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Zip dll


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Here's a dll that doesn't need a callback and can be used as an object (com).

I converted the examples from the website to autoit. Zbit dll

I extracted the files to a seperate folder within autoit and regeistered the components. Take a look.

;Converted from .asp example    
; http://www.zbitinc.com/product.aspx?p=2
;Sample program using zbit.dll for zip and unzip support in Autoit3
;Requires Beta
;Download and extrat the zip. Execute the bat th register the dll and tlb.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

GUICreate("Zbit zip dll test") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered

$zip = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Zip",  10, 30, 50)
$unzip = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "UnZip",10,-1, 50)

GUISetState ()    ; will display an  dialog box with 2 button

; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed
While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    if $msg =$zip then Zip()
    if $msg =$unzip then unzip()
    If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop


;Sample use of Zipfile function:
Func Zip()
Dim $sInFiles,$sZipPath,$ret
$Arch = ObjCreate("Pnvzip.ZipFunctions")
$Arch = ""
ConsoleWrite ("response=" & $ret) 

;Sample use of UnzipFile function:
Func Unzip()
Dim $complPath,$unzippedPath,$ret
$Arch = ObjCreate("Pnvzip.ZipFunctions")
$Arch = ""
ConsoleWrite("response=" & $ret)

The only bad things is you have to give them an email, so I gave them my spam account. :dance::whistle:


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I sometimes like spam, usually with eggs and oj. :whistle:

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