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WAN/ Router IP

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Here's a script scrap that returns the router wan ip by going to a website that returns it in a one line web page. My apologies if this has been done before.


#include <File.au3>

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Dim $temp, $wanip , $result1, $file

inetget ("http://checkip.dyndns.org", "c:\waniptemp.txt" , 1,0)

$file= FileOpen("c:\waniptemp.txt",0)

$temp = FileRead( $file,120 )


filedelete ("C:\waniptemp.txt")

$result = stringinstr( $temp, "Address:")

$result1 =StringInStr($temp, "</body>")

; above lines find text before and after the IP address in the resultant web page & file

$wanip = stringmid( $temp, $result+8, $result1-($result+8))

msgbox(0,"Wan IP Address", $wanip)


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Here's a script scrap that returns the router wan ip by going to a website that returns it in a one line web page. My apologies if this has been done before.


#include <File.au3>

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Dim $temp, $wanip , $result1, $file

inetget ("http://checkip.dyndns.org", "c:\waniptemp.txt" , 1,0)

$file= FileOpen("c:\waniptemp.txt",0)

$temp = FileRead( $file,120 )


filedelete ("C:\waniptemp.txt")

$result = stringinstr(  $temp, "Address:")

$result1 =StringInStr($temp, "</body>")

; above lines find text before and after the IP address in the resultant web page & file

$wanip = stringmid( $temp, $result+8, $result1-($result+8))

msgbox(0,"Wan IP Address", $wanip)



It has been done before but it is always good to see different code to achieve the same result. It give people ideas on how to do things differently.. :(

Cheers .. :(

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