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How to make autoit play an audio alert on my pc?


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beep is the command you are looking for. It is in the help file.


Found the code in the help file but it's a little complex for me and for what I want it to do. I just want it to make a constant beep that sounds a bit like an alarm if certain conditions are met. Can anyone break it down into a simpler form?

For instance, it checks to see what colours are found at a certain pixel, if colour X is found, play this bit of code (the alarm part, just can't figure out how to add it in a simple form)

Like, check coordinates X Y, if ABC

(sound high pitch alarm without ever stopping) - This is the part I don't know how to add, in the brackets, just a simple constant beep, I don't need it complex.

Edited by Popeye1
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Found the code in the help file but it's a little complex for me and for what I want it to do. I just want it to make a constant beep that sounds a bit like an alarm if certain conditions are met. Can anyone break it down into a simpler form?

For instance, it checks to see what colours are found at a certain pixel, if colour X is found, play this bit of code (the alarm part, just can't figure out how to add it in a simple form)

Like, check coordinates X Y, if ABC

(sound high pitch alarm without ever stopping) - This is the part I don't know how to add, in the brackets, just a simple constant beep, I don't need it complex.

This is basic. If you can't grasp how to do this, then take AutoIt 1 2 3. The link is in my signature. Trust me when I tell you this - Take the AutoIt course, then try to do what you have in mind. It will be cake after you take the course. Yes, it is that easy.
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This is basic. If you can't grasp how to do this, then take AutoIt 1 2 3. The link is in my signature. Trust me when I tell you this - Take the AutoIt course, then try to do what you have in mind. It will be cake after you take the course. Yes, it is that easy.

While 1 ;start master loop

Local $iFreq = 2500

_WinAPI_Beep($iFreq, 120)

WEnd ; end master loop

So far i've got that, it works, but I want to set it to only sound for 60 seconds, how can I set that?

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Well the help file says

_WinAPI_Beep($iFreq = 500, $iDuration = 1000)

so try _WinAPI_Beep($iFreq, 60 * 1000) (that's because the duration is in milliseconds)

plus, you have to place the command outside that While ... Wend loop, or it'll still go on forever

PS A bit ironical that you chose _WinAPI_Beep and not Beep, considering it was you that

complained about complication ...

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