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  1. For those who are unfamiliar with the PubSub pattern, then perhaps look at this playlist I posted here today before proceeding. I admit it was a new one for me, but then there are so many patterns that it's hard to keep track of 'em. I basically took the PubSub sample from the video and made a few tweaks here and there. Before you could only pass an event name and single argument, which lets face it is not brilliant if you want to "publish" with multiple arguments. Passing a single object literal is a horrible workaround. With this version it uses the 'arguments' (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/arguments) array-like object to obtain the arguments passed and then splices the first element, as this is the event name which is not required to be passed to the callback. I have just noticed there is a huge red warning on that page about Google's V8 engine, but for now I will leave as is. Enjoy! (Test by running on JSBin.com if you want) // // PubSub pattern in JavaScript // By LearnCodeAcademy, URL: https://gist.github.com/learncodeacademy/777349747d8382bfb722 // // Additional info: // Tuts+, URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4cigUpzW2U&list=PL15G0RGjxzGdBqDPF4DDrlOt9YmjampzO&index=8 // Peter Higgins, URL: https://github.com/phiggins42/bloody-jquery-plugins/blob/master/pubsub.js // PubSubJS, handle/token concept, URL: https://github.com/mroderick/PubSubJS/blob/master/src/pubsub.js // PubSub, subscription array concept, URL: https://github.com/drublic/PubSub/ // PubSub Wikipedia, URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publish%E2%80%93subscribe_pattern // // Performance tests: // forEach-vs-for-loop: http://jsperf.com/array-foreach-vs-for-loop/5 // for-loop-vs-indexOf: http://jsperf.com/js-for-loop-vs-array-indexof/8 // shift-vs-splice: http://jsperf.com/shift-vs-splice // /** * PubSub module * * Modified: 2015/08/28 * @author softwarespot */ var PubSub = (function (Array, Object) { // Constants // Version number of the module var VERSION = '0.1.0'; // Array constant enumeration var HANDLE_ID = 0, HANDLE_SUBSCRIPTION = 1, HANDLE_CALLBACK = 2, HANDLE_MAX = 3; // Return strings of toString() found on the Object prototype var ObjectStrings = { FUNCTION: '[object Function]', STRING: '[object String]' }; // Fields // Hold event names with an array of callbacks for each one var _subscribers = {}; // Unique identifier. Leet speak for PubSub_Module var _handleId = '|>|_|85|_|8_|\\/|0|)|_|13'; // Generic handle for an error. This is an array so the reference can be used as a // way of verifying that it's an error var _handleError = [_handleId]; // Store the Object toString method var _objectToString = Object.prototype.toString; // Methods // Check if a value is a function. Based on the idea by lodash function isFunction(value) { return isObject(value) && _objectToString.call(value) === ObjectStrings.FUNCTION; } // Check if an opaque 'PubSub' handle is valid function isHandle(handle) { return Array.isArray(handle) && handle.length === HANDLE_MAX && handle[HANDLE_ID] === _handleId; } // Check if a value is an object. Based on the idea by lodash function isObject(value) { // Store the typeof var type = typeof value; // !!value is basically checking if value is not 'truthy' e.g. null or zero and then inverts that boolean value // So, !'Some test' is false and then inverting false is true. There if value contains 'something', continue return !!value && (type === 'object' || type === 'function'); } // Check if a value is a string datatype with a length greater than zero when whitespace is stripped. Based partially on the idea by lodash function isString(value) { return (typeof value === 'string' || _objectToString.call(value) === ObjectStrings.STRING) && value.trim().length > 0; } // Public API return { // Subscribe to a subscription with a callback function. It's best practice not to make this an anonymous function // as then you can't properly unsubscribe, since the callback function reference is required // Returns an opaque handle for use with unsubscribe(), though it's optional to use subscribe: function (subscriptions, callbacks) { // on() // Store whether the first param is a string var isStringTypes = isString(subscriptions) && isFunction(callbacks); // If a string and a function datatype, then create an array for each if (isStringTypes) { callbacks = [callbacks]; subscriptions = [subscriptions]; } // If either of the arguments are not an array or the lengths simply mismatch if (!Array.isArray(subscriptions) || !Array.isArray(callbacks) || subscriptions.length !== callbacks.length) { return _handleError; } // Variables used with inside the loop(s) var subscription = null; var functions = null; var callback = null; // Return array of handles i.e. [handle id, subscription, callback] var handles = []; // Iterate through all the subscriptions for (var i = 0, subscriptionsLength = subscriptions.length; i < subscriptionsLength; i++) { // Store the subscription subscription = subscriptions[i]; // If an array for the event name doesn't exist, then generate a new empty array // This cannot be done on the function datatype for obvious reasons _subscribers[subscription] = _subscribers[subscription] || []; // Retrieve the callbacks for the subscription functions = _subscribers[subscription]; // Store the callback callback = callbacks[i]; // The callback should be a function datatype if (!isFunction(callback)) { continue; } // Check if the callback hasn't already been registered for the event name if (functions.indexOf(callback) === -1) { // Push the callback function to the event name array functions.push(callback); // An opaque 'PubSub' handle handles.push([_handleId, subscription, callback]); } } // An error occurred as no opaque 'PubSub' handles were pushed to the handles array if (handles.length === 0) { return isStringTypes ? _handleError : [_handleError]; } // If a string was passed as the first parameter, then return a single handle instead of an array of handles return isStringTypes ? handles[0] : handles; }, // Unsubscribe from a subscription. A string and callback function reference are expected OR // the handle returned from subscribe() // Returns true or false unsubscribe: function (subscriptions, callbacks) { // off() // If the reference is equal to the handle error array, then an error occurred with subscribing if (subscriptions === _handleError) { return false; } // Set the following variable(s), if it's an opaque 'PubSub' handle returned from subscribe() if (isHandle(subscriptions)) { // Do not swap, otherwise it will cause an error with overwriting subscriptions // The value of callbacks will be ignored callbacks = [subscriptions[HANDLE_CALLBACK]]; subscriptions = [subscriptions[HANDLE_SUBSCRIPTION]]; // If a string and a function datatype, then create an array for each } else if (isString(subscriptions) && isFunction(callbacks)) { callbacks = [callbacks]; subscriptions = [subscriptions]; } // If either of the arguments are not an array or the lengths simply mismatch if (!Array.isArray(subscriptions) || !Array.isArray(callbacks) || subscriptions.length !== callbacks.length) { return false; } // Variables used with the loop(s) var functions = null; var index = 0; // Iterate through all the subscriptions for (var i = 0, subscriptionsLength = subscriptions.length; i < subscriptionsLength; i++) { // Retrieve the callbacks for the subscription functions = _subscribers[subscriptions[i]]; // The subscription hasn't been created or there are simply no callbacks assigned if (!functions) { continue; } // If a callback function reference exists for the subscription, // then remove from the array using the index value index = functions.indexOf(callbacks[i]); if (index !== -1) { // Only remove one value functions.splice(index, 1); } } return true; }, // Publish a subscription to all subscribers with an unlimited number of arguments. The subscription is the last argument i.e. arguments[arguments.length] // Returns number of subscriptions published publish: function (subscriptions) { // emit() // Set the following variable(s), if it's an opaque 'PubSub' handle returned from subscribe() if (isHandle(subscriptions)) { // Convert to an array datatype subscriptions = [subscriptions[HANDLE_SUBSCRIPTION]]; // If a string has been passed, then convert to an array datatype } else if (isString(subscriptions)) { subscriptions = [subscriptions]; } // Store the number of subscriptions published var published = 0; // If not an array, then the subscription was either not a valid array, handle or string if (!Array.isArray(subscriptions)) { return published; } var i = 0; var length = 0; // Construct new arguments to pass to the callback function // Convert the array-like object to an array // URL: https://shifteleven.com/articles/2007/06/28/array-like-objects-in-javascript/ // var callbackParams = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // Remove the first element from the arguments array-like object, as this contains // the subscription name that is not required // callbackParams.shift(); // Quicker than .splice() // According to MDN, this is a safer approach to constructing a new array. It starts from 1 to // skip the first parameter which is the subscription name // URL: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/arguments var callbackParams = []; for (i = 1, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) { callbackParams.push(arguments[i]); } // Push the subscription to the end of the arguments array as a comma separated string, // just in case it's required callbackParams.push(subscriptions.join(',')); // Variables used with the loop(s) var functionsLength = 0; var functions = null; var j = 0; // Iterate through all the subscriptions for (i = 0, length = subscriptions.length; i < length; i++) { // Retrieve the callbacks for the subscription functions = _subscribers[subscriptions[i]]; // The subscription hasn't been created or there are simply no callbacks assigned if (!functions) { continue; } // For each callback function, call the function with the callback arguments // by using apply() and passing the (new) array of arguments for (j = 0, functionsLength = functions.length; j < functionsLength; j++) { functions[j].apply(this, callbackParams); // Increase the number of publish subscriptions published++; } } return published; }, // Clear the internal subscribers store clear: function () { _subscribers = {}; }, // Get the version number of the module getVersion: function () { return VERSION; } }; })(Array, Object); // Demo // A simple demo of how to use the following PubSub module // DO NOT USE ANONYMOUS FUNCTIONS AS YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO UNSUBSCRIBE LATER ON function fireFirst() { console.log('fireFirst: %o', arguments); } function fireSecond(arg1, arg2) { console.log('fireSecond: %o', arguments); // console.log('Arguments: %s, %s', arg1, arg2); } console.log('!!! START PubSub DEMO'); // Subscribe to an event and bind a callback for each by passing a function reference var handle = PubSub.subscribe('search/twitter', fireFirst); // Display the handle returned by the subscription console.log('Handle: %o', handle); PubSub.subscribe('search/twitter', fireSecond); // Publish the event PubSub.publish('search/twitter', 'Example arg1', 'Example arg2'); // Look in the browser's console // Destroy the event only for the second function by passing the event name and the function reference i.e. fireSecond (no parentheses) PubSub.unsubscribe('search/twitter', fireSecond); // Publish the event // Notice how there is only one console.log() displayed, which is for the fireFirst() function console.log('This should NOT show for the fireSecond function'); PubSub.publish('search/twitter', 'Example arg1', 'Example arg2'); // Destroy the event for the fist function by passing the handle PubSub.unsubscribe(handle); // Publish the event // Notice no event fired console.log('This should NOT show for any events, as all were unsubscribed previously'); PubSub.publish('search/twitter', 'Example arg1', 'Example arg2'); // Test subscribing to multiple subscriptions and unsubscribing console.log('Testing multiple subscriptions:'); PubSub.subscribe(['search/github', 'search/js'], [fireFirst, fireSecond]); console.log('Events should display below:'); PubSub.publish(['search/github', 'search/js']); PubSub.unsubscribe(['search/github', 'search/js'], [fireFirst, fireSecond]); console.log('Events should NOT display below:'); PubSub.publish(['search/github', 'search/js']); console.log('!!! END PubSub DEMO');
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