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searching a txt file

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Hey all, I know this has been answered before on previous posts but it is still not clear to me how to exactly search a txt file for a specific word.

My goal is to search a txt file that would contain something like the following

Num_Games=2272&gamename1=007: Nightfire&gamehighs1=Highly detailed visuals and set designs; a few creative sequences; the Bond theme song.&gamelows1=Highly detailed visuals and set designs; a few creative sequences; the Bond theme song.&bottomline1=Nightfire promises intoxicating goodness, but Bond slips you a mickey.&gameissue1=February 2003, p. 60&gameurl1=http://www.pcgamer.com&gamepub1=EA&gamerating1=57&gamecategory1=First-Person Shooter&gamename2=101: The 101st Airborne in Normandy&gamehighs2=Loads of atmosphere; plenty of bang-bang; dedicated authenticity.&gamelows2=Steep learning curve; slow soldiers' movements.&bottomline2=It's a sleeper, it's a keeper -- and it's the only game in town for anyone interested in paratroop operations.&gameissue2=April '99, p. 123&gameurl2=http://www.pcgamer.com&gamepub2=Empire Interactive&gamerating2=80&gamecategory2=Wargame&gamename3=10SIX&gamehighs3=Comfortable game pace; friendly community; fresh, well-rounded game design.&gamelows3=A better manual and a more streamlined user interface could help the rookies.&bottomline3=RTS fans now have their own persisent, massively multiplayer game to enjoy.&gameissue3=July '00, p.106 &gameurl3=http://www.pcgamer.com&gamepub3=SegaSoft&gamerating3=68&gamecategory3=Strategy&gamename4=11th Hour, The&gamehighs4=Looks and sounds great (with the proper hardware).&gamelows4=Puzzles still seem unrelated to the game's story; limited innovations are not worth the performance penalty.&bottomline4=A good puzzle game; lots of patience and a nitro-fuel burning PC recommended.&gameissue4=April '96, p. 141&gameurl4=http://www.pcgamer.com&gamepub4=Virgin&gamerating4=76&gamecategory4=Puzzle&gamename5=12 O'Clock High&gamehighs5=The big campaigns pack in awesome detail.&gamelows5=Manual omits data; "awesome detail" turns into "numbing repitition."&bottomline5=It's definitely a hardcore wargame, but its depth is not likely to be surpassed in our lifetimes.&gameissue5=February '00, p. 115&gameurl5=http://www.pcgamer.com&gamepub5=Talonsoft&gamerating5=78&gamecategory5=Strategy&gamename6=1503 A.D.: The New World&gamehighs6=Draws great fun out of economic and civil management; sharp AI; improved visuals.&gamelows6=Minor bugs and graphical glitches; mission goals can trip you up in the campaign.&bottomline6=Definitely an RTS for cerebral types, but it's a welcome change from tank rushes.&gameissue6=May 2003, p. 76&gameurl6=http://www.pcgamer.com&gamepub6=EA&gamerating6=81&gamecategory6=Real-Time Strategy

In here want to be able to locate text like gamename, get the following number and repeat. So the result should be for the text gamename - 123456. Then skip 1 char, the =, and read the text until you reach a &. So for the first one it would read 007: Nightfire.

My end goal would be to pick out the information I want, write it to another file, and then just use M$ Excel to sort my data.

I already know how to write to another text file and I already know how I can code it to sort it the way I need it. I just need to know how to search the text for key words I need that will tip me off to the next set of important information.

sorry if this is a stupid question :)

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$filename = "Insert File Name Here"
$source = FileRead($filename,FileGetSize($filename))
$Count = 0
$WhatYouWantToSearchFor = "hello"

While 1
   If stringInStr($source,$WhatYouWantToSearchFor,0,$count+1) Then
      $count = $count + 1

Msgbox(0,"Count","hello was found in the file " & $count & " times.")

Small example. $Count is how many times it was find. I'm sure you can figure out what everything else does :).

Edited by Burrup


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Thats great, thank you.

I need help on one more thing

$filename = "database.txt"
$filename2 = "data.txt"
$source = FileRead($filename,FileGetSize($filename))
$Count = 0
$found = FileRead($filename, 1)
$WhatYouWantToSearchFor = "gamerating"

While 1
   If stringInStr($source,$WhatYouWantToSearchFor,0,$count+1) Then
      $count = $count + 1
      FileWrite($filename2, $found)

Msgbox(0,"Count", $WhatYouWantToSearchFor & " was found in the file " & $count & " times.")

After it finds the $WhatYouWantToSearchFor I want it to write to filename 2 what it found. Where I wrote FileRead($filename, 1) is obviously where I made a mistake. How could I set it to read 1 char after the $WhatYouWantToSearchFor is found.

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Well as far as I can tell from your string you want to search, the first character after "gamerating" is just the occurance of it. I mean, in your above string, it is found 6 times. The first character after the first "gamerating" is 1. The first character after the second "gamerating" is 2, and so on and so fourth. So the 6 times it found "gamerating", they would look like.


So I don't really seeing the point of searching for what it is if you already know. But if not I'm making and example now :).


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Well as far as I can tell from your string you want to search, the first character after "gamerating" is just the occurance of it. I mean, in your above string, it is found 6 times. The first character after the first "gamerating" is 1. The first character after the second "gamerating" is 2, and so on and so fourth. So the 6 times it found "gamerating", they would look like.


So I don't really seeing the point of searching for what it is if you already know. But if not I'm making and example now :).


Yeah, it is just the occurance of it for that example I posted. This is not what I will be doing after I understand how to do this part. This example was just to help me to understand how I would go about doing it.
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K, Run the below. It tell you how many times it was found, what was found, and then saves it to the file "data.txt".

#include <Array.au3>

Dim $Count
$Destination = "data.txt"
$Open = FileOpen($Destination, 1)
$Source = "test.txt"
$Read_Source = FileRead($Source,FileGetSize($Source))
$WhatYouWantToSearchFor = "gamerating"
$Len = StringLen($WhatYouWantToSearchFor) 

While 1
   If StringInStr($Read_Source,$WhatYouWantToSearchFor,0,$Count + 1) Then
      $Place = StringInStr($Read_Source,$WhatYouWantToSearchFor,0,$Count + 1)
      $String = StringMid ($Read_Source, $Place + $Len, 1)
      If $Count = 0 Then
         $Entries = _ArrayCreate ($WhatYouWantToSearchFor & $String)
         _ArrayAdd ($Entries,$WhatYouWantToSearchFor & $String)
      FileWrite($Open, $Entries[$Count] & @CRLF)
      $Count = $Count + 1


Msgbox(0,"Count", $WhatYouWantToSearchFor & " was found in the file " & $Count & " times.")
_ArrayDisplay ($Entries,"What was found.")
Edited by Burrup


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Ahhh, Thank you sooo much, thats exactly what I needed. The data I used for example was part of a 1 meg text file with over 2400 entries. I now see what I need to do for all of my future "data mining" projects. Thank you! :)

Edited by Munden
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