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  1. Hey guys! Im new when it comes to scripting and i follow some videos on how to make clicks and such. So i will say i know the basics alrady. However, im having a really big problem When i run the script is works fine with the clicks and all. But if i run it one or two more times it just moves to very inaccurate positions. YES, i have tried mulitple times to change positions and such but no luck. My script is working its just so inaccurate that im unable to use it. Are there any solution for this? I have also set the camera to a specific position. I have also tried other camera angles, no luck there either. Making more smoother macro movements does not seem to work aswell. I have also tried to have clicks away from the minimap, since i know some youtuber had problem with inaccuracy because of this. I came here because i was googling and did not see anyone else having this problem, or mentioning it. So if someone have a solution, i would be happy!! All i have seen are people trying to change the resolution. But it has nothing to do with that. I heard someone mention controlmouseclick. However are there any differences? I have also A window selection in my script so it changes to the window the macro will be running in. Resolution is not changing or anything. I have also tried other macros and same problem there. Also does anyone know or can teach me how pixel search works? I want the macro to be able to click at the correct character instead of waiting for the character to get in the position its searching for.
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