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  1. Hello, again ... Ive been working a lot on a script lately .. unfortunately I just.. cannot figure to get it to work ( im no coder.. ) I start a new thread , cause the old one isoutdated, the code, have changed a lot since its creation so far.. 1 - I need to search for every files with specific extensions on C:\ G:\ H:\ drive and get their filesize. ---- Solved Using UDF _DirGetSizeEx 2- Output everything to log --- Solved too 3- Proceed to copy IF for drive G: ( another function ) @username match file ownership --- Not yet figured out.. Tried that.. no succes so far... and im sure its pretty obvious why but once again, cant figure it out . . ( it is only a TEST' not the actual code.. ) 4- If ownership match, proceed to copy, to $storage, If upon copy FileExist, rename to $sFilename_1."extension of the file" --- having trouble here too ... heres the code.. Thank you ... btw. its really important for me, it for a Notes Migration of 1740 users... I dont want to do it by hand.. not, at all!
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