,3,1) $aExercise[0] = $aThreeSeq[Random(0, 1, 1)][$iTemp] $aExercise[1] = $aFourSeq[Random(0, 8, 1)] $aExercise[2] = $aFiveSeq[Random(1, $aFiveSeq[0][$iTemp], 1)][$iTemp] $aExercise[3] = $aAltShape[Random(0, 47, 1)] $iTemp = Random(0,2,1) $aExercise[4] = $aFiveArp[Random(1, $aFiveArp[0][$iTemp], 1)][$iTemp] $aExercise[5] = $aSixArp[Random(1, $aSixArp[0][$iTemp], 1)][$iTemp] $aExercise[6] = $aSevenArp[Random(0, 5, 1)] ; The selection of finger patterns are based on the most effective combinations For $i = 0 To 3 If Random(0,1,1) Then $aExercise[$i] = _StringReverse($aExercise[$i]) Next ; Tablature code Local $aFormat[7] = ["11122233","11112222","11111222","43214321","","",""] $aFormat[4] = "6" & StringRight($aExercise[4], 4) & "5" & StringMid($aExercise[4], 2, 2) $aFormat[5] = "6" & StringRight($aExercise[5], 5) & "5" & StringMid($aExercise[5], 2, 1) $aFormat[6] = "6" & StringRight($aExercise[6], 6) & "5" ; Associate RH fingering with strings For $i = 4 To 6 $aFormat[$i] = StringReplace($aFormat[$i], "i", "3") $aFormat[$i] = StringReplace($aFormat[$i], "m", "2") $aFormat[$i] = StringReplace($aFormat[$i], "a", "1") Next ; Only the first eight notes of each sequence are given For $i = 0 To 6 $aExercise[$i] = _StringModalSelect($aExercise[$i], 0, 8) Next ; Headings Local $aDescription[7] = _ [" Three Note Sequence", _ " Four Note Sequence", _ " Five Note Sequence", _ " Alternating Chord Shapes", _ " Five Stroke Arpeggio", _ " Six Stroke Arpeggio", _ " Seven Stroke Arpeggio"] Local $sRet = "" ; Return string For $i = 0 To 6 ; For each exercise $sRet &= $aDescription[$i] & @CRLF For $j = 1 To 6 ; For each string $sRet &= " " ; Add padding For $k = 1 To 8 ; For each format instruction If StringMid($aFormat[$i], $k, 1) = $j Then $sRet &= Chr(151) & Chr(151) & StringMid($aExercise[$i], $k, 1) ; Place fingering Else $sRet &= Chr(151) & Chr(151) & Chr(151) ; Leave empty EndIf Next $sRet &= Chr(151) & Chr(151) & @CRLF ; Next string Next $sRet &= @CRLF Next Return $sRet EndFunc Func _StringModalSelect($sString, $iShift = 0, $iChars = 1) ; Taken from Modal UDF If $sString = "" Or (Not IsString($sString)) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsInt($iShift) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") If (Not IsInt($iChars)) Or $iChars <= 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") ; Get the current position of the first character for the new string Local $iStringLen = StringLen($sString) $iShift = Mod($iShift, $iStringLen) If $iShift >= 0 Then $iStart = $iShift +1 Else $iStart = $iStringLen +$iShift +1 EndIf Local $iEnd = $iStart +$iChars -1 ; Get the projected end character position If $iEnd <= $iStringLen Then Return StringMid($sString, $iStart, $iChars) ; The return string is contained within the original string Else $sTemp = $sString For $i = 1 To Int($iEnd/$iStringLen) -1 $sTemp &= $sString ; repeat the modal string loop as required Next $sTemp = StringTrimLeft($sTemp, $iStart -1) ; remove surplus leading chars Return $sTemp & StringLeft($sString, Mod($iEnd, $iStringLen)) ; Add the final character sequence EndIf EndFunc ;==> _StringModalSelect
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